Chapter 1: Oh Nuts

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I stumbled out of the concert with my two best friends, we were laughing our heads off.
Not because we were drunk, on drugs or had just heard some fantastic joke, it was because we were high on happiness.

We'd just gotten a chance to see our favourite band in concert and were over the moon happy about it but no matter how happy I was there was a dampener on my whole night because I knew the second I got home my parents would flat out kill me.

Well maybe not kill me since they didn't believe in that kinda of stuff.
They were christian, the psychotic kind that believe God would punish you if you did one tiny thing wrong.

Currently the only thing in my life that was punishing me for doing wrong things was my parents and I didn't even do that much wrong.

Okay I kinda did but it wasn't that bad, it's not like I murdered people and stole lollipops from children.

I'd go to party's, sneak out to see a concert on occasion and I'd have a drink or two every now and then but other than that I stuck to every rule they set.

I didn't do drugs, I got A's on my report cards and I cleaned my room whenever asked.

Basically I'm a good kid with a bad streak running thorough me, one that needs to take over every once and a while for sanity's sake. If I had to live in that house everyday with the crosses all over the walls and and creepy statues of saints I'd probably murder someone.

So to save everyone I vent, like head banging tonight with my closest pals was good and made me feel ten times better. Now I can likely go home and sleep with a smile on my face despite my parents taking down all my band posters this afternoon.

I can easily say that my parents have over Jesused my bedroom and no that is not a word. I made it up because it's the only way I can describe what's happening to my lovely bedroom that had originally been painted black with beautiful band posters all over the walls.

In case you haven't figured it out yet I'm not christian by any stretch of the imagination. I have no qualms with that religion choice but I have no interest with immersing myself in it.

When you grew up with parents that were religion nuts like mine there was only two ways you could go.
Become a very religious person just like your parents or run far, far away from all forms of religion, like I did.

So now I spend most of my time listening to songs that's about devil worship and murdering people while dancing on the graves of their loved ones, or that's what my parents like to think.

Yeah when I really think about it some of the songs I listen to can get rather violent hence:

'Spatter spatter, blood spatter.'

But it's not going to make me suddenly turn into the girl from the exorcist and I won't go out and murder our next door neighbour, not unless they do something that makes me angry of course.

The point is that I want my parents to understand that just because they want me to do one thing doesn't mean I'm always going to do it.
No having posters of a band that isn't praising Jesus and The Lord all the time won't turn me demonic.

It's like they want me to screw up so they can start a five hour lecture of 'I told you so' and 'this is what happens when you don't pray before bed' or something stupid like that.

I waved goodbye to my friends for the night and they grinned and waved back while I started my short walk home considering my house was only two blocks away from the local music hall.

Right now I was hoping with all my heart that my parents would be in bed, fast asleep so I could slip into my room without getting the third degree.

I hummed one of the songs I'd sung along to tonight while running my thumb over the guitar pick in my pocket. I can't believe I actually managed to catch it, what's more is that I can't believe no one dived on me.

I'm gonna have to hide the pick somewhere so my parents won't find it, if they do I'll be ground for the next three months or God knows what.

My house came into view and I let out a sigh of relief when I could see that no lights were on, good they were asleep, things will be much easier now.
My mum and dad would kill me if they knew I'd been out at twelve at night, dancing my butt off and screaming each word of a song called Reap.

While still staring at my house I pulled my cell out of my jeans pocket then shifted my gaze to the screen.
I frickin love the picture I took, it was me and my friends with ours backs to the stage, smiling into the camera.

That would have been a good photo by its self but the best part was that you could easily see the lead singer, Ronnie Winter, kneeling down beside us from the stage and bunny earing me which was hilarious.

The best part was that we had no idea he did it until the concert had ended and we were walking through the lobby and waiting in line for the merchandise stand.

I walked up the path to our house, smiling at the photo on my phones screen before putting it in my pocket and twisting the front door knob
It didn't give.

I tried again and still no success so I checked for the spare key, it wasn't under the doormat and my key to the house was taken away from me two weeks ago. They must really believe in that myth about the local psycho to move the hidden front door key.

With a sigh I gave up trying to find the magical little key and walked around to my bedroom window instead. Even though our house was two story's tall it was easy for me to climb the pipes and get up to my bedroom window.

