Chapter Twenty-Six

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Mercedes P.O.V

"Sadie, wake up." A voice spoke as they shook me. "Babe, wake up."

I groaned as I opened my eyes to see dawn as the car came to a holt. Dominic smiled down at me as he un-buckled my seat belt. Whilst the driver was busy opening the back and getting out our bags.

"Are we here?" I asked and he nodded in response.

"I can't believe you slept that long." He chuckled.

"I was tired, shut up." I groaned as he kissed my head.

I lazily exited the car as did Dominic from the opposite side. The air was cool and refreshing, as I walked to the boot with the stones crunching underneath my feet. As I looked up I could see the waves crashing against the rocks below the cliff and the colour was beginning to merge with the sky. The sight was breathtaking as the sky was starting to lighten and the run began to rise over the ocean. A blanket of light blue slowly covered the evening sky as daylight took over.

Dominic held me from behind in his arms as we stared at the view, wishing it would never stop. His chin was resting on my head as he held me tightly, not letting go anytime soon. While my hands made there way to his, intertwining as his thumb stroked mine.

A car that replicated ours pulled up with bright headlights that made the loose pebbled ground become more clear. I turned to Dominic, asking a mental question of who it was and he just shrugged.

"I think you've gotta go greet your family." I told him.

"Nope, I think you best go greet yours." He smiled.

I gave him a confused look as the car stopped, then two people jumped out. An excited squeal escaped mine and Katy's lips as she ran towards me with Andy following. We danced in each other's arms, then I wrapped my legs around her.

"Oh my god! What are you doing here!" I exclaimed.

"Dominic invited us." She replied, just as excited as me.

I let go off her and turned to Dominic who stood there with a smirk plastered on his face. Thank you's continuously flowed out of my mouth as I ran into his arms, squeezing him as hard as I could.

"Merry Christmas baby." He laughed as I jumped up and down in his arms. "Should we go inside?"

"Yes! Let's go!" I chirped, then turned towards the house with his hand in mine.

I gasped as I took my first look at the place. It was huge, more than huge in fact. I had never seen what people would call a mansion up close before and it was definitely was a sight for sore eyes.

When Dominic first told me about a 'beach house' my thoughts were a little house on top of a cliff, but boy I thought wrong. The house was bigger than my whole apartment complex in New York.

Ivy ran up the brick walls and tall columns held up the porch as a light shined bright, reflecting off the half glass, half wooden double door. The house was around three, maybe four stories high. Which I was an idiot not to expect considering all his family was coming for this Christmas, but it was all to good to believe.

"Babe, are we going in?" He chuckled.

"Umm... yeah." I gawked.

He took my hand as we walked inside. The driver had already unlocked the door and switched on the light for us. As impressive as I thought the outside was, the inside was more so. With two large staircases curling upwards until they merged into a walk way, that went around in a circle leading to a number of rooms.

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