Chapter 6

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"Melanie, what the hell?" Sara's voice broke as she rushed to my side and threw her arms around me. I moaned in pain, but I attempted to hug her back. She pulled back quickly when she realized she'd caused me more pain by hugging me. "I'm so sorry." She put her hand to her mouth, her eyes welling up with tears. Mine did the same, different emotions running through me.

"I'm confused." Sucre said, scratching his head. Michael's eyes flitted between the two of us and his gaze lingered on Sara for a bit.

"She's my older sister." Sara whispered, looking at me as if I was going to disappear. Michael's eyebrows raised and Sucre's mouth fell open.

"Is there anyone else here you're related to? Please, let me know. I can't take all these surprises." Sucre responded, rubbing his chest. I shook my head and winced, remembering why I was in the infirmary in the first place.

"It's great to see you and all, but I'm sorta in a lot of pain, so if you could just.." I moved my hand in a circle, trying to get her to speed things up. She blinked a few times and nodded. Michael and Sucre silently left the infirmary.

"Yeah, yeah let me patch you up." With that, she proceeded to tend to all of my wounds and the pain flared, but it was mostly because the extent of my injuries were internal. I could only wait for my ribs to fully heal before I would feel normal again. She pressed against my ribs and I hissed, almost breaking her hand from how much it hurt.

"How bad is it?" I asked, sucking in my breath to ease the pain.

"Luckily, he didn't hit them hard enough to break them or bruise them that badly, so it's mainly the outer part of your chest area that is really enflamed. I will keep you here for a few days to ice it and let you rest so that you can heal properly." Sara explained, pulling up a chair next to the bed I was laying on. My eyes followed her actions and she finally looked at me.

"Ask it." I said quietly.

"Why?" She asked, her eyes searching mine as if to look for an explanation. I turned my gaze to the ceiling, not ever knowing how to answer that question. No one would fully understand why I did what I did, even if they sympathized with me. I didn't want anyone's pity. I wanted revenge.

"Let's just say certain people had it coming. You won't understand, but I will explain it to you some day." I answered, wanting to push these thoughts away. Sara grabbed my hand and I squeezed it, slightly comforted by my sister's presence.

"You know Linc is in here, right?" I nodded, tears welling up in my eyes.

"They're gonna execute him, Sara." I whispered fiercely. "He didn't even do it." Sara sighed and rubbed my hand.

"Sweetie, I know he's your husband and I know it will be hard to accept, but Lincoln--"

"Don't you dare say he did it. I know he didn't do it!" I raised my voice, getting angry.

"Okay, okay, calm down, Mel. Calm down." She pushed my shoulder down and I didn't even realized I had started to sit up. I laid back down and closed my eyes, a headache coming on. "Why didn't you want to come to the infirmary?" She asked quietly.

"I didn't want to hear your mouth about how what I did was dumb and all that. If I get that lecture from you, imagine the one I'm gonna get from Dad." I explained and a slight smile came to her face. Our dad was the governor and it seemed that no matter what we did, it was never enough to satisfy or please him.

"That makes sense." She looked at her watch and stood up. "How about you get some rest and in a few hours I'll come back and check up on you, okay?" I nodded and pulled the blankets up over me, a wave of fatigue taking over. I closed my eyes again and this time I fell asleep.


I felt like I was in a daze as I watched a line of men walking down a corridor. I aimlessly followed, not knowing why I was following. Shouldn't I be in the infirmary, resting? I didn't think more about that as I turned another corner. The man in front of me suddenly stopped and I almost bumped into him. He turned around and stared at me with blank eyes.

"It is time." He said, before turning back around and continuing down the hall. I frowned, confused. It is time for what?

"Hey! What are you talking about?" I called out, jogging a bit after him. More men poured into the hallway, chanting 'it is time, it is time'. My pulse sped up as they said this over and over again and I realized they were all talking to me. They were closing in on me, the chanting getting louder and louder. I pushed through the crowd and stumbled into the first room I saw. There was a man in a chair with a sponge on his head and I realized someone was about to be executed. Sara was in there and she looked at me with the same blank expression that the men in the hallway had.

"It is time." She said in a robotic voice.

"Time for what?" I asked, tired of hearing the same thing over and over again. She said nothing, but turned to the man in the chair. I slowly walked around to face the man and gasped when I saw that it was Lincoln. His eyes snapped to mine and my breath caught.

"It is time." He said, and before I could do anything, the top was on his head and they flipped the switch.

"No!!" I screamed, running forward to rip the sponge off of Lincoln's head. I went right through him and I didn't think, I just kept screaming. "Lincoln! No! Somebody! He didn't do it! He didn't do it!" I thrashed and kicked against whoever was holding me down, wanting to save my husband.

"Melanie! Melanie, calm down! You're just dreaming." A voice slipped through my head and my eyes finally opened. I laid on the bed, gasping for air, sweat pouring down my face. When my eyes adjusted, I realized I was still in the infirmary and Michael was trying to get me to calm down. I looked around the room, scared that Lincoln was in the chair.

"Linc, t-they put him in the chair. H-he was electrocuted." I gripped Michael's hand tightly, not sure what was reality and what was my dream. I don't know how he convinced the guards to let him come back here, but I was glad.

"It's okay, Mel. It was just a dream." He reassured me, but that didn't stop me from being scared of what might happen to Lincoln. Sara walked up next to Michael and her eyes softened when she saw how scared I was.

"I need to see him." I whispered, letting go of Michael's hand. The thrashing around caused my pain to flare up again, but I wanted nothing but to know that Lincoln was okay. Sara and Michael exchanged a look, communicating silently.

"I have to keep you in here for one more day to make sure that all of your wounds are healing correctly, okay?" Sara told me, changing the subject immediately. I didn't answer her, knowing her and Michael were up to something. I had to see Lincoln before he was executed and I would do anything I could to see him. Anything.

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