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Jason McCann: Bad Habit


I left as soon as I possibly could without Jason saying a word. I couldn't even look at his face and Kylie and I drove out of the parking lot, leaving him standing there.

A part of me was worried. Worried that he would lash out and go on a murder spree, but another part of me worried for Alex. Alex didn't deserve to be hurt for what was going on between us. It was simply just a way to pass the time.

"What happened back there? You dragged me out right when I met a cute guy." Kylie pouted as she gripped the steering wheel hard.

I sighed, not even knowing what to say. So, I didn't say anything. The whole ride back home was completely silent.

Kylie waved goodbye as I unlocked the front door of my house. My breath smelled of booze and my body smelled like sweat. I could still smell a hint of Jason's cologne on my dress, so I replaced with a pair of pajamas immediately.

My phone buzzed as its screen lit up with a picture of Alex. I was definitely not in the mood to speak with him, so I hit the decline button.

Soon enough and there was a knock on the front door echoing throughout the quiet house. A groan left my mouth as I made my way to the door. I opened it to see Alex.

He stood with his phone in his hand and a blank expression on his face. "We need to talk."

I nodded and led him to my bedroom, a familiar place for the both of us. We both plopped down on the edge of the bed and sighed.

"What happened tonight? Jason just called me and started yelling out of nowhere. I couldn't understand a word he was even saying." His brown eyes filled with hurt as his eyebrows furrowed in frustration.

"I told him about us." I cleared my throat and played with my thumbs, hoping the awkwardness would go away.


"I think we should stop seeing each other." I blurted out, forcing a questionable look from Alex.

"What? Why?"

I paused for a moment, wondering if I should say it. "I'm still in love with Jason."

"Oh." He said again, staring at the carpeted flooring.

I held his hand in mine, causing him to look into my eyes. My heart began to race, but it wasn't quite the same compared to Jason.

"What we had was amazing. And I'll always be here if you need anything, but I need Jason. I have to be with Jason." Tears started to well up in my eyes with every word I spoke.

Alex nodded, but broke our eye contact as he closed his eyes and sighed. "I think I should leave."

I watched as he got up and walked towards my bedroom door. Before he took another step, Alex turned to face me.

"Goodnight, Jordan." He smiled a weak smile before walking out.

Jason McCannWhere stories live. Discover now