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Some hours later, I woke up screaming like hell from a sharp pain across my face. Someone had slapped me.

I kept my eyes shut tightly and waited for the next blow, but it never came. Instead, I slowly opened my eyes the see the young man kneeling in front of me and taking in my details. Then, I noticed a figure sitting across the room on a stool.

"Jessica has really changed. She looks so... Innocent now. What the hell happened to her?" The other man said with his arms crossed as he watched us.

"I don't fucking know." The man in front of me snapped back, not taking an eye off of me.

Moments later, he slid the gag out of my mouth.

"What happened to you, Jess?" He asked once more.

Instead of answering, I screamed as loud as I possibly could, hoping that someone would hear me and come to the rescue. The man slapped me again.

"Wrong answer." He walked away to his friend.

They started talking in a hushed voice, so I couldn't make out anything. Then, the other man came over to me and eyed me just like the other one had done, but this time, he roughly grabbed my chin and moved my head side to side. He had a worried expression across his face as he read mine.

"Um... Jason... We have a problem." His voice was shaking and his hand felt clammy on my face.

"What now?" This "Jason" kid was too busy on his cell phone.

"I don't think this is Jessica. Jessica has a mole on her left cheek... This girl doesn't." He said, still looking at me.

Jason rushed over and examined my face along with him. "Who are you? And why the fuck do you look just like Jessica?!" He yelled into my face.

I flinched at the loudness of his voice, but stayed silent.

"I said, who are you?!" He yelled again and grabbed my throat.

"Jordan! My name is Jordan! I don't even know who you're talking about!" I gasped for air as he squeezed tighter and tighter.

Eventually he let go and paced back and forth across the room. His friend just stared at me with a questionable look.

"After all this time of searching we get the wrong girl! Can you believe this?!" Jason yelled and kicked a box that sat in the corner of the room.

I flinched again and hung my head low and shut my eyes. I couldn't take this.

"What do we do with her? I can kill her if you want." His friend shrugged his shoulders.

"There's gotta be some reason why she looks just like Jessica! I'm gonna find out why, got it? Now go. I don't need you anymore." Jason pointed to the door.

Jeez. What a way to talk to a friend. His friend followed his orders and left, leaving Jason and I alone.

He walked up to me once again.

"Who is Jessica?" I asked once I finally found the courage.


"Who is Jessica?" She asked, looking me dead in the eye.

What am I suppose to say? She's still the love of my life after she killed my brother? "She's no one you need to worry about, got it?"

Jordan nodded quickly and gulped. The single light above us shined across her cheek bones. God, she looks just like Jessica.

I turned away only because I don't know what I would do to her. I'm finding it harder and harder to keep myself contained near her.

"My boyfriend is at my hotel room." Her voice quivered.

"I don't care. You're staying with us whether you like it or not so shut up." I spat with my back still turned to her.

"Why are you looking for this girl? What do you want with her?" She pressed.

I turned on my heels and slapped her across the face again. Her constant asking of Jessica made me annoyed.

I took a step back to see a large red hand print on her cheek. I smiled because of the look on her face. Her hair was messy which was kind of sexy. Her makeup looked old and her eyeliner was smudged. She didn't look afraid of me, but she has it coming.

"Fuck you!" She yelled at me.

I pulled out the hand gun in my back pocket and aimed it at her forehead. I could hear her gulp as she stared directly down the barrel.

"Since you're staying with us, I have a few rules. One, don't fucking disrespect me or anyone of my friends here. Two, stop asking about Jessica. Three, do what I say. Got it?"

Jordan sat quietly and waited for my next move.

Instead of snapping at her again, I put my gun back into my pocket and walked up the staircase. I wanted to hurt her so bad, but then again I didn't. I don't know what I'm feeling right now. Maybe frustration.

The sunlight hit my eyes through the windows of the ruins of the old warehouse I was keeping her in. We were only staying here for a few days, then we would go back to Las Vegas.

I leaned against the wall and waited for Max to return from wherever he left to. The clock was ticking with every minute that passes by.

Jessica is still out there somewhere and I'm going to find her. I've already gotten this close, I can't back away now. Especially after finding Jordan. She has to be related to her or something.

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