Chapter 9

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Kaylin's P.O.V

The weekend had ended so quickly and I wasn't the slightest happy knowing I had to wake up for school. I was walking down the hallway, my bag slung over my shoulder.

"Move outa the way!" I heard the familiar voice yell down the hall. I stopped and turned around, noticing everyone parting away from the middle of the hall. Harry suddenly appeared on a skateboard. He had on raybans, a white shirt with blue sleeves, black jeans, and the same brown boots I always see him wearing. He had on a backwards white snapback, which sent a tingly feeling in my stomach.

He spotted me and stopped skating. He kicked it into his hand and approached me. "Well, hey there," He smirked.

"Hey, Harry," I smiled. "I never knew you could skateboard," I raised an eyebrow.

"One of my many talents," He joked, taking off his sunglasses. I rolled my eyes and he walked down the hall with me. We were talking about our weekend until I suddenly stopped walking.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"What is this?" I asked, looking at the paper taped to a locker. We both looked at it until I realized it was me. There was a picture of my face photoshopped onto a body. I read the words and I felt like curling into a ball and disappearing.

'Well all know you're a whore, Kaylin Mitchell. This picture proves it.'

The body only had on a black thong and a black lace bra. I felt completely humiliated in front of Harry. I soon heard a lot of snickers and I turned around to see what everyone was laughing. I looked at every single person, noticing that they were holding the same flyer with 'me' on it. I started to breathe heavily, tears building in my eyes.

"Harry," I whispered once I spotted Cara and a few jocks. They were all smirking.

"It's ok," He stood in front of me. "I'll deal with this," He wiped away one of my tears before walking over to the jocks who were standing next to Cara.

"What the fuck is this?" He gritted his teeth together, snatching a flyer from a kid before handing it to the jock. The one jock laughed as he stared at the picture. I felt embarrassed as a couple more people laughed.

"That's your little whore of a girlfriend." Cara butted in. We weren't even dating. "I bet she hasn't told you yet,"

"What?" Harry's eyebrows furrowed in curiosity. I know what she's doing. She's trying to manipulate him so that I'll have nobody to stand up for me.

"2 years ago, she was paid to have sex with a 40 year old man." Cara smirked, glancing over at me. I wanted to speak, but my lips wouldn't move. She was wrong; He had raped me in an alley while I was taking a midnight walk. It took me months to recover from that terrifying experience. I never even told my parents.

"Says the slut who got an STD from a teacher," Harry smirked. Cara's jaw dropped as she began to cry.

"That was a lie!" She shrieked.

"Was it really?" Harry raised both eyebrows as his eyes twinkled in amusement. She fanned herself before giving up and sprinting away in her heels. Harry laughed and turned around, walking towards me.

"C'mon, let's get away from here," He whispered, grabbing my hand and pulling me down the hallway. I was surprised that I actually wanted to skip school with him. He let go of my hand to place his sunglasses back on as soon as we stepped outside. He dropped his skateboard on the ground and stepped on it before he took my hand.

He started to skate faster, which I slightly had to quicken my pace. "Harry, incase you hadn't realized, I'm not on a skateboard," I breathed out. He glanced at me and chuckled.

"Sorry," He apologized, stopping his skateboard by landing his left foot on the ground. "Wanna have a go?" He asked.

"Me? On that? Yeah, no thanks." I laughed. I suddenly felt a pair of hands grab my waist, picking me up and placing me on the skateboard. "Harry, what are you doing?"

"I'm letting you ride on my skateboard." He laughed. I wobbled a little, but Harry held onto my hands. He started to walk, causing the skateboard to follow along. "See, not that bad." He smiled at me.

"It would be if you let go!" I told him.

"Oh, you mean like this," He quickly let go of my hands. I immediately yelped and grabbed his hands, holding onto them tightly. He laughed and continued to drag me down the sidewalk. I completely forgot about what had happened earlier. It's just something he does that makes me forget about all my worries.


"He's not what you think he is!" I told my parents in an angry manner.

"He's distracting you from work!" My dad shouted, throwing his hands in the air.

"Just because I'm not doing good in school doesn't mean it's his fault!" I defended Harry.

