Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Dominic's P.O.V

(Later that day)

All day my thoughts had been drifting back to this morning. I couldn't believe I had agreed to leave my home and start fresh with her. It was unlike me and I couldn't understand as to why I wanted to. Never would I ever have, or ever have, thought about leaving that place. That hotel had been my childhood, my one sense of security since I moved to Brooklyn and now I was prepared to give it up for a girl I hadn't even known a year yet.

For the past time I had been living in New York I had been alone and I had liked it that way. Now it was different and felt right, but my gut was telling me it wasn't, that I shouldn't do it. There was a little voice in the back of my head constantly telling me it was a bad idea and truthfully... I was beginning to think it was.

It was different with Mercedes, I was different. I had grown into a man instead remaining in my childish ways. Not that was I did was childish, but more foolish. I had more sense when I was with her, more of an understanding of the world and even my own emotions. But maybe that's all I needed from her.... consciousness to my actions. Maybe that was her purpose in my life. To teach me what it was like to commit, find independence and grow more appreciative of the life I have.

I didn't want to stop seeing Mercedes but in the end I know this is only bound to end in pain.. like it always has whenever someone has had the slightest opportunity to get to know me. She is the girl I would risk my life for. The women that opened my heart up to so many emotions and has become a necessity in my life. She was the beauty and light shining through my bitter and once emotionless life. 

I don't know how but she managed to ignite the fire inside me and make me want to spend the rest of my days with her.. or I thought until now. My mind was in two and I couldn't help but doubt my decision, this is always what I had been like; a self destructive mess. That's the one thing she couldn't take from me no matter how much love she showed me. She made me happy, sad, anger and uncontrollably obsessed with her. 

My thoughts are interrupted as she entered the room, her eyes beaming with happiness. Her arms swinging by her sides as the purple dress she wore swung with each movement. It was an amazing sight to see, the one I'd like to wake up to every day of my life. The women who I will one day place a ring on her finger and she will become mine. 

God I love her, I thought. 

She looked at me puzzled as I didn't question her movements and excitement. "I love you.." I blurted out. A blush took over her cheeks as she pulled me off the bed and close to her. Her lips placed a kiss on my nose as her hand caressed my cheek. 

"I love you too." She says, so sweet and calm. "Now.. come with me." She demands and began to drag me from the room. 

Down the stairs we ran as she giggles. I persisted to know where we was headed but every time I did she would shh me. As she ran her laugh grew, she loved leaving me in suspense. I had to speed up to match her so I didn't trip down these hazardous stairs and break both our necks. Her hand was firmly gripped to mine and her palms were slightly sweaty. 

What is she nervous about?, I wondered. 

"Stop." She told me as we reached the bottom, then placed a tie round my eyes. My vision was blocked and I grew worried at what I was in for. I could tell she was excited by the way she struggled to keep it in place around my head as she giggled to herself about what she had done. A beautiful smell filled my senses as we began to walk and I realised we must be in either the kitchen or the dining room with the direction she had taken me towards. 

"Be careful." She said as I knocked into something. "Now sit."

I sat on a dining chair, I knew this because I was so used to everything in this house. No matter how large it was I remembered every detail about it and nothing less. It was a beautiful house and a constant in my life. The only times spent here was happy times with all my family, when we weren't broken and disorientated. 

"Okay, you can take it off." She told me, her voice filled with excitement. 

I lifted the tie from my eyes and saw everything she had done. Platters on the table with starters and I now realise the beautiful smell that filled my senses. Candles flickered around the room and the lights were dimmed low. Flowers were placed in beautiful vases and arranged perfectly with roses. 

"Thank you.. what's this all about?" I asked her with a puzzled look. 

"Well.." She shifted on her feet looking slightly nervous. "I know you're willing to make a big change for me.. and I didn't know how to show my appreciation.. so I thought maybe I'd do you dinner.." She stammered. "It was a stupid-" 

"It's amazing." I stopped her and walked towards were she was. Taking her into my arms and placing a light kiss on her forehead. 

"I just thought that this was the only day we could do it as well." She said. "Because Christmas eve is tomorrow I thought this is the only alone time we could get, I know it's probably too soon after you said it but-" 

"Sadie.. It's perfect." I shh'd her. "Let's eat." I say as I rub my hands together with my appitite at a high. 

We sat down next to each other as the table was too big to sit across. I filled my plate with the dough balls she had made and dipped them in the garlic butter. She smiled brightly as she shoved them in her mouth two at a time, my guess was she was as hungry as me. 

"You didn't make this did you?" I teased. 

"Nope, luckily your dad has cooks and other helpers." She admitted truthfully. "But I thought it all up."She giggles. "I know you like Italian so that's what I went with." 

As we finished our starter the waiting staff bring out the main course, spagettite bolongnase. It is made beautifully and sprinkled with parmasan. We laughed as I spilt some on my shirt staining the white with red sauce. I shrugged it off and didn't mind it, after all she knew how messy I was. The more she spoke about the future with me, the more I fell in love. 

Everyday I spent with Sadie I would fall in love with her all over again. That was the part I loved the most. With every mistake she made, every clumsy spill, every wild laugh I fell more and more in love each day.  She was the beauty in my life and the sparkle in her eyes gave me life in themselves. Sadie was the one constant, my gift from the world that I undoubtablly didn't ever deserve. I don't know why I deserved her, there must've been a reason she walked into my life but I would never understand it. My amazing blessing that I would cherish and nurture till the end of time and death does us part. 

I hope this never ends, I thought. 

Before I feared nothing.. nothing in the world, but that's because I had nothing to love. Now I do.. I vow to never let it go. I vow that I will hold her close to my heart for the rest of her life and make everyday amazing for her. As I thought deeper my mind wondered into the future and I could see one. I could see kids and a beautiful house with a sparkly ring on her finger. My future with her was just beginning and I know my life would be complete with her in it. I could no longer imagine my life without her, my thoughts from earlier evaporated into nothing and no doubt was in my mind. 

I'm gonna marry this girl

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