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"Y/N, Y/N, come on! Wake up!" Clint yelled, shaking you. He moved his hands to try and stop you from bleeding any more. Tony gasped as he took a step back, letting a tear fall from his eyes. Steve, Natasha, and Bruce stared in shock at your limp body, and the Maximoff twins continued to ask what they could do to help.

Clint started doing CPR, and Nick Fury came onto the scene. "I heard, is it true?" Fury asked, and then he saw your body. "Get her up," Nick ordered, making everyone look at him. "There is nothing more you guys can do. Get her up, we need to take her to a SHIELD medical base," Nick explained.

Clint nodded and went to pick you up. Tony went around and picked up the other half of your body. Then they all ran to an empty helicarrier plane and laid you in there. Fury got his best medical doctors there and they started to do everything they could think of to heal you.

As soon as the plane was clear of Sokovia, Thor and Iron Man worked together to blow up the city - to finish the job. And once that was done, they quickly made their way back to the plane that you were on.

The Avengers sat together, doing their best to stay strong. Fury flew the plane to a base in a location no one knew even existed. Fury rushed you out and the base opened. It looked abandoned like no one had been there in years. Thor and Steve carried you this time into an OR that was in the base.

Doctors rushed into the room and they began treating you. The Avengers, and Nick all sat together in the gallery above, watching your surgery. "She has to make it," Steve said. "She will," Nick replied. "How could you know that?" Tony asked.

Nick fumbled for the right words for a moment, and then said, "Let's just say I know these doctors, and I've seen them work miracles before." "Like what?" Bruce asked. "I can't say," Nick responded. "Well, maybe you cannot say because there were no miracles," Thor replied.

"No, there was a miracle," Nick defended. "You lied to us before, Fury, how can we trust you now?" Clint asked. Nick sighed and said, "Because I've seen them bring someone back from the dead."

Everyone stared at Nick as he started to explain, "When Phil Coulson was stabbed through the heart by Loki, I refused to let him go. He was dead for a while, and I searched high and low for ways to bring them back. Along the way, I stumbled across a drug that has regenerative properties. They brought Coulson back to life."

Everyone was in shock. "So, you think that because they brought Coulson back, they can save Y/N?" Natasha asked. "I believe they can," Nick replied. The Avengers all took in the information and continued to watch your surgery.

You crashed three different times, and each time the Avengers held their breaths. Soon, the surgery was over. They put you in a recovery room, and then the doctors came to find the Avengers and Nick.

"Well, she is in intensive care, but she'll survive," the main surgeon said. They all let out a breath of relief, and Tony even let out a small tear of happiness. "Thank you," Steve said. "Do you know when she'll wake up?" Clint asked.

"She should wake up in a couple of hours," the doctor responded. The Avengers thanked the doctor again and then they all went to your room, where they waited in silence for you to wake up.

After about two hours, you stirred a bit and opened your eyes. You blinked a couple of times and groaned slightly. "Y/N," Tony breathed out happily. You looked over to Tony and smiled, "Tony."

You looked around and noticed the rest of the group that was there. "Guys, I can't believe you're here," you said, happily. You tried to sit up in your bed and got a little lightheaded. "Woah, take it slowly, you just beat death. It takes a lot out of you," Clint said, with a small smile.

You chuckled a bit and nodded your head. "Thank you, for saving me," you told them. "We did not save you Lady Y/N, the doctors did," Thor replied. "They might have saved my life, but you guys saved me a long time ago, and after what happened, there was only one thing that I had to do before I died. There was one thing I had to say," you responded. "What was it?" Steve asked.

"I love you guys, and I know that we all have our differences, in the long run, you're my family, and I couldn't be more proud to say that," you told them. Everyone smiled at you as their hearts filled with happiness and love.

"We love you too Y/N," Tony replied with a smile. You smiled and he said, "Well, I think it's official now." "What is?" Steve asked. "Y/N is moving into the Avengers Tower," Tony replied. You laughed and said, "Okay, but only if the rest of you guys agree to come. We need to stick together."

The Avengers looked between each other and Steve said, "Why not, I need a place to stay anyways." You laughed, and so did everyone else. You were in the SHIELD medical center for a few more weeks and everyone stayed by your side.

Then, when you were discharged they all took you back to the Tower where they made you feel at home, and you were so happy to be there with them because you knew that no matter what, you and the Avengers were always going to stay together.


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