Chapter 5

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"There are certain rules when you're in the yard. Don't approach anyone you don't know, especially if it's a group. That always leads to trouble. Don't look anyone in the eyes, don't do--Mel! I said don't look anyone in the eye!" Michael hissed and I brushed his comment off.

"Chill, Mikey. They aren't gonna do anything to me. I'm not gonna walk in here acting all scared. Then I'd really be a target." I responded, looking around. We were fenced in a large area with basketball hoops, a workout area, and bleachers to sit on.

By now, I was used to the stares I received, which I got even more now since Bellick had to announce to the entire prison that I was Lincoln's wife. Apparently, he was feared since he was already on death row, which meant he could do anything he wanted to any of the inmates with no consequence.

"That's where they usually have Lincoln when it's yard time." Sucre said, pointing to an area outside where we were. It was empty, but it didn't stop me from jogging over to the fence. I gripped it and stared where Sucre pointed, wanting Lincoln to come out. "He only comes out for chapel and yard time. Other than that, they keep him caged in like an animal."

"I need to see him." I whispered. An idea popped into my head and I twirled around. "What if I ran into him during chapel? I could talk to him there." I said, suddenly getting excited. Michael and Sucre looked at each other and I frowned. "What?"

"There's no way the guards are going to let you talk to Lincoln, even for a second." Sucre said, folding his arms across his chest.

"Why not? He's just a prisoner like all of us." I argued, not wanting Sucre's words to be true.

"He killed the vice president's brother. They don't even want him breathing, but they can't do anything about that till May 11, his execution date. So they keep him locked up and doesn't let him socialize one bit." Sucre explained.

"He didn't kill him." Michael and I said at the same time. I snapped my head towards Michael, eyes wide.

"You don't think he killed the vice president's brother?" I asked.

"I know he didn't." Michael responded.

"Michael Scofield and Fernando Sucre. You are needed at the front desk. Michael Scofield and Fernando Sucre. You are needed at the front desk." Someone announced from the speakers and they frowned.

"Are you expecting anyone?" Sucre asked, Michael and he shook his head. "Me neither. Let's see what they want." He turned to me. "You'll be fine on your own?"

"I'll be fine. Go ahead." I shooed them away and turned back to watch the area where Lincoln usually is. He probably didn't even know I was in here, since he didn't talk to anybody. Maybe the guards would say something to him. I stared at the spot for a while, thinking back on the last time I saw Lincoln.

"Well, if it isn't Mrs. Burrows." I felt a presence behind me and I slowly turned around. Three guys who I'd never seen before towered over me.

"What do you want?" I asked, tired of the guys in this prison. Why couldn't they just leave me alone?

"Oh it's not what we want. It's what our boss wants." Suddenly, they grabbed me and lifted me up, carrying me across the yard.

"Put me down!" I yelled, twisting, trying to get out of their hold. One put his hand over my mouth and I shouted, but to no avail. The guards turned a blind eye as they brought me into the building that the P.I. usually worked in. They threw me on the floor and I made a dash towards the door. It was slammed close and locked and I heard a tsking sound.

"Hello, sweetness." T-bag's voice grated through my ears and my heart started pounding furiously. I looked for a way out, but the door, which was blocked by the three guys that carried me in here, seemed to be the only way in and the only way out. There were two more guys in here besides the three, a total of six sleeze-bags and one of me. I didn't like those odds.

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