Chapter 8

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A week flew by quickly and by then, I was used to the flow of things in the prison. We woke up, ate breakfast, came back to our cells and did nothing. Then a few hours later we had tier time. After tier time, those working in P.I. went and worked for however long the project took that day. Lunch was next and then we went back to out cells for a few hours, sometimes having another tier time before going into the yard. Showers and dinner was after that, and then we went to bed. The next day was the same way and I could see how people go crazy in prison.

I worked in the same building T-bag beat me up in, helping fix up the C.O.'s break room. So far, none of the men tried to touch me or mess with me in any way, not even Abruzzi. I came to like him and I could see him being a good friend to me in the future, if I didn't get on his bad side. Tomorrow was the day I was going to meet Michael to plan how I would be able to meet up with Lincoln for the first time since I arrived here. As I was dragging the brush down the wall during work, Abruzzi came up to me, smiling.

"What do you need, John?" I asked, and he put his hand to his chest, gasping comically.

"Can I not come up to you without needing something?" He asked and I laughed, putting my brush down.

"Come on, spit it out." He sighed and leaned against the wall in front of me.

"Okay, don't hit me, but I need a favor from you. Nothing too drastic." He said and I motioned for him to continue. "There is someone in this prison who has something that I need, but I can't get to it. I need someone with a little should I put this? Appeal. Less threatening."

"Who is it?" I wondered and he looked away for a bit.

"T-bag." I frowned and crossed my arms.

"Are you trying to get me killed, John? T-bag hates me and you. There's no way he's going to give me whatever you want." Abruzzi waved his finger.

"Ahh, but asking is not the way you are going to get this. You have to use your female charm to get it from him." I raised my eyebrows, not budging on my decision. He sighed deeply and pinched the bridge of his nose. "I'll double your pay." Money was hard to come by in here so I immediately jumped on the offer.

"Deal. What do you need me to take from him?"

"T-bag is the main supplier of shanks in here and when we got into our little fight way back when, he made sure that me and my men never had shanks. Now I need this for a specific reason, and I'm not trying to kill anybody with it. But without it, let's just say there are some things that will go horribly wrong." I nodded, not needing him to elaborate any more.

"When do you need me to do it?" I asked, picking my paintbrush back up. Abruzzi pushed off the wall and looked at his watch.

"Second tier time. Go to T-bag's cell and make sure he's alone before you do what you need to do."

"Got it, boss." I saluted and Abruzzi smacked my hand down.

"Don't call me that. My friends drop all formalities." He said, winking. A smile spread across my face and I twirled my brush.

"Okay, friend." I emphasized and he shook his head, chuckling.

"Get back to work, darling." He walked off and I went back to painting the wall.


"Are you ready for this?" Abruzzi whispered in my ear and I nodded, looking down at the first floor. The inmates walked around loud and entered different people's cells. My eyes was on T-bag's cell and when I was sure his cellmate's left, I walked down the stairs slowly. After work, I had put on the shirt I made the first time I was here, which made me a sight for sore eyes. I ran my fingers through my hair and walked confidently to T-bag's cell.

I slipped inside his cell and his back was turned towards me. I could see a shank sticking out of the back of his pocket. I cleared my throat and he turned around, surprised.

"I think you got the wrong cell, snowflake. You might wanna turn 'round and find yourself back where you belong." T-bag said, walking towards me. I smiled at him.

"I think we got off on the wrong foot, Theodore." I said his first name and he stopped in his tracks. His face hardened and I saw him reach for the back of his pants. "How about we start over?" I rushed, not wanting to fail as soon as I started. Before he could say anything, I grabbed the white sheet and hung it in front of the cell, blocking everyone's view of the cell. Hanging up a white sheet meant that two cellies were doing the nasty and to not disturb.

T-bag's eyes widened and I pulled down my shirt, slightly. I was so nervous because I didn't know how he would respond to my advances, but I continued anyway. His eyes undressed me and his tongue slowly slid over his lips. Before I could do anything, he grabbed me and pressed me up against the wall. My heart accelerated from the surprise and T-bag put his face close to mine.

"So this is how you want to start over?" He asked, cupping my face. I nodded, my hands on his chest. "I don't mind this one bit." He smashed his lips to mine and my eyes widened, not expecting things to get this far. But since I still didn't have the shank, I had to go along with it. I pushed all thoughts of how disgusted I felt and imagined it was someone else.

I kissed him back and much to my astonishment, he was a great kisser. His lips moved over mine expertly and his hand splayed against my back, making me arch against him. I threw my arms around his neck and I didn't realize we had moved until my back hit the mattress. He hovered over me, kissing down my neck. I gasped when he sucked my skin into his mouth, marking me. My hands trailed down his back until I could feel the shank. I slowly slid it out of his pocket and I almost had it when someone banged on the cell door. T-bag shot up and I quickly slid the rest out of his pocket and slipped it into mine.

"What?!" he hissed, still above me.

"Meeting. Right now. It's important. Let's go." The person outside the cell said. T-bag growled and punched the mattress.

"Impeccable timing." He muttered, getting off of me. He didn't even turn back as he left the cell, leaving the sheet where it was. I steadied my heart, laying there for a second before getting up. As I walked out the cell, I adjusted my shirt and flattened my hair, jogging up the stairs to Abruzzi. I walked past Michael's cell and the look in his eyes told me he saw everything. I walked into Abruzzi's cell, made sure no one was looking, and handed him the shank.

"Wow, that was quick. I thought it would take a bit...longer." He suggestively, raising his eyebrows. I blushed slightly before answering.

"He, uh, got called into some meeting with another inmate." I explained, rubbing the throbbing sensation on my neck. Abruzzi's eyes slid to my neck and he smirked.

"Theodore sure likes to mark his territory." He laughed, standing up. I inhaled sharply when he pressed his thumb on the spot where T-bag sucked my skin. No way. I rushed to the mirror and my mouth fell open when I saw the large hickey plastered on my neck.

"That bastard." I whispered, examining it. My skin was very sensitive, so even if he did it lightly, he probably would've left a mark. "Don't send me on these kind of things again, John. I mean it." I said, semi-seriously. Abruzzi held up his hands and moved out the way when I walked out his cell.

"Trust me, I won't." He called out and I just shook my head as I made my way to my cell. He probably would do it again and knowing me, I would accept.

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