Chapter Tweleve.

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Dominic's P.O.V.

I waited around the corner from the café, just waiting for the douchebag to leave. Not long after our argument he did and Mercedes went the opposite way. He smiled with his phone in his hand as he walked away.

"Hey!" I called at him and he turned.

"Oh, you're that guy right? The one she was arguing with." He asked.

"Yeah and I want you to stay the fuck away from her." I told him.

"Why would I do that?" He laughed. "She obviously likes me."

"No, she went out with you because she thought I hooked up with someone else. Which I didn't. Therefor stay the fuck away."

"I'm not going to do that." He chuckled, which made me mad.

"Didn't you just listen? She doesn't want you."

"Are you her boyfriend or something. You're acting like a pysco. She can date who she wants and by the looks of it, you don't even deserve her."

That was when I lost it and punched him in the jaw. He stumbled back and held the spot which I had hit.

"Now stay the fuck away." I growled before storming off to find her.

I saw her turn a corner and I then knew exactly where she was headed, and began to follow her. As I walked after her I saw a flower shop and decided I would pick her some up. I had no fear in not finding her again, seeing as I could already tell where she would be going.

I walked into the florist and went straight to the counter. The women smiled at me as I approached and I gave her one back.

"Hey there, I was wondering if I could have... Say a dozen red roses?" I asked.

"Sure. Let me just go get them." She smiled.

She went around to where the roses were and picked up a dozen, then brought them back to the cash register. She wrapped them up in some plastic and made them look all pretty.

"I'm guessing these are for a girlfriend?" She questioned.

"I'm not sure I'd call her a girlfriend." I laughed. "But yes they're for a girl."

"Hmm she'll like these." She assured me.

The women told me the price and I paid, also gave her a tip. Then thanked her and took the flowers, an left the shop.

I carried on walking the way to the rooftop until I reached then stairs, then began to climb them. I saw her sitting by the edge as I climbed the last step and stepped onto the roof.

"I didn't know anyone was up here." I lied and smiled as she turned to face me.

I held the red roses out in front of my face and walked towards her, peering over the top of them. She got up from where she was sitting and smiled as she approached me.

"I'm sorry." I smiled.

"It's okay." She shrugged.

"No it isn't. I should've gave you an explanation for not answering, or atleast I should've texted you." I disagreed. "Look, I just want to tell you it's not what you thought. There was no girl, well there was two. But it wasn't like that."

"Then what was it like?" She glared as she heard I had been with two girls.

"The girls, or should I say women, were my mother and aunt. They showed up unexpectedly." I told her. "You can even call my mother if you'd like and ask her. I swear she will tell you the same."

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