Chapter 16

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Kaylin's P.O.V

It had been a week and every time my sister was around Harry and I at school, she would attempt to chat him up. It's sad how desperate she is. People expect me to be just like her but, thankfully I'm not. As rude as this sounds, I'm not a slut who cares about popularity. I casually walked down the hallway, wishing the weekend could quickly arrive.

I hate Tuesday as much as I hate Monday.

I walked past the usual spot where the populars always stand and socialize with their group and only their group. I couldn't find Harry where I would usually see him standing; which was around the side of the school, smoking. I'll probably run into him somewhere in the halls.

"There she is," I heard a familiar high pitched voice coming from the group of populars just as I walked by them. I looked over my shoulder and spotted Cara standing in the middle of the hallway with her arms crossed. I abruptly stopped and waited for her to continue. "I've been looking for you!"

"Well, here I am . . ." I mumbled, noticing her outfit was exactly like the other sluts standing in the popular group.

"I just wanted to make sure you aren't depressed about this whole . . . Change," She gave me a sympathetic look.

"What are you talking about?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Oh, you know, me becoming popular and you," She scanned me up and down, "Well, being the same old nerd you always are."

"You must have mistaken me for someone who gives a damn because I could care less about the change." I sweetly smiled at her before I turned back around.

"Where the hell do you think you are going? You aren't getting the last word you little bitch!" She screamed, bringing a lot of attention to the two of us. I spotted Harry walking this way, looking at me and Cara.

"Come to me when you finally think of something and don't hesitate to take your time! We don't want to put your poor brain to work!" I called over my shoulder. Harry smirked at me and started to walk over to me, but soon stopped and watched.

"You know what!" She started, making me turn around to face her with a questioning look. She smirked before striding over to me. "I can easily kick your ass," She smirked.

"That's a nice thought, Cara. But, I have to go," I told her.

"Awe, someone's being a little coward!" She taunted, putting on a fake pout. I clenched my fists and looked over at Harry. He leaned against the wall and smirked, his hands resting in his front jean pockets. I looked back at Cara.

"I'm not going to fight you," I sternly told her. She crossed her arms, the ugly smirk still on her face.

"Fine. But, just so you know, I'd keep an eye on that boyfriend of yours. Don't want any other girl to steal him from you now, do we?" She said dramatically. I rolled my eyes. "I mean, damn! I'd-" I cut her of by roughly pushing her back. She stumbled in her heels and fell to ground.

"Don't worry. He's not into sluts," I gritted my teeth, clenching my fists.

"Obviously he does; he's with you," She glared at me, struggling to get off the ground.

"That's it!" I lifted my hand and slapped her right across the face. She gasped and started to cry as she held her cheek.

"Hey!" I turned around and noticed a teacher standing behind me with her arms crossed. "Go to the office, now!" She demanded. I walked passed her, glancing over at Harry who was smirking at me. He caught up to me and started to laugh.

"Shut up," I mumbled, still a bit angry.

"You should fight about me more often; it's hot," He chuckled. I shook my head and glared at him.

"My dad is going to kill me! He said he would send me far away if I ever got in trouble again!" I explained to him with a sad expression.

"He's just probably doing that to scare you," He shrugged.

"I don't know, Harry. My dad is pretty serious," I told him as soon as I reached the office. "Well, I guess I'll see you at lunch."

"Hey, don't worry about it," He stopped me, cupping my face in his hands as he caressed cheeks with both thumbs. "Everything will be fine."

"Thanks, Harry," I smiled up at him, causing a smile to grow on his face. He leaned in and gently kissed me on the lips.

"Get to class, you two!" I heard another voice speak. Harry pulled away and smirked as I looked to my right. It was a male teacher scolding us.

"See you soon, babe." He purposely kissed me a little bit longer before pulling back and walking down the hall. I glanced over at the teacher who was still scolding me. I awkwardly left him outside the office as I sat down on a chair. It had been a while before the office door opened and in walked my Dad. I sat up straight and cleared my throat.

"H-Hi, Dad," I spoke, quietly.

"Grab your things, we're leaving." He stated. I stood up and lifted my book bag before following my dad out the door. We walked over to his car and I quietly sat in the passenger seat. "I can't believe you would do this," He mumbled.

"I'm sorry," I apologized.

"You slapped your friend in the face! This isn't something the old Kaylin would do! That punk is completely changing my daughter!" He exclaimed.

"Don't you dare call Harry a punk! He has nothing to do with this; Cara was just being a bitch!" I snapped, realizing I had just cursed in front of my dad.

"Excuse me?" He glared at the road ahead of him.

"You heard me," I muttered, crossing my arms as I stared out my window.

"You know what? I actually wasn't going to send you away. But, now," He chuckled and shook his head before continuing, "now, I'm going to do it." My jaw slightly dropped and I stared at my Dad.

"You can't just send me away from home! I have school!" I told him. All I was thinking about was Harry at this point.

"There will be a nice school where I'm sending you." He told me with no emotion.

"Wow, I can't believe my own Dad would do this to me. What would Mom think?" I glared at him.

"She thinks it is a good idea. You can get away from that bad influenced boy." He answered.

"You are both unbelievable," I mumbled. Just as he parked the car in the driveway, I stepped out of the car and furiously walked up the driveway. I opened the front door before I ran up the stairs. I slammed my door shut before I walked over to my bed and fell on top of the covers. I pulled out my phone and dialed Harry's number, knowing full well that he was skipping class.

"Hey, Kaylin." His beautifully deep British voice answered the phone.

"Hey, Harry. I, uh . . . I have to tell you something," I bit my lips and looked down at my hands.

"Ok, well, are you still in the office?" He quietly asked.

"My dad picked me up. I'm home now," I answered.

"I'll come over," He stated before hanging up the phone. I sighed and dropped my phone next to me. I rubbed my eyes, letting out another big sigh. I jumped as I heard a sudden knock on my window. I stood up and walked over to my door, locking it before walking over to my window.

I pushed it open and suddenly, Harry's figure came in view. He jumped inside my room and smiled at me.

"How did you get here so quickly?" I asked him, my eyebrows furrowed.

"I'm magic," He jokingly answered, grabbing my hand, pulling me into a warm hug. We slowly rocked back and forth until he broke the silence, "What did you need to tell me?"

"My dad told me he was sending me away from here," I mumbled into his cozy chest. He was quiet for a while as I thought he was processing the news.

"So, you're leaving?" He quietly asked.

"That's what he said," I sadly answered. He pulled back to stare into my eyes.

"I'm not gonna fucking have it. You know what, I finally found someone I care about, and I'm not just gonna let you go like that." He furrowed his eyebrows in anger. My heart fluttered as I tried to suppress a big smile; he cares about me like I care about him.

"What are you trying to say, Harry?" I whispered, curiously.

"I'm saying I want to run away with you."


My friend prank called my crush and he got so mad because she wouldn't tell him who she was and it was so funny. He was like, "I'm getting pissed. Just f***ing tell me who you are!" And she wouldn't tell him until an hour later. He was laughing at the first call but now he is just straight up pissed at her and she doesn't even care ahaha

I think my crush learned a very important lesson! Isn't that right, kids?
Kids: Yeah!
And what was that lesson?
Kids: never put your number on instagram. You will only attract thirsty girls.
That is right!
(I am not thirsty and will never be thirsty, unless it's in a situation where I am dehydrated and I need water)

So, I just literally finished watching The Ward (It's a scary movie) and the main character (Girl) was played by Amber Heard and I thought, why not have her play Kaylin? :)

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