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You woke up with a painful headache that was only worsened by the annoying beeping noises that surrounded you. You opened your eyes and saw that you were in a white hospital room. There was a flower painting on the wall, and you were hooked up to a few different machines.

You looked down and saw that you were in a gown, and you noted that there was a bandage on your side. You sat up a bit, and someone came into the room. "Ms. Y/L/N, you are awake," a woman who looked to be about thirty with black, short hair, and green eyes said. "Yes, who are you?" you asked.

"I'm your nurse, Rose. I work with SHIELD, and we patched up your knife wound last night," she explained. You recalled the past events that happened the night before. You shook the horrifying thought of Hydra out of your head and focused on what Nurse Rose was saying.

"So, when can I be discharged?" you asked her. "We would like to run a few more tests, and then, if you are able, you can go," she replied with a smile. You smiled back, nodded, and thanked her.

She left, and about fifteen minutes later, another nurse came in with a few tools. He drew your blood and made you stand up and do a couple of exercises that made you stretch your side a bit to make sure that you could leave the hospital without being worried about ripping open your stitches.

You did the stretches with only slight pain, and no opened stitches. The male nurse left, and you sat back down on your bed. Nurse Rose came in after about another twenty minutes with a bag.

She handed you the bag and you asked, "What's that?" "I bought you some clothes since I figured the only ones you had were the Hydra uniform," she responded. "Thank you," you replied.

She nodded and said, "Well, you are officially free to go, we will leave you alone so that you can change, and then come find me when you are done, the boss will want to see you." You nodded your head and she left.

You changed into the outfit, which was some skinny jeans, and a cute but comfortable F/C shirt. Rose had also bought you some pretty but efficient tennis shoes so that you could be at the most comfort she could give you.

You combed through your hair with your fingers and tried to make yourself look as presentable as you could. You walked out of your room, and the corridor outside your door went both left and right. At the end of the hallway to the left, there was another hallway full of doors. And, to the right, there was a secretary's desk.

You walked down the hallway to the right and walked up to the secretary's desk. "Hello, I'm looking for Nurse Rose," you told the blonde lady who was working there. "Oh, okay, she is just in the back, I'll go grab her," she replied.

You gave her a small thanks and she disappeared into the back room. Rose appeared a couple of minutes later. "Y/N, you look great. Ready to go?" she asked. You nodded your head and Rose led you through different hallways.

You followed her, afraid to ask a lot of questions. Rose got to a heavy, metal door and opened it. When she did, you noticed a completely different change of scenery from a hospital to a laboratory.

You continued to follow Rose up a few stairs, and into a rather large office. You walked in and noticed that the room's walls were all windows. You could see through them, but only from the inside. From the outside, they were just black rectangles on the wall.

There was a tall, black man, standing there with his back turned to you and Rose, and next to him was the man you had met the night before, Clint. They were both looking at what seemed like a map on the wall.

Rose cleared her throat and both men turned around to face her. "You wanted to see the girl, sir," she said, and the tall, black man nodded his head, and said thank you. Rose nodded and left the room.

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