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Jason grabbed my hand and sat me down on the sofa. I can't help but worry about what is going on with him.

"I went to your house an-" he began to say.

"You went to my house?!" I yelled, hoping he didn't hurt my parents if they were home.

"Listen to me!" Jason grabbed my arms and held me in place. "Your parents couldn't afford to take care of twins! They gave her up for adoption!"

I looked at him, confused. "What?"

"You're twins! You and Jessica are sisters.."

It felt like a ton of bricks just landed in the pit of my stomach. This can't be true.... I don't even know this Jessica that he's so obsessed with!

"It doesn't matter anymore. She's dead, Jason. There's no getting her back. It's over." I tried to comfort him, but he quickly stood up, not wanting to be touched.

His eyes frowned and pooled with tears. He tried to hide it as he turned away from me.

I stood behind him and waited for something to happen. I waited for him to punch me again out of anger or to yell at me for something that wasn't even my fault.

Jason turned back around towards me and stared at me. His face was blank and his eyes looked dead. No emotion whatsoever lied within the skin of his face.

He stepped closer towards me. Then, he blinked and it was as if the world turned upside down. Nothing but lust stared down at me, pressuring me to make a move.

So, I did. I closed the gap between us and connected my lips with his once again. I could get used to this.

His hands traveled down to my waist as our lips moved together. Our tongues danced around, exploring each other. Jason began walking me backwards and into the wall.

My breathing hitched as he kissed me rougher. It's like I can literally feel his pain and frustration. He began playing with the bottom of my shirt and slipped his hands onto my skin.

A loud ringing noise came from his pocket and he immediately broke away.

"Hello? Why? Are you serious?! You were suppose to come back to Vegas! Alright.. Okay, I believe you... Bye." He hung up and stuck the phone back into his pocket.

"That was Max. He said he's staying in Florida to take care of his family." He rolled his eyes.

He stepped closer and closer. "Now, where were we?" A smirk played at the corner of his lips.

I put my fingers in his soft brown hair as his lips left light kisses on my neck. I can't believe this is actually happening. I felt a bit guilty only because I should be doing this with Tristan and not that guy that kidnapped me.

I don't know where this is leading to, but I like it. Not because it's hot and heavy, but because it's with Jason. Something about him just puts me into a trance.

Jason McCannWhere stories live. Discover now