Chapter Twenty-One

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Dominic's P.O.V

It was Sunday and I still hadn't slept since Friday night, even though last night should've been enough to put me to sleep I couldn't. Mercedes was still in bed while I was naked on the couch with a blanket draped over me. The afternoon sun was blinding me through the window and causing a glare on the tv as I watched a random programme.

My head was all over the place as I thought about last night. The way my mum had admitted she had see Angela's kid, the argument with my parents replayed in my mind like a broken record. It wouldn't stop no matter how hard I tried to distract myself. My thoughts were drowning me as I stared blankly at the tv.

I didn't know what to make of last night. At first it was sour, then violent and in the end turned into the perfect night. It wasn't the sex that was amazing, not one bit. The amazing part was how close me and Mercedes was. Not being naked in a bed, but the feelings were electrifying as they shot through me.

Last night was how it was meant to be, a night of comfort with the person that means the most to me.

A night in with just me and the girl I love.

That's how I wanted it to be for the rest of my life, no doubt about it. So the question now was how do I make that happen?

"Hey, you could've woke me up." Sadie smiled, with a sleepy expression as she walked over to me.

Her hair resembled a birds nest as she rubbed her tired eyes until a red ring started to form. She had no visible underwear on, but had stolen my white robe from the bathroom which had hung on a hook. Accidental hickeys ran from her neck to the valley of her breasts, and probably further if she opened it more. Red lipstick smudged around her mouth and black mixed with red underneath her eyes. But even though she looked like she had a wild night out, she still looked beautiful to me.

"Because you were sleeping." I replied in a 'duh' tone.

She didn't say a word as she lifted the blanket and joined me on the couch, throwing her arms around my neck and snuggling into me. We were still as I slowly tickled down her back and kissed her forehead.

Knock knock!

The door went and I made no move to answer it, but Sadie did. No matter how much I complained she still opened the door revealing a person who I specifically banned from this hotel.

"Dominic... there's someone at the door for you." Sadie said as she stared at the asshole stood there.

"I can see that, slam it in her face." I replied.

Sadie looked at me, wondering if I was serious or not but my features told her I wasn't joking. I gave a look to say "if you don't do it, I will". So she attempted to follow my order until they placed their foot at the bottom of the door to block it.

"I promise you, I will call security." I threatened.

"No you wouldn't." She argued back.

"And why wouldn't I?" I laughed and got up, revealing my stark naked body.

She didn't speak as she stared at me. Just watched at I walked towards her, my length bashing against my legs with each step I took. I could tell Mercedes didn't approve, so I went back to the couch and wrapped the blanket around the bottom of my torso.

"Wow, that's surprising." Angela laughed.

"What?" I glared.

"Someone so cock-proud as you decided to cover up." She shot at me. "You must really mean something to him." She looked at Sadie who stood there confused.

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