Chapter 6 - At the Lake

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It was the first night on the One Direction tour.. Kendall and Lexie were in the same room together and both of them were heavily asleep. All of a sudden there is a knock on the window of the bus, right where Kendall's bunk/bed was. Kendall woke up scared not knowing who it was. She looked over to see if Lexie was awake but she was snoring away. Kendall opened up her curtain slowly and saw that it was Harry standing outside with his robe on, long pyjama pants and cozy slippers. Kendall was very confused and didn't want to wake up Lexie so she quietly tip toed out of the bus and met Harry outside.

"What are you doing!?" Kendall whispered

"I couldn't sleep, I needed to talk to someone and that someone I thought could be you? Wanna go out to the lake and talk for a bit?" Harry asked


"Cmon! It will be fun!" Harry interrupted

"Ok, not long though." Kendall said

On the way walking to the lake, they were having a conversation about how the Tour will go and how much fun they will have. At one moment, Harry made a bit of a delicate move on Kendall and held her hand. 

Kendall was a bit surprised about what Harry did, she defiantly did not see it coming, but she liked it. She felt nervous all of a sudden and had butterflies in her stomach..

They made it to the lake and sat down..

"So.. Its nice out here.. Sorry to disturb you, I just wanted to see you," Harry flirted

Kendall smiled and giggled a bit

Harry said "Whats funny?" 

"Haha nothing, this is just so lovely of you.." Kendall also flirted

"Well.. what can I say? Harry joked and joined Kendall in laughing

Interrupted in the middle of their conversation they could hear movement in the bushes. Kendall instantly freaked out and held on to Harry tightly. 

"Whats that????" Kendall said anxiously 

"Um, I don't know. Don't worry about it." Harry replied trying to calm Kendall down 

After that, they could still hear noises and saw a person running through the bushes, they could not exactly see who it was. 

"Oh my gosh, we have to go." 

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