TWENTY-SIX: kiss it goodbye

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"Its been a long seven months but come tomorrow morning.. We finally got Mr. Carter." I said as I sat the file down.

"He's really great at keep his nose clear. He's never been arrested or anything. I can say he's the smartest drug dealer I ever known." Detective Gage said.

"Gage he has three murders pent on him. That's what you call smart? Quinton Carter might as well kiss his poor family goodbye." I said then sipped my coffee.


Next Morning...

Gage and I pulled up to Carter's residence and it was nice. Hell its nicer than mine. I knocked on the door as I held on hand on my gun that rested on my hip.

"May I help you?" I woman said. She was caramel, had long hair and looked about twenty or twenty one.

I held up my warrant paper. "We have a warrant to search the house." I stated.

That's when Quinton Carter walked to the door.

"Ahh, just the man we've been waiting to see. Hands behind your back sir. You are under arrest." I said. I placed the hand cuffs on him and walked him out.

"Wait, what's going on Qu? Why is he being taken in?" The girl screamed.

"I'm coming back baby. Just take care of Erin for me! I promise I'll be back!" He said.

I chuckled knowing that the system was going to lock his ass up and throw away the key.



Court, 7:31 A.M.

As I walked into court I saw my girl Kylie holding my princess Erin, my aunt Sandra seated next to them and the rest of the crew I thought about how I could've did shit differently.

The whole time I had Kylie thinking I was done with the streets, I actually wasn't. I'll be man enough and admit that. But I did slack up once she was pregnant and had the baby.

But this was mainly because of the murders of Rico Sauvè, Mitchell Donaldven, and Guss Brown. Some way they traced the murders back to me so here I am. Standing before the judge knowing he's getting ready to throw a ridiculous sentence over my head.

"Well god damn Michael Myors." The judge said as he read the case. "You killed three people with in two weeks in East Atlanta? How are you still walking my friend?" He asked.

"Well I walk light your honor." I proudly said. It was the truth.

"Oh this is funny to you? Look over there at you precious little baby. I got the power to make sure you don't see her again until she retires." He spoke.

He wiped his sweat from his face. "Anything you wanna say?" He looked down at me.

I turned towards my family looking Kylie in her eyes. I looked back at the judge.

"Can I hold my baby girl just one last time? She's three days old." I said blinking away the tears that tried to escape my eyes.

"Uncuff him." He instructed the pig.

He did as told and Kylie walked over and passed me Erin.

"Look at my Lil' princess. When she's older tell her daddy said no dating and no staying up pass ten." I laughed.

I looked into Kylie eyes as she dropped tears. "And make sure you take care of yourself too, girl. Erin needs you. Shit I need you. You hear me Kylie?" I said still holding Erin but looking Kylie deep into her eyes.

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