Chapter 20

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After Suzette left I got a text from Chasity saying:

I'm almost to your house.

Good thing Suzette left in time because if Chasity had got here while I was kissing Suzette she would have freaked. I was a little nervous about tonight. So many big things were going to happen tonight. I would find out who the freak was that was stalking Suze and I. Also Chasity's birthday party in the woods. I really want Faith and Tyson to explain how a party in the woods on prom night is supposed to be fun. It's not my idea of fun but maybe Chasity likes scrambling around in the woods in the middle of the night.

There's a knock at the door and I open it to see Chasity's. Her olive cheeks are a rose color and her caramel hair is hanging in large curls down her back. Her dress is the color of the midnight sky that comes to her knees. She's almost as beautiful as Suzette looked but no one comes close to Suzette.

"You look great Chasity." I say.

"Thank you." She says with a smug look on her face.

"Well the limo will be here in 4 minutes so we can go wait out front." I say.

I grab the corsage off the coffee table in the living room and then stand out in the driveway with Chasity. I put the corsage around her wrist and the flowers are white so they go great with her dress. She smiles up at me. She leans her head on my arm and she kisses my cheek lightly.

Finally the limo pulls up to my house. I sigh in relief and open the door for her. She slides into the car and I get in next to her.

"So who is Suzette going with to the prom?" Chasity asks?

"She's going with Porter." I say.

Chasity looks surprised for a second and then she just nods.

"I have a surprise for you tonight." I say.

She smiles and and says "Will you tell me now?"

"It's won't be a surprise then so no." I pause for a second and then continue. "Do you like camping?"

She looks caught off guard and her blue eyes turn cold.

"Yes I do. Why do you ask? "

"Just asking. Thought it would be fun for us and a whole bunch of friends to do." I say.

"Hmm maybe."

I see that she's lost in thought and I feel my phone vibrate. I look to see a text from Suzette. It makes me smile. She sent me a picture of her and Porter together and they are making duck faces. I laugh and Chasity's head looks over at me. I give her my phone and show her the text. She smiles lightly and gives me back my phone.

"She looks beautiful." Chasity says.

"Yeah she does." I say and feel a twinge of jealousy because I want Suze to be here with me but she isn't.

I get another text and this time it isn't Suze.

3 more hours. I can't wait to see your face when you see me.


It takes everything in me to not scream in frustration. But this person will be stopped tonight and they will leave me alone. Mostly I just want Suzette to be safe. My beautiful Suzette. Her eyes won't be haunted by fear anymore. And I will be glad.

The limo finally pulls up to the school. I rush over to Chasity's side of the limo and I open the door.

"Thanks Lark." She says as she gets out of the car.

I take her hand and we walk into the school gym which is a separate building from the school. I push the blue double doors open and there is a burst of light. There is purple, red, blue, and orange lights shining in our faces. Chasity has a wicked look on her face but I don't know why. The blue and purple streamers hang from the walls that are everywhere I look. I touch the lights that are hanging down from the walls in front of my face. There is a table stacked high with cookies and a fountain full of punch.

"Can you get me something to drink?" Chasity asks?

"Yeah sure." I say and walk over to the table.

As the lights pass over the table the tablecloth shimmers like Chasity's dress. I grab her some punch that is red. I walk back over to her and place it in her outstretched hand. She mutters a thank you.

My friend Jake comes up to us with his date. Her name is Lela and she stares at me and Chasity like we are wrong for each other. Lela's right though. We are wrong for each other but I would never say that to Chasity.

"Hey Lark. Is Porter here yet?" Jake says.

"No I don't see him." I say.

"Well I just know that he's still pretty upset about Kendall from when I called him yesterday. Oh by the way who is he coming with instead?" He says. I see Jake's arm snake it's way around Lela's waist. She leans her head on his shoulder and her dark hair falls over one side of her face.

"Uh Porter is coming here with Suzette Carrier." I say.

I see the shock appear on his face. Lela's attention is suddenly occupied by the one statement that I just said. Both of their eyes are on me. I don't see why they are surprised. Suzette is beautiful and she isn't as un-popular as they think. They are being stereotypical. I would expect Chasity to stick up for her but she just stands there looking off into the lights like she doesn't have a care in the world.

"Well I didn't expect that." Jake says.

"He's really coming here with Suzette. I wonder if she'll be in a dress. She doesn't seem like the type." Lela says in her small low voice.

"Yeah she is wearing a dress. I saw her."

Chasity tenses and she looks up at me with fury in her eyes.

"What?" Chasity growls.

"When Porter came to pick her up I saw her outside my window." I say.

She calms down a little bit but the anger hasn't completely disappeared yet.

"I can't wait until he gets here." Jake says.

"He's already here." Chasity says.

We all have confused looks on our faces and she sighs. Chasity points towards the door and there standing there was Porter and Suzette. I heard people gasp out loud because of how beautiful Suze is. Her eyes meet mine and she smiles like she's truly happy. And that's all I want. Hopefully tonight she can be happy for the rest of her life.

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