Chapter 2 - Damn Paparazzi

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It was the next day, Kendall woke up finding her lying on Harry while he was still fast asleep. 

"Oh no" she thought to herself,

What has she done? What is her family going to think? OMG, The Paparazzi! She silently gets up off the bed, grabs her bag and runs out the back door to avoid the paparazzi out front. She rings up an Uber and heads home before her parents wake up to see her trying to sneak in. 

The Uber arrives at the Jenner house.. 

"Thank you for choosing Uber, wait aren't you Kendall Jenner?" said the Uber Driver 

"Haha sure am, thanks for the drive!" Kendall says

"What happened with Harry Styles last night!?" the Uber Driver said

Kendall doesn't respond and closes the car door. When she gets out of the car all she can see is a bunch of paparazzi crowding around her, the Uber Driver quickly gets out of the car and helps Kendall get inside. Kendall opens the door and there is already a little someone sitting on the bottom stair.

"Kendall! Where have you been! I have been worried sick!" loudly whispered Kylie

"Long story, I will explain later!" 

Kendall runs up to her room and quickly checks her computer. 


'Kendall Jenner, or should I say Kendall Styles?' 

'Kendall and Harry found sneaking off together late at night' 

"Oh my gosh" she says quietly to herself

Her phone just went off, she checked to see that she has gotten a text from Harry.

"Not even a thank you.."  the text reads

Kendall is in awe and doesn't know what to say, she puts her phone away and lies on her bed letting out a huge sulk, and then all of a sudden Kendall heres a loud person yelling from downstairs, 

"Kendall Jenner! Get down here immediately young lady!!"  

Oh No, Mum...

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