Chapter 23

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Kaylin's P.O.V

"I love you too, Kaylin," He whispered, leaning in to give me another long kiss. A sudden bang was sounded from outside of the room, causing me to slowly, start freaking out.

"It's ok, calm down baby," Harry whispered to me, just as the dark wooden door slammed open. My breathing increased and I struggled to get closer to Harry.

"Ah, my two favorite people!" The man chuckled, his tone full of sarcasm.

"What the hell do you want from us?" Harry growled. His chains were long enough to allow him to tightly grab a hold of my clammy hand.

"Awe, that's cute." He ignored Harry's question and made a gesture to our intertwined hands.

"Cut that shit and tell us what you want." At any given minute, Harry could break free from these rusty old chains, just because of how high his anger had risen.

"Whoa, slow down there. I'm saving that part for later," The man chuckled before glancing at me and sending me a wink.

"Fucking touch her and I'll snap your neck! I've done it to one of your men, I won't hesitate to do it to you."

"And you choose the moment of truth to come out now. Good timing, big boy."

I glanced over at Harry with curiosity. What was he talking about?

"You see, baby doll-"

"Don't fucking call her that," Harry fumed in anger. All the while, I was sitting here, still fearing for both of our lives.

"Harry apparently likes to keep secrets," Once again, he ignored Harry and made his way towards me. He knelt down to my level and reached out to caress my cheek. I jerked my head away from his hand, hearing Harry mumble profanities as he struggled to free himself; like I was doing earlier. "He never told me how pretty your eyes were!"

"Harry," I mumbled for him, tightening my grip on his hand.

"Stop this, Tom. How would you like it if I did this to Lucy," Harry gritted his teeth. The next thing the man did had surprised me. He raised his fist and punched Harry hard in the face before shouting,

"Don't talk about my fucking Lucy!"

I flinched at the sudden shout before I started to yell at him, "Stop hurting him or I'll-"

"Or you'll what, baby doll?" He chuckled, Harry's groans and moans sounding throughout the room. "Snap my neck?"

"I'm gonna put you through hell once I'm out of these," Harry deviously muttered, dark blood dripping from his nose.

"But before that happens, your little Kaylin deserves to know the real reason," The man chuckled. "It all started when Harry had a new mission. He was told to move to Oklahoma, where you lived! Coincidence, most likely no!"

This guy really knows how to piss people off.

"Don't listen to him, Kaylin! He's just feeding you lies," Harry yelled before the man approached him with a small blue cloth, wrapping it around Harry's mouth.

"Stop doing this and just let us go!" I pleaded, but it was no use. It's like you're talking to a wall.

"As I was saying; Harry's mission was to retrieve you and bring you to us. He basically used you to trade you for money, baby doll. Harry didn't want you," He smirked at me. With tears running down my cheeks, I glanced at Harry who was staring at me, a single tear running down his cheek. Slowly shaking his head at me, I felt a pang of hurt deep inside my chest. It was like in a snap of a finger, his eyes turned dark; I myself was scared from the sudden change. He struggled on his chain harder than before.

"It's no use, Styles," The man chuckled in amusement, but Harry didn't listen. The chains actually looked like they were about to break. The whole time he struggled, he was staring at the man with pure rage. A clicking noise suddenly broke the quietness and before I could process what had happened, the man was on the ground, Harry on top of him. Just like what Harry did to that guy at the gas station, he snapped the mans neck.

I watched as Harry stood up, turning around and walking over to me. It took him nearly a second to free me from the chains. He grabbed both of my arms and lifted my off the ground before dragging me out of the room. I simply let him lead us the way out of this big house. He brought me over to a navy blue truck, opening the passenger door for me.

Harry scoffed and grabbed the keys sitting on the dashboard as soon as he sat in the drivers seat. "Fucking idiots," He mumbled as he started the car and drove away.

"Harry? W-Was that man telling the truth? Did. . . Did you really use me?" I quietly asked, fumbling with my fingers. It took a while for him to answer; my heart sinking deeper.

"Before you go all ape shit, please hear me out, Kaylin," He pleaded. I stayed quiet, which was a sign that he could continue. "I love you, ok? That's not a lie at all. I never wanted to be apart of it, they forced me to do it. I thought it was going to be easy, but damn I just couldn't stop staring, the first time I saw you."

"Harry," I started, but he eventually butted in.

"I know it's not a reasonable answer, I just want you to know, I'm really in love with you and I wasn't planning on giving you away."

I simply ignored him, staring out the window as I felt tears prick my eyes. "I wanna go home," I whisper, loud enough for him to hear.

"Kaylin, please," Harry begged as I attempted to open the door.

"Harry, let me go home. It'll just make things easier," I told him.

"No," He stated.

"Let me go home, I want to go home," I told him, furrowing my eyebrows in anger.

"I said no, Kaylin. You're the only thing that I love, I'm not letting you slip away that easily," He gritted his teeth, stepping on the pedal, driving faster.


Holaaa !! So I noticed that most of your comments on the last chapter were about my crush (which I don't mind at all!) ahaha all I'm gonna say is his name; which is Jack. :3 hehehe jk hahah

But here's a fun fact: my kik username is, @/Janoskians_1D_Lover

Wow, that fact was soo much fun I just can't help but read it over and over again! (But in all seriousness, you can kik me whenever ! I ain't even mad homie)

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