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I woke up in the floor, with the same clothes I had yesterday and dry tears in my cheeks. I gather myself and go to my bathroom, I turn on the shower and brush me teeth. Then undress myself getting in the shower, the water was so hot I cold die in here. My cuts are burning but that pain is not as big as my lost. I get out the shower and to my closet. I take out shorts and a black over sized sweater. I don't feel like going out there, no now. But I have to, if this is hard for me how hard it must be for my mother? I check the time in my phone. It reads '4:34AM' to be honest I just want to leave. Go away for a few days, clear my mind.

I take my duffle bag and start packing, not much I won't be leaving for long, I don't know where to go but I want to be alone. I open the door in my room and Kevin falls in, he feel asleep leaning on the door, I give him a kiss and start walking towards the stairs,

"where you going?" he said in a sleepy raspy voice as he started standing up. "Out" I dryly said. "with a bag? I'm going with you" He said fully up. "No you arre not, I want to be alone" I said openeing the door and getting out, he soon came out with me. "you can be alone, with me" he said following, this boy. I walked a few neighborhoods and looked back, Kevin wasnt there, I sighed and turned around to keep walking, he was there "You thought I was going to leave you alone? no"he said then we started walking again.


(2 hours later)

I don't know what shes trying to do but I want to be with her no matter what, I mean that's what I'm here for, to stick with her through everything. I was carrying her now, she was tired and I picked her up, now she's sleeping. I walked back, to my house, we can stay there.

hello... so I'm having a huge block with this story.... It'll get better I promise.

Before He Leaves♡Kevin AlstonWhere stories live. Discover now