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This chapter is in third person and in past tense so it's a little different from how this story is usually told. I hope you enjoy...


Lark continued his journey through the woods and found himself on the side of the road. Headlights ignited the road and the car stopped in front of them. A lady poked her head outside the window.

"Can I help you?" She asked, her eyes filled with worry?

"Please." Lark begged, his voice dry and cracking.

She unlocked her car, Lark being able to hear the click of the car unlocking. He sighed with relief, holding Marin even tighter to his chest, and her body still shaking. Lark had noticed that her throat was swelling up, and he finally knew what Chasity had been doing to her: strangling her.

"Come on, kid. Get in, I'll take you to the hospital." The lady said with a smile.

Lark opened the door, laying Marin on the back seat and then hoping in beside her with her feet on top of his legs. "Thank you." He whispered as the car took off in the direction of the hospital.

He watched Marin's face, to make sure that she wasn't in any pain. He hated that he had caused his friends pain, he loved Marin he just wasn't in love with her. His heart still hurt when he thought of being in love, or specifically being with the girl he loved. Chasity and Suzette were now gone, they had fallen down the same abyss together. Maybe in the end Chasity's hate for the world and Suzette's love for the world went down together in a way where none could compromise.

They were now in front of the hospital. Lark threw the door open with Marin in his arms, shouting a thank you back to the woman who dropped them off there. Once his was in the waiting room everything around him was so bright and he was having trouble seeing things. He felt Marin being taken from his arms and then everything went dark.


Lark found himself in a room with tubes tied up to him. He looked to his side where his mother was tightly grasping his hand. When she saw that his eyes had opened she gasped, pulling him into an embrace. "Larken! My dear boy. How are you feeling?" She cried.

He coughed, clearing his throat and said, "Fine, mom. Where's Marin?"

His mother's eyes filled with tears. The tears brought the worst thoughts to his mind. Was she dead? Did something terrible happen to any of his other friends? He wanted to cry himself.

"She was really burnt, honey. The doctors don't know how she was burnt but she will have terrible scars on her body. And her throat was so swollen that she will never be able to speak again. I'm sorry, baby." His mother told him.

He couldn't believe it. Lark took in deep breaths trying to calm himself down but really all he wanted was for everything to go away. He didn't want to have these supernatural powers, he didn't want to Suzette dead. He wished everything would go back to normal, but he knew it wouldn't.

"Mother, why didn't you tell me?" Lark asked? "Why didn't you tell me about what I am?"

She gasped, letting go of his hand and leaning back against the chair.

"How did you find out?" She asked?

"Who cares about that? Why didn't you ever tell me? You shouldn't have let me fall in love with someone you knew would kill me!" He cried!

The tears that were in her eyes now fell down her cheeks. "I LOVED THAT GIRL!" She said, her voice high and squeaky. " I loved her like she was my own. Even though I knew that she could possibly kill us all, but that didn't mean you couldn't be friends with her. I didn't know you would fall in love with her, that's your fault. But don't think we didn't all love her. I fell in love with that sweet girl as well. Your father loved her, Sky loved her, and you loved her.

We didn't tell you because we wanted you to have a normal life. I assume you know about Tyson now, we sent him away. I didn't want him to be hurt, he was so shaken up after they experimented on him, and he felt this strong bond to always be near Suzette but your father wouldn't let him go anywhere near her in fear that he would snap and freak out. We just wanted you to be safe. That's all I've ever wanted for my children."

She started to sob, and Lark couldn't help but bring her into his arms. He cried with her, remembering all the things they lost.


A week after everyone got out of the hospital was Suzette's funeral with no body to actually bury. Everyone stood around in their shadowing clothes while they all bowed their heads as her mother spoke of her daughter.

She knows nothing about Suzette, Lark thought.

Lark stood next to Porter and Kendall.

Light scars covered Kendall's arms but you couldn't really see them unless you were up close. Nothing had really affected her except that she hated to see her friend Marin not be able to speak again. Porter was okay, he planned to go to college with Lark and Kendall. But Marin wasn't in the state to go anywhere but here and her home. She couldn't speak, and she had nasty scars on her arms that were now covered by a long sleeve black shirt.

Lark watched as they started to lower her coffin down into the dirt. He couldn't help but cry as he realized that she was never coming back. He would have to move on and do something that wasn't involved with Suzette. He didn't want to think about his life without her.

But one of the things she said before she fell was still running through his mind.

We will see each other again, whether it's tomorrow or 50 years from now. I promise, She had said.

And he knew that one day he would see her again. 



I just want to say a huge THANK YOU to everyone who read my book. This story is so dear to my heart since it is the first novel I have ever finished so now I'm going to go and do a whole lot of editing so I can have a final product. And then hopefully start the publishing process. So once again thank you so much and I will be writing a sequel to this story. The sequel is not going to be even started until I'm done editing Into The Woods. THANK YOU EVERYONE! YOU HAVE MADE ME SO HAPPY BY READING MY STORY SO THANK YOU ONCE MORE!  

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