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"So what happens now, sir?" you asked Fury. "We stop them," Nick replied. After a few minutes, Agent Hill came in her car and picked the two of you up. "What's the plan?" you questioned. "We need to recruit some more people," Fury responded.

You nodded your head, and Fury told Agent Hill to drive to an address that you didn't recognize. Maria drove you there and dropped you off. "Where are we sir?" you asked. You were standing in front of an old, worn-out building.

"This is where our first recruit is," Fury replied. You walked into the building with Nick and saw a blonde man standing there, punching a boxing bag, hard. He knocked the bag off of the ceiling and grabbed another one.

"Trouble sleeping?" Nick asked. "I've had my fill," the man replied. "What are you doing here? Trying to get me out into the world?" the man questioned. "Trying to save it," Nick replied.

Just then, the man looked at Fury and you immediately recognized him as the young Steve Rogers, better known as Captain America. He looked at you a little quizzically and walked up to you. "I'm Steve Rogers, who are you?"

He extended his hand and you shook it, saying, "I'm Y/N Y/L/N, SHIELD's newest recruit." He raised his eyebrows a bit and said, "This is a big responsibility for a new recruit, isn't it?"

You looked at Nick as he said, "She's earned her right to be here, and she's already taken a bullet for us." Steve nodded and sat down at a table, and Nick slid him a folder. "What's this?" Steve asked, opening the folder.

"It's the tesseract," Nick replied. "Hydra's secret weapon," Steve muttered. "Howard Stark fished it out of the ocean when he was looking for you," Fury explained. "Where is it now?" Steve asked.

"It's in the hands of a man named Loki. We need your help getting it back," Fury replied. Steve sighed and stood up from the table muttering something to Nick that you couldn't understand. It was something about ten dollars.

"Is there anything you could tell us about the tesseract that we ought to know now?" Fury asked as Steve walked away. "You should have left it in the ocean," Steve called, before leaving.

Fury let a small smirk break out onto his lips, and you asked, "What now sir?" "You are going to go with Agent Coulson to gather up another recruit, and I am going to get in contact with our helicarrier," Fury replied.

You nodded your head, and you and Fury walked out of the building. "Coulson will be here in his car to pick you up in a few minutes. I'm going to go with Agent Hill," Nick told you.

You nodded your head and watched as Fury got into the car Agent Hill was driving. They drove off, and you waited for about ten minutes, and a black car pulled up. A man with blonde hair stepped out of the car and walked up to you.

"Hello, are you Y/N Y/L/N?" the man asked. "Yes," you replied. He extended his hand and said, "I'm Agent Phil Coulson, I'm here to pick you up." You smiled and shook his hand and told him, "It's an honor to meet you, sir."

He smiled and said, "The honor is mine. Shall we get going?" You nodded your head and sat in the passenger seat as Coulson climbed in the driver's seat. "Where are we headed, sir?" you asked.

"Please, call me Coulson, and we are going to go recruit Tony Stark. That reminds me," Coulson replied, as he pulled out his phone. He dialed a number and talked to who seemed like a woman, telling her that she had to recruit the "big guy," and that Barton's been compromised.

He hung up the phone and said, "That was Agent Natasha Romanoff, if you want to make it here in SHIELD don't get on her bad side," Coulson told you. "Noted," you replied. "So, how are we going to get Tony Stark to come with us?" you asked.

"He won't come with us, but as soon as we give him the case file, he will want to help. We will just wait in the SHIELD helicarrier for him to show up," Coulson told you. You processed the information and nodded your head.

A few minutes later, you showed up at Stark Tower. You and Coulson went up the elevator, and Tony Stark tried to tell Coulson that he wasn't there, using his phone. The elevator opened, and Coulson walked out, and you followed behind him.

"Phil," you heard a woman with red hair and blue eyes say as she approached him. Tony followed behind her and looked at you. "I'm sorry we haven't met, I'm Pepper Potts," the woman said.

"Oh, I'm Y/N Y/L/N," you replied with a smile, shaking her hand. Tony smiled at you and Pepper elbowed him. He held out his hand with the same smile, and said, "Tony Stark, nice to meet you Y/N."

You smiled back and Phil said, "She has recently joined SHIELD." Tony arched one of his eyebrows, and then asked, "What are you doing here?" "We need your help, Mr. Stark," you told him.

"Mr. Stark was my father. Call me Tony," he replied. "Please, look at the file," Phil said, holding out one of the case files. "I don't like being handed things," Tony said. Pepper sighed and said, "That's fine because I love being handed things. So let's trade."

Then, Pepper took the case file, and handed Phil the drink she was holding in her hand, and took the drink Tony was holding and handed him the file. "Well, I guess we will leave you to it, then," you said and started to leave.

Pepper and Tony started talking, and then, Pepper came up to you and Coulson. "Do you guys mind dropping me off at the airport real quick?" she questioned. "Of course we can," Coulson replied.

She muttered a "thanks," and then all three of you left Stark Tower. Coulson and Pepper talked the whole way, and then you dropped her off at the airport. "So, this situation is really bad, huh?" you asked.

"What do you mean?" Coulson asked. "Why else would we recruit four superheroes?" you replied. Coulson nodded his head, and said, "We don't know the full potential of the tesseract, and we also don't know the full potential of Loki. But, we know they are both powerful, so we need a team just as powerful."

You understood and stayed silent. "So, what do we do now? Go to another SHIELD base and try to find Loki and stop him?" you asked. "Yes and no. We are going to do everything we can to find and stop Loki, but we aren't going to another base," Phil replied.

"Then, where are we going to be staying?" you questioned. "On top of the SHIELD helicarrier," Phil replied. Your eyes widened slightly, and Phil said, "Don't worry it will be lots of fun." Phil chuckled and so did you, and you made your way to the SHIELD helicarrier.

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