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You were a fun, twenty-six-year-old, living in the city of New York. You had H/L H/C hair and beautiful E/C eyes. You were a police officer in the heart of the city, and you were one of the best in the entire city. Hell, in the entire country.

You were dedicated, focused, skilled, highly intelligent, and brave. Every precinct wanted you, because not only were you an amazing person yourself, you were amazing with other people. Your people skills were rare and unbelievable.

You always got the suspect to talk, no matter what the case was, and you were always the one to comfort the victims you found. You were amazing and earned the nickname "The Human Superhero," because you were like a superhero, but you didn't have anything abnormal, like a suit made of metal, or a big, green monster hiding inside of you.

However, even though you were an incredible police offer, you were also a young woman, who loved singing, dancing, having fun, and many other things. You were a bit shy when talking as yourself, but when you are on the job, it's like you were a completely different person.

In real life, you blush when a guy starts hitting on you, but when you put your badge on, you become a strong, independent woman who can face anything and not have a problem in the world; which is what made your job seem so easy to you.

You were called into your job early Saturday morning. Saturday was supposed to be your day off, after all, you definitely earned it, but you usually came in anyways, just to check on your fellow colleagues.

It was around six o'clock in the morning when your phone started ringing. You woke up, groggily, and rubbed the sleep from your eyes. You picked up your phone and answered it. "Hello?" you asked in a slightly hoarse voice from sleep.

"Hey Y/N, we need you to come in," you heard your boss say on the other end of the phone. You let out a small sigh and said, "Okay, I'm coming." You hung up the phone and placed it back on your nightstand.

You rolled out of your bed and put on some jeans and a cute shirt. You put your hair up in a simple, but elegant ponytail, and applied a bit of make-up. You grabbed your gun, and your taser, and walked out the door.

You brought your police outfit in case you needed it, but you didn't wear it because you didn't know if you'd have to go undercover or not. You arrived at your precinct about fifteen minutes later and got out of your car. You walked into the building and you were immediately greeted with smiles and, "Good morning." You continued to walk throughout the building and walked to your Chief's office.

"Y/N, so glad you could make it," your boss, Chief Jonathan Armstrong, said. "Glad to be here, Chief, what's going on?" you asked. "There have been reports that there is going to be a robbery sometime in the afternoon at the Museum of Natural Art and History. I need my best man, sorry, woman, to go out there and stop him," Chief explained.

"Okay, sir, do you have a plan?" you asked. "I've decided that you are going to go undercover as just a natural bystander for sure, but I figured I would leave the actual plan-making up to you," Chief said with a small chuckle.

"Why let me make the plan sir?" you asked him, genuinely confused as to why he gave you so much responsibility. "Because you always do your best work when you are under pressure; so, just go to the museum and figure out a plan when you need to," he replied.

You nodded your head and said, "Thank you for the job, sir." "Anytime," he told you. You left the precinct and made your way over to the museum. You walked into the museum and kept circling the entire perimeter, looking for any unusual signs.

It was around one o'clock in the afternoon when you were just making your way to the wildlife exhibit. You were looking at one of the monkeys when you heard a scream. You ran out into the main lobby of the museum and saw five guys with machine guns holding everyone hostage. "If anyone moves they will be shot!" one of the guys yelled.

"We aren't here to kill you, we're just here for some items from the museum, but don't think that we'll think twice before we kill you if you try anything" another man yelled. You sighed and said, "Great, I thought there was only going to be one shooter."

You looked at the scene, hiding in the background, and took note of everything. There were two shooters on the same floor you were on, the second floor, and three in the main lobby.

You looked at your gun and pulled out the magazine. "Five bullets exactly, I can't miss a shot," you told yourself. Shooting and missing wasn't a problem for you, you never missed a shot. You shot the two men upstairs, and they fell off the railing they were leaning on to the main floor.

The other three men looked around, and you went downstairs. You hid somewhere where you could see the shooters, but they couldn't see you. "Let them go, or I'll take you all down," you told them.

"Who are you?" one of the men asked. "Let the hostages go," you repeated. "Come out and face us, stop hiding," the same man said. "Let the people walk out of here," you demanded.

"Fine, if you don't want to come out on your own, then we will make you," the shooter said. Then, he grabbed a young boy who looked to only be about 8 years old. "You have five seconds to come out before I shoot the kid," the man told you.

You took in a slightly shaky breath. "Damn it," you whispered to yourself. "Five, four, three, two," the man said, counting down. "Okay! Okay, I'm coming out, let the kid go," you told them. The man said, "Not until you come out."

You sighed and came out from your hiding spot. Immediately, they shot at you, and the one shooter let the kid go. You dived behind a small wall right before the bullets hit you. "Can't we talk about this?" you asked. "You shot two of our men," one of the shooters said.

Little did you know, the two of them were quietly sneaking up in front of the wall you were hiding behind. They were right in front of the wall when you said, "Fair enough," and stood up to shoot.

But one of the shooters in front of you knocked the gun out of your hand. You sighed in disappointment, mainly in yourself for letting them sneak up on you. "I guess I'll have to use my hands," you told them.

They tried to shoot you, but you dodged them swiftly and used your combat training to knock them out. You easily took the two guards down, and then made your way to the third. He was a bit more difficult to take down than the others, but you still knocked him out.

"You're all free to go," you told all of the hostages. They all left in a hurry, but some of them thanked you before they left. You were making sure that the shooters were still out cold when a man approached you.

He had graying black hair, hazel eyes, and glasses. He had a few large scars leading you to the conclusion that he had been in some sort of battle. "Hello, my name is Dmitri Artemis. You were magnificent back there, and we could use someone like you."

"Thank you, Dmitri, but who exactly is 'we?'" you asked. "I am a part of a large organization named Hydra, and we fight to make the world a better place, and we could really benefit from someone with your ability on our side," he replied.

"Thank you, Dmitri, I really appreciate the offer, but I'm really happy here, as an NYPD police officer," you told him. Dmitri nodded his head and said, "At least take my card, and know that if you come with us, you could actually make a huge difference in the entire world."

Dmitri handed you his card and said, "Please, think about it." Then he left, and you looked at the card. It had a number on it with the words "Hail Hydra" and "Dmitri Artemis." You put the card in your pocket and called your boss telling him the job was done.

Then, you went back home, showered, and went to sleep, thinking about the job offer you had gotten from Dmitri.

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