It would always take a fare bit of effort to get myself from the ground to my bedroom and it was an acquired skill, one that I appreciated very much.

After some grunting from the climb I put my hand and on the window and quietly slid it open. Then began the game of getting in the window without falling to the ground which would hurt a ton.

Two minutes later I fell into my bedroom and groaned in pain as I hit the floor, thankfully it was rather quiet so I didn't wake my parents.

Internally I was touchdown dancing after getting into the house without making any large notices.
That was until my bedroom light flicked on and revealed the grim faces of my parents.

Oh nuts.

"Elyria, are you aware what time it is?" Mum asked and I realised how stupid I was to think I'd actually get away with this.

It's been too quiet when I got home, all the light were out and the front door was locked, you couldn't even hear the familiar a sound of the tv left on like most nights.

"Um, late." I replied to her, putting my hands in my pockets and staring at the ground.

"It's very late young lady, nearly one in the morning. Now where on earth have you been, please tell me you weren't at another party." Dad had this look he'd always give me when I did something wrong, it was a look saying he was disappointed in me and I'd always feel bad.

"I was a concert with my friends. I didn't go to a party and I came straight home I swear." I knew I wasn't going to be able to explain my way out of this but my brain still insisted I try.

"Which concert?" At least I didn't have to say I was seeing one of the more 'satan worshipping' band, as my parents liked to say.

"The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus." I muttered and put my hand in my pocket, gripping the guitar pick once more to remind myself that I had nothing to regret.

"No more, Elyria I can't believe you would attend that concert after we told you that you weren't allowed to go." Mum said and mentally I corrected her, they didn't say I wasn't allowed to go, they forbade me.

"How could you turn out like this? You were such a sweetheart as a little girl and now you won't even attend church with us." Dad added, I don't even remember being nice as a kid, I know I whined a lot but I did go to church then.

The only reason I went then was because I was too little to really say no or stop them from making me go.
I hated church, it felt like it dragged on for hours. I hated how they made me sing and the pews were cold and hard.
There was nobody for me to talk to and the priest told me off once when I got up to go to the bathroom while he was talking.

"I'm sorry but I've had enough of you behaviour, you're on a downward spiral and you're going to crash." I don't know how going to a concert was necessarily being on a downward spiral.

"Darling we told you what was going to happen if you kept up this behaviour." I knew exactly what they were talking about and I didn't want to think of it.

"Rosehill." Mum said firmly and I went from looking at her to the floor again.
Why did she have to be the mean one in the parents team.

"Jesus Christ no. Mum please don't make me go there, please." I was begging her, literally begging, I couldn't go to that school.

Rosehill Academy was an all girl boarding school, doesn't sound that bad right?
It was in England.

It wasn't just that though it was also a very serious christian school that made the students go to church everyday. Going to a school like that would kill me, I wouldn't be able to survive there.

"Blasphemy." My mum called out, raising her hand and stopping me from talking.

That was one thing she absolutely hated, when I used Jesus Christ as a way to swear when I was angry, upset or hurt myself.

Using that just then probably wasn't the smartest choice.

"I'm sorry, Mum. I won't do it again I promise, just please don't make me go there again. I'll go to church and I'll clean my room everyday." I didn't want to stop going to concerts either but I'd do that if I had to, I don't want to go to that school.

"We've been thinking about this for a while and we've talked to the head of the school. Besides with all your good grades they'd love to have you. I think this school could do some serious good for you." How can sending me there be good? It'll make me want to kill myself with all the religious stuff they'll make me do, I can handle a little but not as much as they'll subject me to.

"But-" Mum gave me a look that made me go silent, she's actually serious, she wants me to go to that horrible school.

"I'll be calling the headmistress in the morning, she told me that they have room for you so start packing your things." What makes this even worse is that she's been thinking this over and actually considering sending me there for a while.

"Dad, talk some sense into her." He shook his head, stood up and went to the door with mum.

"Elyria do you have anything you'd like to say?" I thought for a moment then decided what more was left for me to lose.

"You're a bitch and I don't regret a thing." She looked at me with a horrified expression before gasping and slamming my bedroom door.

I just dug myself the deepest possible hole and jumped headfirst into it with no parachute.
There's no doubt I'll be going to Rosehill now.

Well, damn.

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