Chapter 8

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Kaylin's P.O.V

"Go away, Cara." I glared and tried to walk away from her.

"I'm your only friend, Kaylin. Other then that dick, Harry." I clenched my fists at how she described Harry.

"He's way better than you'll ever be!" I hissed.

"Fine! You know what! I don't want to be your friend! I never did. You were holding me back from popularity anyways!" She screeched before walking away, her heels clicking against the blue and grey tiles. I sighed and turned away to walk to my locker. I put in my combination and opened it before getting what I needed. I shut my locker and walked down the hall. Turning the corner, I abruptly stopped when I noticed Harry.

He was walking down the hallway, looking at his phone in his hand while his books were in his other hand. He had on a navy blue t-shirt, black jeans, and brown boots. His tattoos were sticking out and I had the feeling to run my fingertips over them. "Hey, Harry," I spoke up, slowly walking over to him in my red converse. He looked up and searched until his eyes quickly landed on me.

"Hey," He stopped and exited out of some app on his phone before turning it off and shoving it in his pocket. "Wanna ditch?" He suddenly asked, looking down the hall, behind him. My eyes widened as I stared at his calm expression.

"I'm sorry . . . Did you just asked me to ditch school?" I asked, still shocked.

"Yeah," He laughed, "We won't get caught."

"I'm pretty sure they'll notice us ditching." I told him. He looked over his shoulder until he stopped and smirked. Grabbing my hand, he dragged me into a janitors closet. He closed it and turned the light on. He sat on the ground and patted the cold tile in front of him.

I sighed and decided to sit in front of him. "You wanted to get to know me better," He smirked.

"Yeah. But, not in a janitors closet when class is still in session," I mumbled, looking down at my hands. I could tell he was thinking for a minute.

"There's a fair this Friday. You're coming with me." He stated, smirking.

"What makes you think I'd go to the fair with you?" I joked, not able to suppress the smile creeping on my face. He rolled his eyes and smiled before opening the janitors closet. We walked out together, only to get caught.

"You two, my office, now!" The principle scolded us and I slumped my shoulders. We trudged into the principles office and without a word, she gave us detention slips. I gawked at the slip and prayed to God my parents wouldn't get mad.


"Why the hell did I get a call from school, telling me you got detention?!" My dad barked at me, obviously pissed that I got a detention with Harry today.

"It's not my fault she thought we were having sex in the janitors closet!" I snapped, surprised at my remark.

"Go to your room and stay there." My mom demanded, pointing to the stairs. I stomped up the stairs and walked into my room before slamming my door shut. I sat on my bed and sighed. My phone suddenly buzzed in my pocket. I took it out and noticed Harry had texted me. I had finally gotten him to exchange numbers during detention.

From: Harry:

Your parents pissed at you?

I replied back,

To: Harry:


I immediately got a response,

From: Harry:


I rolled my eyes and turned my phone off so I could get started on my homework.


"I'm here," His deep, husky voice spoke through the phone.

"Ok. I'll meet you down the road," I responded before hanging up. I made sure my door was locked. I jumped out my window and ran down the sidewalk where I spotted Harry's black range rover. "Hey, Harry!" I smiled at him as he leaned against his car with his hands in his pockets.

"Hey, Kaylin," He responded, opening the passenger door for me.

"Why, thank you," I stepped inside the car and buckled myself up as soon as Harry started the car. He drove towards the fair which wasn't far away. We neared the fair and parked on the grass. Getting out, we search for a ticket booth. After a while of arguing with Harry over buying the tickets, Harry had quickly paid without my money.

I sighed and thanked stubborn boy. "What ride do you want to go on first?" Harry asked. I looked around and decided on ferris wheel.

"The ferris wheel!" I smiled and he nodded. We walked over to the ride and got in line. It was only a 5 minute wait. We got on as I sat next to Harry, still afraid of heights since I was a little kid.

"You're afraid of heights aren't you?" He asked, glancing over at me. I merely nodded and dropped my gaze to my hands. "Then why did you choose this ride?"

"Because, I always love the view. I just sometimes forget . . ." I mumbled. He sighed and the ride started up. I smiled at first until we stopped all the way at the top. "Oh god," My smile dropped and soon I became serious.

"Calm down, babe." Harry hesitantly grabbed my hand and caressed it with his thumb.

"We stopped at the top, Harry. I'm so sorry," Fear crossed my face and I wrapped my arm around Harry's arm. I scooted closer to him shut my eyes, tight. I could tell Harry was trying to comfort me with words. As soon as it started back up, I sheepishly apologized and Harry brushed it off as if it was no big deal. We got off the ride and searched for more.

"What about the Moby Dick?" I suggested, causing Harry to crack up laughing. I finally realized why he was laughing and I slapped his arm. "Pervert." I muttered, laughing slightly.

