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You woke up a few hours later, and no one was around, so you decided to get up and out of the bed. You were in a hospital gown, and you looked in the closet that was in the room. Luckily, there was an agent uniform.

You put it on and pulled your hair back. You looked at your bruised scar. It was still bruised but it looked a little better. You sighed and walked outside of the room. Everyone was rushing around, and you made your way to a room.

You saw Tony and Steve there talking about Loki. "He wants his name plastered in the sky," Tony said, and then thought. "Son of a bitch, he's going to do it at Stark Tower," Tony told Steve.

"He's going to do what?" you asked coming into the room where the two of them could see you. "Y/N," Steve said with a smile, and then he hugged you. You laughed and Tony hugged you as well and said, "Welcome back."

"Thanks. How's Phil?" you asked. Tony and Steve shared a sad look with each other, and you felt tears brim in your eyes. "He didn't make it, did he?" you asked. "No, I'm sorry," Steve told you.

You nodded your head and took a deep breath in. "Where's Loki?" you asked. "He's going to Stark Tower, to open up a portal and bring his army to Earth," Tony said. "We need to go get him," you said.

"Y/N, you're a great soldier, but you aren't coming with," Steve said. "What? Of course, I am," you replied. "No, I agree with Cap on this. You need to stay safe," Tony told you. You scoffed and Tony left while Steve walked to another room.

You followed Steve and said, "Come on, Steve, you know that I can fight," you said. "I know you can, but we aren't going to let you," Steve replied. "Steve," you said, as he opened the door to a room.

"We know where Loki is, can you fly one of those jets?" Steve asked Natasha who was standing in the room. "I can," Clint said, stepping into the room. Steve looked at Natasha and she nodded her head, telling Steve that Clint was on our side.

You ran up to Clint and hugged him, "Clint?" you asked. "Hey, Y/N, where'd you get that scar from?" he asked. "Oh, that's not important. Are you okay?" you asked him. "I'll be better when I put an arrow through Loki's skull," Clint replied.

You smiled and Clint asked, "You're joining us right?" You nodded and said, "Yes!" Steve talked over you though and said, "No." "What? Why not?" Clint asked Steve. "Loki stabbed Y/N and she nearly died. It would be too dangerous for her to go," Steve explained.

Clint nodded his head and said, "Sorry, looks like your sitting this one out." "What? You're taking the Captain's side?" you asked. "For your safety, yes," Clint replied. "You got a suit?" Steve asked Clint. He nodded his head and Steve said, "Suit up."

You continued to try to convince someone to let you go, but no one would listen. Soon, they all left without you. You sighed and tried not to think about it, but your mind kept wandering to the battle.

After about fifteen minutes, you grabbed your utility belt and filled it with weapons and ammo. Then, when no one was looking you got in a fighter jet and flew out of the helicarrier. You weren't going to let your friends fight alone.

"Agent Y/L/N, what the hell are you doing?" you heard Fury ask through the communication system in the fighter jet. "You put me on this case, Fury, I'm finishing it," you replied.

Then, you flew to the scene. You saw Tony, Steve, Clint, and Natasha standing there, and Thor and Hulk were also standing next to them. Then you saw a huge Chitauri monster headed straight for the group.

The Hulk was about to attack, but you beat him to it. You flew your fighter plane straight through it, as fast as you could, and then shot at it once you were inside it. The thing exploded and your plane crashed into the ground, right next to the Avengers.

You unbuckled and got out of the jet with a slight grunt. "Y/N, what the hell are you doing here?" Steve asked. "Did you honestly think I was going to sit this out?" you asked. Steve sighed and was about to say something else when you saw Chitauri coming.

You put up your index finger telling Steve to hold on. Then, you punched one of the Chitauri in the face. You then grabbed his gun, knocked him out, and shot the other two coming at you. Then, one came behind you and started choking you.

You grabbed it by the head and threw him over you, and then shot him too. You threw the gun on the ground and said, "What were you going to say, Steve?" He sighed and Natasha said, "She's good." "Very good," Thor agreed.

You then ran off and continued to fight the Chitauri. After about twenty minutes, Natasha said, "I can close the portal can anyone copy?" "Do it," Steve ordered. "No, wait, I have a nuke coming in and I know just where to put it."

"You know that's a one-way trip Stark," Steve said. "Tony, you could die," you told him. "Save the rest for the trip back, Cap, I'll be fine," he said. Then, he went through the portal with the nuke.

It blew up and you all took a breath of relief, but you anxiously watched for Tony to come back. "Close it," Steve said. "No wait, we can't just leave Tony to die up there. He'll come back," you said, telling yourself more than the others.

Thor and Steve were standing next to you, and Steve said, "Close it, Natasha." She closed it and you took a deep, sharp breath in. Thor put a hand on your shoulder, and then you saw Tony falling down.

You smiled and Steve said, "Son of a gun." But then, Thor pointed out something by saying, "He's not slowing down." You held your breath as Thor got ready to save him, but the Hulk caught him and threw him down in front of you guys.

You all ran over to him and Thor ripped off his mask. "Tony?" you asked, but he wasn't waking up. You let one tear escape your eye, and as it rolled down your face, the Hulk roared as loud as he could, and Tony gasped as he jolted awake.

You looked at him and smiled. "What just happened? Please tell me nobody kissed me," Tony said. You laughed and Tony smiled at you. His machinery around his hand was removed and he wiped away your tear.

"We won," Steve said. Tony smiled and said, "Yay, well guys, let's just take a day off. Have you ever tried shwarma? There's a shwarma joint around here, I don't know what it is," Tony replied. You giggled and Thor said, "We are not done yet."

Tony thought for a moment and said, "And then shwarma after." You helped Tony up, and he draped an arm around you as you helped him walk. You made it to Stark Tower and made your way up to the room Loki was in.

You all got there and stood there with your weapons pointed at Loki. Thor put him in handcuffs and something that covered his mouth to keep him from using his transportation tricks. You all stood together as Thor said good-bye, and he and Loki went back to Asgard with the tesseract.

Then, Clint and Natasha drove together back to the SHIELD helicarrier, Steve drove away on his motorcycle, and you rode with Tony and Banner. Tony dropped Bruce off at a nearby medical lab where Bruce did some medical research.

"Where am I taking you?" Tony asked smiling at you. You thought about it for a moment and said, "I don't know. I guess back to SHIELD, I don't really have anywhere else to go," you replied.

You wanted to go back home, but you knew if you did you would just be putting everyone there in danger. "You could come back to Stark Tower if you want," Tony said. "Really?" you asked, your eyes lighting up.

"Yeah, I mean, we are going to have to renovate it, and it's not going to be Stark Tower anymore, it's going to be Avengers Tower, but you would have a place to go, and we could train together, in case something like this ever happens again."

"Thank you, Tony, I would really appreciate that," you said with a smile. He smiled back and winked at you, and he drove off to his tower, where you were going to start a new chapter of your life as part of the Avengers.

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