Chapter 11

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Kaylin's P.O.V

We were sitting on the bed, nothing but silence filling the room.

"You are stronger than him, Harry." I whispered, looking up at him. His gaze was still fixed on the ground. He shook his head and closed his eyes with a sigh.

"I should take you home," He announced, opening his eyes before standing up. I followed him out of his room and down the stairs.

"Um, Harry? Aren't you forgetting a shirt?" I questioned him. He simply laughed as a response. I shrugged and we got in his car. He started it up and drove down the road. It was quiet the whole ride to my house; it wasn't an awkward silence, it was peaceful.

He pulled up to my house and unlocked the doors. I opened the door and as I was about to step out of his car, I felt a hand grab my arm, keeping me from moving any further. I turned to face Harry.

"I've been wondering, would you want to, maybe go out tomorrow . . . With me I mean." He stammered as I smiled. A blush crept onto my cheeks as I nodded.

"I'd love to go out with you, Harry." I answered his question. A huge smile grew on his face.

"I'll pick you up at 5," He stated, letting go of my arm. I nodded and stepped out of his car, the smile still present on my face. I closed his car door and watched it disappear down the road. I walked around the side of the house and easily climbed up to my window like I have always done. I climbed through the window when suddenly my breathing hitched.

"Crap." I muttered, noticing my bedroom door was wide open. I quickly grabbed my pajamas and changed in my room, a million things running through my mind. I hopped onto my bed and pulled the duvet up to my shoulder. I closed my eyes as soon as I heard footsteps from down the hall. I heard a loud sigh,

"She's been in here the whole time!" My moms voice filled the quiet room. I peaked an eye open and watched as she closed my door. I let out a sigh in relief. I suddenly smiled, thinking about tomorrow.


"Where are we going?" I asked him for the third time.

"We are almost there." He stated. I nodded and looked out the window, deciding on not asking anymore.

He suddenly turned left and parked the car in the middle of a dirt road with trees surrounding us. He unbuckled his seatbelt and opened the door. By the time I unbuckled my seatbelt, Harry had the passenger door open. I smiled and thanked him.

I stepped out of the car and followed Harry. He grabbed a hold of my hand somewhere along the way to our destination.

"Here we are," He whispered, stopping in the middle of an empty field. I gawked as I examined my surroundings.

"Wow," I mumbled.

"It's beautiful. Isn't it?"

"It is." I replied. He sat on the grass and patted the spot next to him. I sat down and pulled my legs up to my chest, hugging them tightly.

"I used to come here with Gemma. Ya know, to get away from him. At times, things would get rough, so we would escape and come here." He explained. I nodded and watched as the grass moved with the wind. I looked up at the sky and realized it wasn't looking pretty. There was a big grey cloud heading our way. I nudged Harry and pointed to the sky.

"It always rains here. For some odd reason it reminds me of Africa even though I've never been there. I have seen pictures in class before." He told me. I laughed along with him. After a while, it got silent before Harry spoke up again, "You know, you're the only person besides Gemma that I've ever showed this place to."

I smiled at the thought. "Do you still come here?" I asked.

"Yeah. I-" He paused, "Never mind."

"What were you going to say? You know you can tell me anything, Harry," I reminded him.

"I know. It's just . . . It sounds stupid." He mumbled, fiddling with his fingers.

"I bet it's not stupid," I hesitantly grabbed his hand, hoping he wouldn't pull away and give me a weird look. Thankfully, he kept my hand in his.

He sighed, "I sometimes sit here and hope that Gemma would show up."

"That's not stupid. It's adorable!" I exclaimed.

"Whoa, ok, I am not and never will be adorable." He scoffed.

"To me, you're adorable." I laughed. He rolled his eyes with a smile. There was a suddenly loud sound of thunder followed by lightning. I jumped in shock as I felt it pour down on us. I laughed and stood up with Harry.

Within minutes, we were soaked. We stood there before he grabbed ahold of my hand tightly, dragging me down the hill. We ran at a fast speed, laughing while the rain pelted us. I suddenly slipped and fell on my butt in a puddle of mud. I shrieked as Harry got a kick out of it.

"You idiot!" I laughed, holding out my hand. He stood straight and grabbed my hand, intending on pulling me up. But, instead, I pulled him down with me. He accidentally fell on top of me, quickly making sure he didn't squish me by placing both of of his hands on both sides of my face.

We stared at each other for what felt like forever. I watched little drops of rain travel to the tip of Harry's nose. His gaze trailed down to my lips. My gaze immediately went to his lips which looked awfully close. He leaned in a little closer, brushing his lips against mine.

My eyes closed, wanting to finally feel his lips on mine. Not being able to stand the longing for his lips anymore, I cupped his face in my hands and pushed his lips onto mine. I felt him smirk against my lips. I felt his tongue swipe across my bottom lip, causing me to slightly part my lips. His tongue had quickly slid in my mouth.

After a couple of minutes, we slowly pulled away. He looked so perfect. The way his hair was wet, making it look even darker. His white shirt was soaked, clinging to his skin, allowing me to see his tattoos and abs. I noticed a silver paper plane necklace hanging around his neck.

He suddenly stood up and pulled me up with him. "We should get going. I don't want you to catch a cold," He yelled over the loud thunder. I smiled and nodded. He took my hand in his and lead me up the hill, towards his car. We had some shelter since the trees had protected his car from getting wet.

Harry opened the back door and pulled out a towel. He wrapped it around me and opened the passenger door.

"What about you?" I asked him.

"I'll be fine," He shrugged, smiling in reassurance. I slightly smiled and stepped into his car, making sure I wouldn't get mud anywhere, which was basically hard. He started up the car and immediately turned the heat on.

"Well, this was interesting," I commented, smiling as Harry drove on the dirt road.

"But, you liked it . . . Right?" He immediately asked, his face completely filled with nervousness. I was about to reply when he continued, "Dammit! I should've saved up my money so we could go somewhere more proper," His hands tightened around the steering wheel as he stared at the road with a hardened look.

"I loved it, Harry," I smiled wide. My words seemed to relax Harry, allowing himself to smile. I reached out and poked his dimple with my index finger, laughing slightly. His dimple never disappeared as he chuckled. "I love your dimples."

"Thanks . . .?" He laughed, causing me to laugh and glance out the window. I noticed it was no longer raining and we were pulling up to my house. Well, that was too quick for my liking. He stopped the car and looked over at me.

"This was honestly the highlight of my day and I loved it," I told him with a smile. He looked down and smiled. With out anything else to say, I opened the unlocked door.

"Kaylin," Harry called, stopping me from stepping out of his car. I looked over at him to find him smiling. He leaned over and cupped my face before smashing his lips onto mine. Our lips moved together slowly, cherishing the lovely moment. He pulled away and smiled before meeting my eyes. "Goodnight." He whispered.

"Goodnight," I smiled, a warm feeling erupting in the pit of my stomach. He leaned back and watched me step out of his car. I realized I was still clutching onto his towel. I took it off and placed it on the seat before closing the door and stepping onto the curb. He slightly waved before driving off.

I walked through the grass, hoping to get bits of dry mud off my converse. I got to the side of the house and climbed up to my window. I opened it and stepped inside. I quickly took off my shoes and placed them in my closet. I know I won't be using them for a while.

I picked out my pajamas and changed, throwing my clothes in the dirty laundry basket. I ignored my wet wavy hair and hopped on my bed, shoving my face in my pillow. I quietly screamed with happiness. I pulled my face away from the pillow and lifted my finger, touching my lips where his lips previously were. I soon went to bed, a satisfying smile plastered onto my face.

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