Chapter 7 - A Call from Kim

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It was the next morning from the frightening but cute night Kendall and Harry had shared down at the lake. Kendall was still a bit starstruck from it all but wanted to just forget about it and not let it effect her time here at the tour. Kendall woke up and was the only one in her bus. Lexie already was awake and away getting breakfast. Kendall looked at her phone and saw that the time was 8:30. She woke up a bit late but got dressed and headed down to the breakfast venue where everyone was. She was mostly excited too see Harry and to share a laugh about the adventure they had last night. When she made it to the cafeteria, she could see that Harry and Lexie were both sitting down together and seems to be having a funny conversation together. She was a bit surprised as she thought they weren't close friends. She got herself a selection of foods on her plate and went over to Harry and Lexie's table. 

"Hey guys!" Kendall greeted

Harry and Lexie got a bit of a fright and did not expect Kendall to be there at that minute. They stopped talking with their conversation immediately.

"Oh, Kendall hey!" Harry replied

All of a sudden, everything just got very awkward between them 3 like there was something up. Kendall could recognise it but didn't want to say anything as she could start start something which is uanessacry. Kendall looked over to Lexie and Lexie was already staring at her and not giving her the best look, you could say the 'evils'. Kendall did not feel comfortable but was trying to hide the fact that she was. All of a sudden, Kendall's phone went off and thank god that it did at the time cause she was dreading sitting there in silence. Kendall tried to find a private place to talk and found one out the back of the cafeteria. 

It was Kim. 

Kendall hesitated to press the answer button but knew that she had to talk to her sister. 

"Hey Kim, how you doing.." Kendall said

"Kendall! Where are you! We have been worried sick.." Kim replied 

"Uhh, um.." Kendall stuttered

"Im on tour with the One Direction boys. I needed to get away from everything but please don't tell mum. Just say I'm staying at a friends for the week, please Kim." 

"Well, Okay. But I'm not going to be putting up this lie for a long time. You come home soon and I will be checking up on you every day, okay?" Kim said

"Yup! Yup. Okay, gotta go now, bye! Love you so much!" Kendall ended the conversation off.

Kendall walked back to the cafeteria and saw that Harry and Lexie were no longer at the table. 

'Uh.. What?' she thought to herself... 

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