Chapter 17

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"Listen up cons!" Bellick's voice woke us all up. I groaned and pulled my blanket over my head, wanting to block his voice out. "What happened yesterday was unacceptable! Something like that happens again, and you'll all be saying hello to the devil when your soul goes straight to hell!" He shouted. I rolled my eyes at his analogy because he would be coming to hell with us.

"Okay, teacher!" An inmate yelled back and laughter filled the A-wing. I laughed a bit. He did sound like a teacher reprimanding us.

"Who said that?" Bellick asked, his footsteps making a lot of noise as he walked around. Everyone was silent and he chuckled. "Bunch of chickens. Open on 40!" I opened my eyes and looked out my cell to see why he was opening that cell. "Scofield. Pope wants you. Let's go." I shifted on my side and watched as Michael walked past with Bellick. A piece of paper floated into my cell and I scrambled to grab it before Bellick noticed what Michael did.

Meeting in guard's break room. P.I. I crumpled the note and threw it away, hoping this meeting meant we were going to make progress. Lincoln was scheduled to be executed next week and so far, nothing has been done to delay the process. I still had a headache, and since it was still early in the morning, I decided to sleep for a little while longer.

* * *

"Visitors!" A guard yelled. "James, Henry, Johnson, Roberts, Burrows, McKenzie, Hudson, and Westmoreland, please step out of your cells and accept or decline your visitor." I stopped drawing on the wall and frowned. I had a visitor? I walked out my cell, curious as to who would be visiting me. When I got to the counter, I looked at the name on the list and my jaw dropped.

"Accept or decline?" The receptionist asked.

"Uh, accept?" It came out as a question because I wasn't sure. She nodded and checked my name off and gestured to the door that led to the visitor's room. I nervously made my way into the room and my eyes searched until I found my visitor. He was sitting up straight with two bodyguards on both sides of him. I rolled my eyes at how dramatic that was, but still went and sat down in front of him.


"Hi, Dad." I said curtly. "What do you want?" He raised an eyebrow at my almost rude tone of voice.

"Can I not come and see my daughter in this god forsaken hellhole?" He asked, glancing around with disgust. He folded his hands and put them on the table in front of him.

"You didn't even come to my high school graduation, so no you can't just come and see your own daughter." I snapped. "Do you even talk to Sara?" I asked and he hesitated before speaking.

"I'm not here for Sara. I'm here for you. What you've done to get in here can be forgotten and all charges will be dismissed. I can do that for you." He said and I scoffed.

"What are the terms? You wouldn't do that if you didn't want something." He nodded and a hint of a smile appeared on his lips.

"Come back." My heart rate kicked up at those words and I shook my head immediately.

"No. No way. I will never come back."

"Then you will never get out of here." I sat back, irritated.

"We'll see." I muttered under my breath. "Dad, can you do one thing for me, at least? I asked.

"What is it?"

"Review Lincoln's case. His lawyer, Veronica is on to something and I know you have your connections so you can help Linc get exonerated." My dad frowned and scoffed.

"Are you serious? You want me to look at a murderer's case for you? Not a chance. He deserves to be where he is." My mouth fell open.

"You of all people know that he's innocent! You're gonna let him die because of you loyalty to those people? He's my husband!" I hissed. My dad's facial expression didn't change.

"He's a murderer." My dad did not sway from his accusation. I frowned, getting angry.

"You guys murdered LJ." I said lowly, venom seeping through my lips. His face dropped and he looked around before leaning forward.

"You will keep your mouth shut-"

"No!" I yelled. "You will do this or I swear to god-"

"Guard! Detain this prisoner!" My dad shouted and I gasped as two guards rushed towards me.

"Dad! Are you kidding me? You're a monster!" I ripped my arm out of the guards grip and lunged towards my dad. I grabbed his tie and yanked him forward. Fear was evident in his eyes as I spoke. "When I get out of here, I'm coming for you. You aren't a father. You're a joke." I snarled.

"Let go of him!" The guard yelled and I pushed my dad back and smiled when he fell down. My arms were forced behind my back and I was slammed onto a table, my cheek pressed against the cold surface. This didn't faze me and I started laughing.

"Watch your back, Daddy dearest, because I will be coming after you. Mark my words."

"Let's go." My dad ordered his guards and I continued laughing as they rushed him out, not looking back once. I was led back to gen pop and shoved into my cell.

"You are no longer allowed to have visitors." The guard told me.

"Fuck off." I muttered, not caring. There was no one out there who I wanted to visit me anyway. It was tier time, so my cell stayed open, but I wasn't in the mood for socializing.

"Melanie?" I looked up and saw Sucre peering into my cell.

"What's up?" I asked, looking down at Lincoln's shirt that I grabbed. Sucre narrowed his eyes a bit and walked into my cell.

"You okay?" He wondered, sliding onto the bed next to me. I nodded and the shook my head.

"No, I'm not. My dad came and visited me and it didn't go well. My visitor privilege has been taken away too." I said, laughing a bit. Sucre's eyes widened.

"What did you do?" I glanced over at him, with raised eyebrows. He chuckled and smiled.

"Never mind. I can guess that one. Have you seen Michael? He still hasn't come back yet."

"Nope, sorry." We were silent for a few minutes and then Sucre spoke again.

"So, uh, if you don't mind talking about it, how did you, Linc, and Mikey meet?" He asked. I sighed and smiled as I thought about it.

"I don't mind at all. Let's see. We were like five and I had just moved in the area. Our parents worked together for a long time, so we naturally just became close. I ended up marrying Linc at eighteen, had our son at nineteen, and that's how our family started. With a few bumps in the road here and there." I summed up. Sucre grinned and adjusted himself to face me.

"That's a long ass time knowing somebody. Kinda cute." I smiled and nodded.

"I guess so. What about you, Fernando? I barely know anything about you." He laughed and rubbed his bald head.

"True, true. Okay, well I was born in Puerto Rico and..." He explained his life's story in more details than I did and he was a very interesting person. He had been through so much, yet he still seemed to find the good in everything. He was engaged to a girl named Maricruz and I could tell by the way he was speaking of her, that he loved her very much.

As he spoke, I thought about the encounter with my dad and talking to Sucre about my history with Michael and Lincoln. I left out a considerable amount of details because not even Lincoln and Michael know the real reason as to how I ended up meeting them.

It wasn't a coincidence and I was going to make sure they never found out.

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