NINETEEN: temptations

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I was in bed watching Empire as Quinton's phone rang uncontrollably on the night stand. I wasn't the type to snoop but it was interrupting my show. Cookie was going off and I didn't want to miss it.

I stood up and walked over to the phone. Before I could answer, it stopped ringing.

"What you doin'?" Qu asked stepping out the bathroom with a towel around his wet, muscular body.

"This damn phone will not stop ringing."

I threw it to him.

"It's probably someone calling booking for ZIPS."

ZIPS was a success. This weekend strippers were passing through. And strippers meant money. And money attracted big people to our spot. Last week Mayweather called and booked the glass VIP section for this weekend. Must I elaborate?

Qu put the phone to his ear as I returned to eating my gallon of cookies n' cream ice cream and watching Empire.

"Look, you made me miss cookie!" I yelled.

"Shhhh, Kylie please." Qu yelled back.

I turned down the tv because the look on Qu's face had me worried.

"Damn, I'll be there." He said before placing the phone down. He looked over to me with hurt in his eyes.

"Who was that?"

"Monica.." He said looking away.

I crawled next to him wrapping him in my embrace. "What did she say?" I asked worried.

"Sh-- she lost.. She lost the baby." He said stuttering.

I really didn't know how to react. The thought scared me a bit knowing I was too pregnant and could loose mine as well.

"I gotta go." He simply said and stood from the bed. He finished getting dressed and left out with out speaking another word.

Me and Monica have bumped heads in the past but I wouldn't wish the death of a child on any parent. I know this is hard for Qu considering it would've been his first born.

I turned off the tv and laid there staring at the ceiling. I'll just wait up until he returns home.



I walked in Monica's house to see her mother Cita.

"She's upstairs." She said.

"How's she doing?"

"I'm not sure. You should see for yourself. I was just getting ready to head out." Cita said then exited out the front door.

I sighed and walked up the stairs to the bedroom. Monica was balled up staring at the wall.

"Heyyy." I spoke softly.

Monica was actually my high school sweet heart. She was my first love. Her 12th grade year was when we ended due to me. I fucked her sister, Kelly and things ended badly. I was young and reckless. Even though I'm over the heart break and what happened I still regret putting her through that and drilling a hole in between her and her sister. I'm just hoping it doesn't come back on me or my unborn.

"You came.." She said sitting up.

"What made you think I wouldn't? I was my child too."

"The doctor said it was a boy. I was going to name him Quinton Lee Carter Jr." She said. A single tear fell from her eye.

I can't lie, the shit had me in my feelings. Loosing my first was heart felt.

"Monica stop crying. God makes no mistakes.." I rubbed her back.

"Its just hard to swallow losing him. But you know.."

"Know what?" I questioned.

"We can always try again." She said grabbing on my dick.

"Lord lead me not into temptation." I mumbled.

My hormones was raging. As bad as I wanted Monica, I couldn't do it. I love Kylie and my loyalty run too deep.

"What's the matter?" She smirked coming closer.


"You want it, huh? Its okay. Its our secret baby." She whispered and nibbled on my ear. I was at attention and couldn't hold back.

I stood up, stripped Monica out her clothes and removed my dick from my boxers.

She handed me a condom and I strapped up.

I rubbed myself against her entrance and forced myself inside her juices. And god lord, she was wet. Bare skins wasn't no joke.

"Ah yeah, fuck!" She screamed as she was throwing it back. My hands rested right on her back dimples.

I tried to fuck Monica in a comma. I had to show her some good dick she been missing out on.

About an hour later I was satisfied. I fell beside her with my arm around her as we slept naked.

I could feel my phone vibrating in my pocket but I was too tired to even move. Monica really had that knock out, platinum plus pussy.


I decided to call Qu just once more to check on him. For two reasons. One; I was scared about him being out late because you never know what can happen and two; I wanted to make sure Monica was okay, honestly.

The phone rang and a female voice answers over a whisper.

"Hello?" She said.

"Who the fuck is this and where is Quinton, bitch!"

"Hes right here asleep. He'll call you when ever probably tomorrow sweet heart. I wouldn't want to wake him." She said and disconnected the call.

I froze. Its like I couldn't breathe. I couldn't even cry like the tears were stuck. Would Quinton really cheat on me after his beautiful proposal? It had to be a logical reason behind this because its no way. Or maybe I'm just fooling myself..

I sat the phone down and let the thoughts linger inside my mind as tears flowed. I took a good look at my wedding ring before removing it from my finger.

I wasn't going to just sit around and mope about it. I've faced worse shit in my life time and this one thing wasn't about to pull me apart. Kylie is nobodies fool.

I got dressed, grabbed my purse and keys to my Mercedes and started for the door leaving the wedding ring on the bed.

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