Chapter 8

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Zayn's POV

I sat in bed just texting my sister instead of doing the studying I should have been doing. Niall was still at his class, so I didn't have him to entertain me like he had been treating he past two months we've both been at uni. I think we both fed off each other in the distracting ways, and nothing else. I was trying to tell my sister about him, actually, but there weren't enough words in the world to actually describe him. Doniya continued to accuse me of having a crush on him, but I didn't know how to feel about that.

Niall is a nice guy and he treats me normal, but he's so amazing. He's better than anything I could ever be for him. Yes, a little crush isn't something that would make us committed to each other, but it's something that I know for me will be hard to handle. I don't speak, so I don't have an outlet for my words other than my music. I'm constantly stuck with my thoughts and feelings so those begin to grow more and more until I'm to a point where I'm broken up over someone that will never feel the same about me because I'm weird. I only once had a crush on one guy that went to school with me in high school. We had all of our classes together, but he never once spoke to me. He would just stuck with his popular group of friends and never really pay attention to me. I just kept thinking of him and daydreaming of how it would be to get to hold his hand and share soft kisses with him, but it never happened. One day him and his other friends decided to pick on me some and ended up burning all my music in some bon fire they made behind the school. That was a horrible day for me because it proved that no one would ever want me back.

The door to the dorm room opened and slammed shut with an angry and stressed looking Niall walking in. He threw his backpack on the ground and kicked off his shoes in a way that made him look like he was struggling to even do the simple task. I got my whiteboard and asked him what was wrong on it and sat up more so he would notice me. He looked at it and rolled his eyes. I didn't think it was directed to me, but I wasn't sure yet. For the past two months of living with Niall, I've come to learn his body language isn't always going to agree with with comes out of his mouth.

"My English professor made a mistake on the syllabus and didn't put that we would be having a test over whatever poetry we had been studying. I purposely didn't pay attention because I knew we wouldn't have a test, then today she told us we have one tomorrow. No one knew about it, but she refused to postpone it. Now I have to study extra hard and do my other homework and I know I'll fail out of this school." Niall told me, his voice getting smaller and smaller as he spoke. I was really relieved that I didn't do anything to make him upset, but I felt really bad that he had to go through this. I reached out to him with one arm and he came over to me. He sat in my lap and wrapped his arms around me, burying his head in my neck.

"I don't know how I'm going to do this! My family will hate me if I fail out of uni because they're paying so much money for me to be here and they're actually proud of me. I can't pass this test either because I'm too dumb!" Niall said then begin to cry. At first I was a little taken aback because I've never seen him be anything but happy. I've seen him get stressed and I've seen him get so tired from late nights that he just doesn't say anything, but I've never seen him get so upset he cries. I held him tighter, hoping that would stop his tears. He just cried a little bit more before he sat up and wiped his own tears. He got off my lap and went over to his book bag, but soft whimpers where still coming from him.

I stood from my bed and walked over to him and gently wrapped my arms around him. He threw his book and notebook on his desk then turned to hide in my chest. He was still making those sad little whimpers, but I could feel that he was doing better. His arms wrapped around me and held me closer to him than before. We both just stood there like that until Niall stopped his sad little sounds that actually hurt me too. I knew in that moment that I never ever wanted to see Niall cry ever again. It was like watching a puppy get hurt or something innocent. It's not something I ever want to see again.

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