Chapter 5 - Tour Bus 4

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They finally got to the venue where all the tour buses were parked. 

Kendall and Harry go off to a private chat in Harrys tour bus. 

"So, your in Tour Bus 2 with Lexie.." Harry explained carefully

'Great' Kendall thought to herself.. I'm rooming with the girl who is absolutely stunning compared to me and seems like she hates my guts! 

"Ok, can't wait!" Kendall lied with excitement 

"If you need anything, make sure you come ask me! Ill be in Tour Bus 4, rooming with Liam, and if u need a good night cuddle, I'm always here haha.." Harry flirtatiously said and added a wink onto the end of his sentence. 

Did Harry just make a move on Kendall? Could Harry be falling for Kendall? Is the only reason why Harry wanting Kendall to come on this tour because he likes her? 

Kendall smiled and waved goodbye and headed to her tour bus.. On her walk back, Kendall's mind was about to blow up with the amount of thoughts popping up in her head. 

Was Kendall also falling for Harry?

Kendall reached her tour bus and threw all of her bags on her queen sized bed. Lexie was no where to be found so finally Kendall could have some time to herself.. All what was going through her mind was Harry.. Does she have feelings for him? 

There was a knock on the door. It was Lexie. 

"Hey Lexie!" greeted Kendall 

"Hey Kendall, guess your stuck with me!" 

Although Kendall was completely jealous of Lexie's looks, Kendall actually noticed Lexie wasn't that bad and she was actually a sweet girl. 

"Haha! Whats it like being the manager for the 1D boys?" Kendall said, trying to start a conversation

"They're a handful! Espicially Harry!" 

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