"Hey, they all want the D." He shrugged and I shook my head, not able to wipe the smile off of my face. We rode the Moby Dick and walked around after that.

"How about a roller coaster?" Harry finally suggested with a smirk. I decided on doing it, not wanting to disappoint Harry since he hasn't gone on a ride he wanted to go on. I never liked roller coasters and this was my first one. We got in line and it took almost 20 minutes. They strapped us in and I was stuck sitting next to a creepy guy since he had no one to go with; and we were behind him in line.

I looked back at Harry and he looked a bit mad. I turned back once the boy next to me started to talk.

"Hey, once this ride ends, wanna come to my place and smoke shit with my pals?" His voice was deep and it sounded like he was a real big smoker.

"No," I stated, hoping he'd end it from there. But, he didn't.

"Oh, c'mon, baby! Have fun, let loose." He chuckled, which turned into a fit of coughs. I squirmed in my seat, anxious to get this ride over so I can get far away from this guy.

"I said no." I stated, once again. I could feel Harry's eyes on me. But, once the ride started, I had shut my eyes, tight. We went upside down, and I felt like I was going to puke. After it was over, the man next to me kept on pestering me into smoking with him. We got off the ride and I joined Harry, thankful that I didn't have to embrace the creepiness of this guy by myself.

"Awe, don't be such a pussy, baby girl." He chuckled, oblivious to realize Harry was standing right next to me. Harry grabbed my forearm and gently pushed me behind him.

"You son of a bitch better back the fuck off. She's not interested, asshole." Harry hissed, clenching and unclenching his fists and jaw. I was shocked by Harry's sudden outburst. His neck vain popping out as his eyebrows furrowed in an angry way.

"Whoa, calm down bro. I was just offering the lady to hang out." The guy raised his hands in defense. Harry suddenly grabbed the by the shirt and lifted his feet off of the ground.

"In which she declined. So, I suggest you take your ass and shove it in someone else's face. Got it?" He spat in the guys face. The guy nervously nodded and Harry let go of him. He quickly scurried away, leaving Harry and I. "God dammit! Those fucking pricks don't know how to back off!" He growled, still angry.

"Harry, it's ok. He's gone." I gently grabbed Harry's hand and caressed it with my thumb like he did to me when we were on the ferris wheel. Harry shook his head, glaring in the direction the guy went. I slowly let go of his hand, still feeling queasy from the roller coaster ride. "C-Can we sit down?" I asked.

"Yeah, lets go," He grabbed my hand again and pulled my over to a brown wooden bench. I scooted closer to Harry as a lady sat down next to me. "You ok, love?" He questioned, noticing my not-so-happy expression.

"I'm just feeling queasy from the roller coaster ride. I'm sure it'll pass by," I answered.

"Here," He gently laid my head on his lap as I put my feet on the bench, making sure I didn't kick the lady. I suddenly felt fingers running through my hair, smoothly. I closed my eyes, enjoying the little massage Harry was giving to me. "My mom used to do this to me whenever I was," He paused and gulped as if he didn't want to say it, so he covered it up,"Whenever I was crying or I was sick. It would work, most of the time."

I smiled and opened my eyes, turning to look up at Harry. I could tell the memory made him sad. I wanted to ask where his mother is, but, I knew not to push any further; seeing the hurt in his eyes, making me feel suddenly sad. I sat up, wrapping my arms around Harry's torso. He was shocked, but, he responded by wrapping his arms around me.

"So far, all I know is that you're afraid of heights, and you don't like roller coasters." He stated. I pulled away and laughed, feeling a lot better.

"All I got from you was, you don't let people pay for you and you love roller coasters." I smiled and he laughed this time. "Do you want to go in the ski lift?" I asked. He shrugged and nodded. We stood up and walked all the way over to the ski lift. We got on and at first, we didn't speak.

"So, Harry, what do you want to do after this?" I asked.

"Anything you want to do, I don't mind." He answered. I sighed and surveyed my surroundings. It was beautiful and I loved it. Except for the fact we were still a bit high up. I was more calm though.

Shaking a bit, I glanced down at Harry's hand. It slowly slid over to mine, intertwining our fingers together. It completely relaxed my body and I enjoyed the ride the rest of the time. After the ride, we decided to leave. He drove me home where I had safely slid through my window and hopped in bed.

After tonight, I think it's safe to say I have a crush on Harry. The way he held my hand in comfort and when he got so pissed at the guy trying to get me to smoke; Harry looked so intimidating and I felt vulnerable when he lifted the guy off the ground.

He's sometimes so confusing and I like the fact that he's way different than everybody else.

Thank you all for the votes, reads, and comments :) it means a lot.

I did not steal any ideas from any book. I asked my friend what her dream Harry fan fiction book would be and she gave me mainly all the ideas, so I really wanna thank her. Thank youuu, Tori :D :) hahaha

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