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its being hour since I last  saw Kevin. He's probably somewhere with a girl. I told the girls what just happened and they said thy haven't seen him. I was trying to not show it too much nut I was worried about him. I went outside to call Kevin, he probably wasn't going to pick up, but I can try. The phone rang two times but no one answered, i heard the beginning of Get Used To This and I hanged up the phone, immediately the music stopped, I walked around the house trying to see if he was around. When I was in the backyard I see someone laying in the floor, i walk closer and see its Kevin, with at least five empty beer bottles around him.

"Kevin" I said low and shake him little. He was obviously drunk, he opened his eyes and sat up, leaning on the tree. "Come on, lets get you inside" I said helping him up, we walked up the stairs and Kevin almost fell two times, I'm do mad at him for getting this drunk. We were in Devin's basement it was quirt. He was looking at me like I had something in my face, "What?" I asked him.

"You lied" he began "you said you wasn't gonna leave" he said and I could barely understand what he was saying. The alcohol smell was strong.

"I did not leave you,if you noticed I'm with you right now, oh right, you are so drunk that you can't even realize it" I said.

"No, I do know that you are here, and I also know that as soon as I left you, you went withthat other boy" he said and stood up, trying to balance himself, then gave up and sat back down.

" Don't even Kevin, he asked me if I wanted to dance and I said no, but as soon as I saw you flirting with that other girl I went and asked him to dance, thats what happened, I should have known better instead of letting my stupid ass fall in love with you" I said, I was so mad I didn't even care I just told him how I feel. I sat on the couch were he is sitting but in the opposite corner,

"I was talking to her because I saw you talking with him, and you know what yourre right, I'm a stupid asshole that always messes up everything for the ones he loves" he said and his voice was cracking, his eyes started getting watery. "And you know what I do love you, I love the way you look up to me like riht now, you got out of the party to look for me, no one ever does that for me. I love the way you smile, or the way you laugh when I say a bad joke just to make me feel better. I love your eyes, your hair. I love every single thing about you." he said and I couldn't help to open my arms for him to hug me, he didn't hesitated to do it. He hugged me tight and started crying harder. He then laid in the couch and placed his head on my lap. he was calming himself down as I played with his noodle hair.

"Mary" he said, his voice cracking.


He sniffed before continuing "would you be my girlfriend?"

Wow that was intense, anyway... Thanks for reading I hope y'all liked it. I think I posted three times today. Lmao but I love you guys.

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Before He Leaves♡Kevin AlstonWhere stories live. Discover now