"You know what! I've had enough of seeing you! Go to your room!" He ordered. It was just like last time; I stomped up the steps and slammed my bedroom door shut. I grabbed my phone, ignoring the smashing of glass downstairs. I opened my window and jumped out.

It didn't even dawn on me that I forgot to lock my door. I jogged down the sidewalk, trying to remember the directions to his house. I turned the corner and I soon felt the atmosphere become colder. It gave off a bad vibe and I didn't like it.

I walked past an alley where I spotted something unusual. I quietly hid behind the dumpster in the alley. I got a better view and I soon realized what was going on. Two men had a boy pinned to the wall as a guy stood in front of him with a gun pointed to his chest.

I squinted my eyes, trying to figure out who the boy was. The familiar mop of brown curls gave it away; it was Harry.

"You aren't beating up my men anymore, Styles. I'll end you this time." The man with the gun hissed at Harry. I had to stop him. But, I was too afraid. Harry struggled to free from their grip. He looked beyond angry; But, angry was definitely an understatement.

"Go ahead," Harry smirked evilly. I quietly gasped, suddenly slapping my hand over my mouth, hoping they didn't hear. Lucky for me, they didn't. The man lifted his fist and punched Harry in the gut. Harry groaned and tried to hover, but they pushed him against the wall, again.

The man continued to punch Harry in the face, over and over again. I couldn't stand to watch more of it. So, I did what I was most likely going to regret. I stood up and called out, "Hey!"

The man stopped punching Harry and turned to face me with shock. Harry slowly, yet painfully lifted his head in my direction. His face hardened once he saw me; he was mad at me, I could tell.

"What are you doing here, sweetheart?" The guy called with a smirk plastered onto his face.

"Let him go," I demanded to the two men. They simply laughed and ignored my order.

"I'm not gonna listen to you, little girl. Now, go away," The guy on the right of Harry stated.

"No." I crossed my arms, "Not until you let him go."

"Leave, Kaylin. Now." Harry growled. I shook my head and glared at him.

"The ladies got an attitude. She yours?" The man with the gun asked Harry.

"I swear if you go near her, I'll rip you to shreds." Harry spat out blood. The man chuckled and walked over to me. He grabbed my hand and dragged me in front of Harry.

"What are ya gonna do, Harry?" He tested Harry. "Would you like it if I touched her like this," The man wrapped an arm around my waist, pulling me against his chest before placing a hand on my breast. I gasped and struggled to break free from his grip.

"Let her go," Harry growled, his eyes turning into a darker shade. The man started to massage my breast and I squirmed, completely uncomfortable.

"She's got a sexy body. The things I'd do to her if I were you," The man smirked. In the blink of an eye, the two men holding Harry back were now laying on the ground, unconscious.

"I told you to never fucking touch her," Harry clenched his fists as his shoulders heaved up and down. He threw his bloody fist at the mans face, causing his grip on me to loosen. I quickly got out of his grip and sheltered myself behind Harry's back. They cursed at each other before Harry suddenly grabbed my hand. He pulled me out of the alley, his eyebrows still furrowed in anger and frustration.

"What the hell were you thinking!" He exploded, stopping in front of a familiar house which belonged to him.

"I wasn't going to just sit there and watch him beat the crap out of you!" I stated.

"He could've taken you away if I were brutally beaten!" He spat, his jaw clenching. He ran a hand threw his hair, messing it up in a sexy way-wow, ok. Now you're calling him sexy? "What are you even doing in this part of town?" He questioned.

"I may have gotten into another fight with my parents." I answered, fiddling with my hands, "I was trying to find your house."

"You should've texted me."

"Well, apparently, you wouldn't have gotten the text." I reminded him. He rolled his eyes and walked up his driveway. I slowly followed after him, walking inside the house. "Harry," I whispered once we were standing in his room.

"What?" He asked, still irritated. He pulled open a drawer before taking off the original shirt he was just wearing. I noticed a couple of bruises that I've never seen before. They covered some of his tattoos, which caused a shiver to run up my spine.

"Why do you always fight bad people?" I finally questioned. He stopped rummaging through his drawer and stared into space. I wish that he'd give me an answer for once; and that was exactly what I would be getting.

The next chapter will be Harry's past :)

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