Chapter 8

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I finally got back to my house after visiting Marin at the hospital. My mom had texted me a few minutes ago and told me that she wanted me to watch Sky for a few hours.
I sat on the couch watching hours of Mickey Mouse's Clubhouse and I successfully learned how to count from 1 to 10. My little brother squealed and clapped his hands every time Mickey's dog Pluto barked. I just ruffled Sky's blonde silky hair and laughed.
I remember how I used to be just like Sky without a care in the world. I remember 3rd grade when Suzette and I would race each other home. Whoever lost had to clean up the dishes for my mom. But now it's high school. And when your in high school all that matters is who your friends with. That's how you survive.
I hear the front door unlock. My mom steps through the doorway.
"Hey kids." She says.
"MOMMY!" Sky squeals and jumps off the couch.
He waddles over on his chubby toddler legs. My mom picks him up and spins him around. He laughs loudly and kisses her face.
"Hey mom." I say as I get up off the couch.
"Hey honey. Are you staying over at Suze's house again?"
"Yeah mom. Is that ok with you? I mean Suzette could stay here I know she wouldn't mind." I say.
I sometimes worry about leaving my mom here alone with Sky. My dad is always on business trips. He works for a publishing company. Which I think is pretty boring but my dad loves it.
"No it's okay Lark. Suzette is a very sweet girl and I wouldn't want to make her pack up all her stuff to just stay here one night. I mean what would a girl do without her makeup." She says.
"Um mom Suze doesn't wear makeup."
"Oh well. You go on ahead and get going Lark."
"Thanks mom. Love you." I say as I kiss her honey colored cheek.
I grab my stuff and head over to Suze's.
I knock on the door once and the door glides open.
"Hey." Suze says.
For some reason her face looks tired and different but I don't know how.
"You just gonna stand there all night or do you actually wanna come in?" She says, her lips press into a thin line of determination.
"Uh yeah." I say.
Suze tells me she's going to go upstairs and put on her pajamas. Since I already wore my sweatpants and a white t-shirt over to her house I'm already dressed for bed. I sit on her bed waiting for her to be done changing.
She comes out in something similar to what I'm wearing except she has a blue tank top on.
She sits on the bed beside me.
"So how was your shopping trip?" I ask her?
"It wasn't really a shopping trip. It was pretty much watch Chasity try on all these dresses."
"So it was like a fashion show." I say.
Suze laughs and says "Yeah it was."
She stops for a second. I can see she wants to ask me something but doesn't know if she should. Finally she opens her mouth and says "So I need to ask you about prom."
Prom! Was Suzette asking me to go with her? I would say yes in a heartbeat. I try and hide the surprise but Suzette reads me like an open book.
"I'm not asking you but Chasity wants to go with you."
"What?" I say.
"Yeah she told me to ask you for her. She really likes you." Suze says.
I feel my mouth drop open.
Suzette forces a laugh and she looks away from me, refusing to meet my eyes.
"Um let me think about it." I tell her.
"Ok well I'm tired. I'm going to go to sleep now." She says.
I nod.
She turns out the lights and I fall asleep next to her.
Sometime through the night I hear muffled sobs.
"Suzette." I whisper.
"Yes." She says.
"What's wrong."
"Everything!" She cries.
I wrap my arm around her waist and pull her to me. Her tears soak my shirt but it's ok, I didn't like that shirt anyway. I pet her hair until we both fall asleep in each other's arms.
It was the next morning. Someone gently shakes me awake. I open my eyes to see Suze's beautiful freckled face. She grins.
"I woke you up at the right time. Now you can't yell at me."
"Haha very funny Suze."
I grab her and she gasps and laughs. My arms are on each side of her. She stops laughing and stares up at me. Her cheeks burn with a bright tomato red. I don't know what compelled me to do so but I lean down. My lips lightly brush hers. But it's not enough and our lips press harder together. Suze's arms go around my neck pulling me against her.
We break apart, gasping for breath. She rolls out from underneath me.
"Suzette what's wrong?" I ask her.
"We shouldn't have done that. I can't do this to Chasity." She mumbles.
Of course she thinks of Chasity in a moment like this.
"Oh Suzette. Of course you would think of Chasity. Your the most caring person out there. My god your even the most beautiful girl out there too." I say as I walk over and grab her hands.
Her chocolate brown eyes are glassy with tears.
"Lark, I promised Chasity that I would get you to go with her and she's the only friend I've had besides you. I don't want to loose her."
"Suzette I would do anything for you. If you want me to ask Chasity to go to prom with me then I will. But I'm not going to date her or kiss her because I've already kissed the last girl I'm ever going to kiss. I lov-"
"No Lark don't say those words. We are too young to be saying those words. And I'm not ready. If you say them then I don't want to feel compelled to say them back."
"Okay Suze." I say.
I kiss her cheek and then let go of her hands. She walks away and goes to get ready for school.
When she's all ready for school, we head towards the bus stop and wait for the bus. I hold her hand the whole time. The bus finally stops in front of us. She slips her hand out of mine and says "You should sit with your friends today."
I try to hide the hurt. But I know she sees it and she gives me an apologetic look as she climbs the stairs into the bus. I slide into the seat next to Porter.
"Hey man!" Porter says.
"So are you and little Suzette together now." He asks?
"No we are just friends. Hey where's Ava and Kendall they usually sit with us?" I say.
I don't see Ava's pumpkin orange hair anywhere. Ava has a loud voice and you could hear her voice anywhere you went.
"No one told you." Porter says.
"Told me what?"
"Ava was found in the woods a few miles away from her house. She was stabbed on her right side just like Marin."
"Whoa is she alright."
Porter's eyes reflect deep pain.
"No dude. She's dead."

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