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It's been a month since the day me and Mary kissed. We've been talking, not like that tho, like friends even tho I like her more than that. I told Daniel and Devin and they said I should tell her how I feel. But what if she doesn't like me like that. It would ruin our friendship and I could loose her, and I don't want that.

She's different from the other girls, she listens to what I say and actually cares about my opinion. She never judges me or tells me what to do, she just advises me and that. I try my best to be for her what she is to me.

We are in my house, my mom and Shari are out for the week, and I'm staying at Mary's house, in their guest room, her mom invited me of course. But I had the keys to my house so now we are in my room, we've been watching TV for like 3 hours now, Mary was asleep on me, again, she really needs to stop doing that, I love watching her eyes, is like art to me. Um sorry if that sounds corny but fuck it. She's perfect. I watched her breath peacefully.

"Mary... I think I love you" I said before I fell asleep too.


I was kind of sleeping, but I heard when Kevin said it, he said I love you nah it must be part of my dream, and since I love him I can't trust my mind.

~2 hours later

I woke up, and Kevin was still sleeping, he looked so cute, he was laying in the couch with his head on my lap. Out of nowhere he started frowning in is sleep, he started moving around my lap, and his frown turned into a sad face.



"Ha! you actually thought I liked you??" she said and when she saw the sadness in my face she busted in laughter. "I'll never be with someone like you, I love Daniel and I hoped you knew this by now" she said before grabbing Daniels hand kissing him then walking out. 

"No Mary, don't leave me," I said before realizing she was gone. I knelt down and started crying. "Please don't leave me" I mumbled to myself.


I was awaken by someone shacking me, after my eyes were fully open, I saw Mary with a sad expression on her face. I was confused, and then she hugged me tight, I didn't know what was happening, I just hugged her back.

"I will never leave you" she spoke, oh, but wait how did she know that I was dreaming that? "you spoke while you were sleeping and you said 'Mary don't leave me please' I will never leave I promise" she said and I hugged her tighter than she hugged me.

"I will never leave either, I promise" I said still hugging her.

"Ok, but Kevin, I need oxygen" she said slow and her voice was raspy.

 "oh my bad" I chuckled nervously and she smiled.

Hey guys I hoped y'all liked it.

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Before He Leaves♡Kevin AlstonWhere stories live. Discover now