Chapter 46: Wolves of Winter

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I paused before speaking to the unfamiliar boy in front of me. He looked a little older than I. I looked up to meet eyes with beautiful caramel ones. They reminded me of Jason's.

"Jessica?" They asked once again.

"Uh... Yes?" Oh, god. What am I doing?

"You.. Look amazing. It's been forever since I last saw you." He gazed down at me, and I think I saw a hint of lust in his eyes?

"Oh, thank you, um..."

"Alex. Are you okay? Or are you doped up again?" He asked as he placed his hand on my shoulder.

Tingles went through my body as he touched me. Wait. Alex? That sounds familiar...

"C'mon. Let me buy you a drink." He motioned for me to walk with him.

"It's a little early to drink isn't it? How about coffee instead?" I hesitated before asking.

"I'm a McCann... I don't go for coffee. But I'd love to buy you some, if that's what you want."

My eyes widened at the mention of his last name. Alex McCann. Isn't he suppose to be dead?

He wrapped his arm around my waist as we walked out of the store. I'll just text my dad that I'm leaving with a friend...

A half hour later, we walked into a small coffee shop that sat in the corner of Vegas. I ordered a regular coffee and sat across from Alex, looking him over. His hair was a similar shade to Jason's, just a little darker. His eyes were brighter and he has a darker style.

Awkward silence sat between us as we both stared out of the window and into the city. Alex cleared his throat and smirked.

"What?" I asked, wondering what he was thinking.

"I was just thinking of us a few years back. I still can't believe we faked my death. I was wondering when I would see you again." He reached across the table and held my hand in mine.

Was he in love with Jessica too?

I broke eye contact and glanced around the shop. I immediately ducked down when my eyes landed on someone I wasn't in the mood to see. Tristan.

"What's wrong?" Alex looked around to see what I was looking at.

"That guy. He's kind of gotta thing for me."

Alex watched him closely. "Well he needs to lose it."

"Oh my god! Jordan?!" A familiar female voice yelled from the front door of the shop.

I quickly turned around to see my best friend. "Kylie?!"

She squealed as she ran over, trying not to fall in her high heels.

"Jordan?" Alex questioned, but I ignored him.

I stood up to embrace her in a warm hug. Her perfume filled my nose.

"I haven't seen you forever! I was going to visit once you were emotionally okay. You know, being kidnapped must've been hard."

"Kylie, this is Alex. Alex, this is Kylie." I watched as Kylie held out her hand, but Alex didn't take it.

"Jessica, what's going on?" Alex questioned again.

Kylie looked at me, obviously confused. "Jessica?"

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