Chapter 15

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The inmates looked behind them and I hid us from their view, peering out when I knew they weren't looking anymore. I scanned the area, trying to find a way to get in, but every scenario ended with Sara getting caught with the inmates and I didn't even want to think about what they would do if they got ahold of her.

"C'mon lady! Don't worry! It won't hurt if you don't fight us!" A black inmate yelled and the prisoner that was banging the fire extinguisher against the window was making progress as the window started to give way. Sara was looking around for a way out, but couldn't find one.

"Help! Somebody help me!" She screamed and my heart squeezed for her. I couldn't just let those men hurt my sister. I was about to let go of Lincoln to go save her, but he gripped me tightly and shook his head.

"You'll just end up getting hurt." Lincoln rasped and I held back tears that had surfaced unwillingly. I looked back over towards the sick bay and one inmate held up a phone book and a lighter.

"Let's smoke the bitch out!" He yelled, lighting the book on fire. His friends roared with excitement as he threw the phone book through the semi-broken window. Sara ran and stomped on it, trying to put the fire out. She put the trash can over it, but it didn't stop the office from filling up with smoke. I heard her coughing and because of how thick the smoke was getting, I couldn't see her anymore.

The inmates must have realized the same thing because they had a confused look on their faces. "Where'd she go?" They yelled, banging on the door. I squinted, looking all around and when I looked up, I saw an arm extend from the ceiling. That was all I needed to see to know that she was going to be okay.

"We need to get to the A-wing right now." I muttered, glancing to make sure the coast was clear. Lincoln just groaned in pain and I remembered that he was injured. "Do you think you can make it?" I asked. He just grunted and I took that as a yes. We began a slow trudge towards the A-wing, where my cell was located. When we finally got there, going up the stairs was a struggle.

"Wait, wait." Lincoln said, out of breath. I struggled to hold him up as he sagged against me.

"Linc, we're almost there." I told him and he pulled himself up again and we walked up the stairs slowly. Most of the prisoners from the A-wing had came back, trashing the C.O's office even more. They were clicking random buttons at a time and I just hoped that they didn't open any other cells to the different wings because if they did, there would be hundreds of inmates running around.

We finally made it to my cell and I helped him lay down on the bottom bunk. He breathed a sigh of relief and I kneeled down beside the bed, watching him.

"I'm gonna have to take your shirt off to see your wound, okay?" I said and he nodded. "It might hurt a bit." I moved his hand from his wound and I started to lift him shirt up. He hissed in pain and I saw that the blood from his wound made his shirt stick to it. He was sweating bullets and I knew that if I didn't take his shirt off the wound, it would get infected and he could possibly die. I slowly peeled it off and Lincoln growled in pain, gripping the bars above him.

"Fuck!" He yelled, grabbing the pillow to bite on.

"Almost there." I said, peeling the rest of the shirt off. When I finally got it off the wound, I ripped his shirt and slid it off of him. I didn't have time to admire his washboard abs because his wound caught my attention. It was covered in dry and wet blood, so I couldn't pinpoint where the stab wound really was. I grabbed his shirt and ran water over it. After cleaning his chest, I finally found where the blood was coming from. The stab wound was on the right side of body, close to his belly button. "Oh god." I whispered.

"What?" Lincoln asked. He raised his head, but I pushed it back down. He glared at me, but I didn't care. His wound was very wide and there was no possible way for it to heal on its own like that.

"Umm, you're going to need stitches." I said hesitantly.

"Then stitch it up." I whipped my head towards him.

"Are you crazy?! I'm not a doctor." Lincoln turned his head towards me, green eyes glinting with an emotion I couldn't put my finger on at the moment.

"You don't have to be a doctor to give a person stitches, Mel. You've done it before on me. You can do it again." I frowned at him and ran my hand down my face.

"I don't have a needle or thread. Plus, what if I-" Lincoln dug in his pocket and pulled out what I needed. My mouth dropped open and I grabbed it from him. "How the hell did you get this?" He smirked and put his arms behind his head, wincing a bit.

"I was gonna help the guard, so I went and got it. That's when T-bag stabbed me and killed the guard." He explained. I shook my head and threaded the needle. I swiped the alcohol wipe that he gave me across the entire thing in case it wasn't clean and I took a deep breath.

"This is gonna hurt like a bitch, Linc." He looked at me with raised eyebrows.

"I've felt worse pain, babe. Now stitch me up." I shrugged and proceeded to fix his wound.

* * *

"That looks pretty good." I said admiring my work. Lincoln handled it like man, grunting in pain here and there. I swiped another alcohol pad across the wound to clean it and I threw everything away, but kept the needle and thread in case I needed it in the future. "Stay here. I need to go talk to Michael...if he's back in his cell." I said. I didn't even look back to make sure he listened to me.

I stopped in my tracks when I saw Abruzzi and T-bag in Michael's cell, arguing. Seeing T-bag made my blood boil and I stalked towards them, only focused on T-bag. Since his back was towards me, he didn't see me coming and I shoved him into the corner, away from Abruzzi.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't the other Burrows." T-bag said, smirking. I said nothing but brought my hand back and punched him square in his nose. He howled and bent over as blood gushed out of it. I kneed him in the belly and punched his jaw. I grabbed his throat and slammed his head on the wall behind him.

"I should kill you right now for what you did to my husband, you bastard." I growled, squeezing my hand around his throat. T-bag started laughing and blood stained his teeth.

"Melanie-" Abruzzi started.

"Shut-up!" I yelled, turning to John. He held up his hands.

"Hey, chill out. Mr. Rapist here knows all about our little plan. And he wants in." Abruzzi explained.

"What?!" I looked at T-bag, hand still on his throat. "You're not coming with us." T-bag cocked his head.

"Well then, I'll just have to squeal to Pope about how you and your little family are trying to break Linc the Sink out of here. Wouldn't want that, now would we?" He threatened and I glared at him, breathing hard from how angry I was.

"Fine. Then I guess I'll just have to kill you." I said shrugging. I grabbed the shank from the sink, about to plunge it through his heart. His eyes widened, and I smiled, loving how fearful he looked.

"Melanie!" My hand stopped in mid-air and I closed my eyes, jaw clicking. "Mel, put it down." Lincoln said. I yelled in frustration and threw the shank down. "Killing him won't solve anything."

"It'll make me feel better. Problem solved." I snapped, crossing my arms over my chest. I finally glanced over at him and he seemed to be out of breath, leaning against the door. My eyes traveled over his muscles, to his stitches, and back to his face. "You should be resting." I grumbled, walking over to him. He held out his arm and I walked into his embrace, leaning my head on his chest. His chin rested on top of my head and I closed my eyes, wrapping my arms around him, being wary of his stab wound.

"I'll rest when you stop trying to kill people." He joked. I smiled and looked up at him.

"Guess you won't ever get any rest." I replied. He smirked and leaned down to kiss the tip of my nose.

"How precious. Now how about one of you lovebirds tell me all about this wonderful pl-" T-bag's words were cut short from the sound of the sink being dragged. We all turned to see who was coming and our eyes widened. We didn't expect to see Sara climbing out of it and into the cell.

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