Chapter 9

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I felt dirty after making out with T-bag, so I went to my cell, grabbed my toiletries, and told the guard I was headed to the shower. Since I was a female, they usually allowed Sara to come and make sure I didn't do anything stupid. She usually came while I was showering, so I wasn't surprised when I was alone when I got there. I sighed and placed my things on the bench and proceeded to take off my shirt. I didn't even grab the hem when I was shoved to the floor from behind.

"What the hell?" I stood up and saw one of the guards rushing towards me. He swung his fist, but I ducked just in time and punched him in the gut. He grunted and grabbed my arms, pulling me towards him. I tried to move his arm, but he was too strong. He wrapped his hands around my throat and choked me. "Help!!" I screamed, but it came out as a whisper since he was choking the life out of me. My head started to pound from lack of oxygen and my throat closed up.

I kicked my leg up, hitting him right where it counted. He immediately let go of me and I took this to my advantage.

"Help! Someone help!!" I yelled and I ran past him, looking for something to defend myself with.

"You bitch!" I heard the guard growl and his footsteps were heavy behind me. I spotted a brick and grabbed it quickly, just as the guard came upon me, grabbing my arm again. I struggled to get out of his grasp, ripping my shirt from the top to the middle of my chest. "I'm gonna make sure I kill you nice and slow." The guard threatened, laughing menacingly. I heard commotion behind me, but I didn't think about that. I weighed the brick in my hand and I rushed towards him, yelling loudly.

"Stop her!" Someone said from behind me. I swung my arm, cracking the brick against the man's head. He fell to the ground hard and I didn't stop there, even when blood started pouring from his head. I brought the brick down again and again, screaming each time.

"Melanie! Stop it! He's dead!" I heard my sister's voice faintly, still focused on the guard. I was yanked from behind and that's when I came to my senses. The guard's face was smashed in so badly, that he was unrecognizable. Blood pooled around him and I cocked my head, wondering why so much blood came from his head. Everything seemed to go in slow motion as another guard forced my hands behind my back, cuffing me. I could still feel the stickiness of the dead man's blood on my hands, but I felt satisfied.

"Take her to the SHU." Bellick said and I whipped my head towards him.

"The SHU? No, I can't go there! He tried to kill me! That's why I had to kill him, don't you see?" I said frantically, eyes wild. Bellick only grinned smugly and my eyes swung to Sara's, who looked horrified at what I did.

"Based on what we saw, you were trying to kill him." Bellick said. He motioned to the door. "Take her, now." Two guards grabbed each of the arms and I bucked up, trying to get away.

"No! You can't do that! He tried to kill me!" I shrieked as they dragged me to the other side of the prison. They led me down a narrow corridor that didn't looked like it was traveled often. The lighting was dim and the cell door were shut, with one window and a bunch of locks on them. My protesting made the other prisoners down here look out their windows, wondering what was going on.

"We got a female up in here now?" One of the prisoners asked as they led me to a cell at the far end of the row.

"Yep. Crazy too. She killed about a dime and just murdered a guard. She might be in here for a while." The guard answered.

"For a while? I can't be in here for a while. Let me go!" I yanked my arm away, but the guard grabbed me tightly and a pained cry escaped my lips.

"Keep acting up and you'll end up just like the guard." He threatened and I closed my mouth tightly, knowing that they could do whatever they wanted to prisoners.

"Hey! Grab her like that again and I'll make sure you regret it." A voice snapped. I perked up and twisted around, trying to pinpoint the source of the voice. The guards opened a cell and threw me in, shutting it quickly. I heard the bolts go in place and I scrambled up and looked out the window on the door, looking for where the voice came from. The guards left and one stayed in the office by the cells. A face appeared in the window of the cell across from me and I gasped softly.

"Lincoln." I whispered, almost not believing it was him. Though it was dim, I would recognize his bald head anywhere. His bright green eyes, strong jaw, broad shoulders, large muscles...I shook my head, not needing to think about how perfect he was.

"You must've murdered the president to end up in here." He deep voice sounded like music to my ears.

"Close enough." We were silent for a beat, and then I heard him sigh.

"How long has it been?" He asked quietly and I immediately knew what he was talking about.

"Five years. Going on six." I answered. That's how long he had been gone. How long it's been since he walked out on me with no explanation as to why, except that he was trying to keep me safe.

"Mel, I'm sorry." I laughed humorlessly, all of the pent up emotions from him leaving rushing back to me.

"Yeah, and look where we are now, Linc. Sorry just isn't gonna cut it this time." I said smartly.

"I didn't kill that man, Melanie."

"I know you didn't. They tried to get me to do it and frame it on you, but I couldn't do that. I refused. Even though you left, I still loved you and I couldn't ruin your life like that." I admitted.

"They got to you? Melanie, I told you what you should do if they approached you." I started to get frustrated because I didn't deal with any of this when I was out there. I just pushed the emotions aside and didn't think of them.

"I killed them." I said suddenly and Lincoln gripped the bars of his cell window.

"What?" He responded and I gritted my teeth.

"I killed them. All of them. That's how I ended up in here." Lincoln stared at me as if I were a different person.

"How many?" He asked and I started pacing around my cell, my hands in fists, trying to control myself.

"They convicted me of twenty."

"How many did you actually kill, Mel?" I was silent, not wanting to say the actual number out loud. Lincoln banged his hand against the door, making a booming sound. "How many, Mel?" He raised his voice and I closed my eyes, tears welling up in my eyes.

"Fifty." I whispered and I heard the other prisoners murmuring at my confession. This was the first time I admitted to killing all those people, besides the ones they pinned to me.

"Melanie, why the hell would you do something like that? You are nev-"

"They killed LJ!" I yelled, finally snapping. Hot tears ran down my face as I admitted that. I went back to the window, anger and pain running through my veins. "They killed him, Linc. Right in front of me. So I went back and killed every single one of them that had something to do with the Company. I didn't care if they were working for them or worked for them in the past. I killed them and I loved it. I loved the feeling of their blood running through my fingers and watching the life drain out of their bodies because that's what they did to our son!" I cried out, banging my hand against the cell door.

I finally broke down into sobs and slid down the door, crying my heart out. I'd never felt this distraught since the day Lincoln walked out on me and LJ. I knew he was doing it to protect us, but it didn't hurt any less. I laid down on the floor and put my hands over my ears, ignoring everything around me.

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