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The next day..


I knew Kylie was good for me. Something was telling me don't let her slip threw the cracks. My words wasn't going to fix it so I had to think out the box. The only person I knew could help me was my aunt Sandra, the lady who raised me.

"Hey baby." She spoke into the telephone.

"What's up mama. I need your help with something."

"Talk to me."

"If I'm trying to win a girl back but she doesn't want to hear what I have to say, what I do?"

"Send her some flowers over, then take her out to dinner or something. Then afterwards prove that you were actually sorry."

"Awe man thank ma'. I'll talk to you later. Love you."

I jumped in my Range Rover and headed down town.

I walked in the flower shop hopping to get some kind of help. This was my first time ever doing some shit like this over someone and things were all new to me.

"Hey can I help you sir?" A short lady spoke.

"I wanna order some flowers."

"What kind were you looking for?"

"See I don't actually know. My girl mad at me and I wanted to just get a boat load of them delivered to her job."

"How sweet!" She grinned. "Well the best apology flowers would be some roses. Maybe white roses?"

I looked up at her.

"I want to go out the box. I want colorful and different kinds of flowers all together.

"I got just the thing." She went to the back and came out with a bunch of flowers. "She'll love these."

"Yep, she sure will and I want them. How much?"

"These are actually $250.00 because these are some rare and expensive flowers, sir."

I chuckled. "I said I want them." I hand her three hundreds.

"What a lucky girl. And where would you like them to be delivered?"

"Down at Welchmen hospital. There for Kylie Vornado. I want them sent out now."

"I can do that for you. You make sure you come back to visit us again for the wedding." She laughed.

I walked out the store hopping every goes good.


I had another hour until I got off and I was so ready to go. My day was going horrible. Two people called in sick, one quit today and my elderly patient was driving me up the wall.

I was walking to give my patient her medicine until I was stopped by my assistant. "You have something at the desk for you."

I begin to really get annoyed but I had to be professional. I walked to the front desk.

"Hey Ms. Vornado, these are for you. Some guy you have. Those flowers must've costed a at least $300.00"

"No he did no.." I whispered. I check the card name.

"Just something to put a smile on your face. Sorry for being a jerk. Love Qu'" I read aloud.

"Lucky lucky girl." The receptionist Kerry said.

The flowers were beautiful and they did put a smile on my face. My whole day was turning around.


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