Chapter 4

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I hate fighting. I don't know why, it's just always bothered me. I always freeze up and words just pour out of my mouth that most likely didn't make any sense. I didn't like being put on the spot. I didn't like being confronted. When my parents would get into a heated argument I always ended up crying (when I was younger I would cry) or shaking. I just didn't like how their words were so hateful and mean.

So when Marin was standing in the hall picking a fight with Suzette I made Suze leave. I didn't want her to be a victim to Marin's cruel stare. I knew Suzette thought that I didn't want her there but really I was just trying to protect her.

Marin stands with a look of triumph on her face, while crossing her arms over her chest. Ava stands beside her, a smirk plastered on her lips. Her and Marin share a look, their eyes shining with pride.

Marin sashays up to me, wrapping her hand around my arm, her touch sending shivers up my spine.

"Thanks Lark, you really are a protector." She purrs, pressing her lips to my jawline.

I sigh, and grasp Marin's shoulder, holding her arms length away from me. "We need to talk."

"Okay...." She says, glancing back at Ava.

Ava glares at me, then she leaves walking down the hall with a bounce in her step.

Marin looks up at me expectantly. "So... What did you want to talk about?"

"Suzette." I say, watching her face twist in disgust. "I don't think you should talk to her."

Marin leans back against the wall, ripping out of my grasp on her arms. "You aren't the boss of me." She snaps. "If you want to be with her, Lark, then why are you wasting your time with me?"


Two people have mentioned me and Suze getting together. But I just don't see it. Suzette doesn't like me like that and I didn't ever think of her that way until someone brought it to my attention. Why can't Marin just leave me alone about it?

"I never said that. Why are you being so difficult?" I counter back.

She throws her hands up in the air. "Me?! Being difficult. God, Lark. You are so annoying."

"Annoying? You're the one who's being a bitch to my friend. I've never done that to yours!" I spit. "You know what, I'm done. I just need a break from you!"

Tears are now streaming down Marin's face. She looks so hurt, and her eyes are wide with surprise. "Are you breaking up with me?" She asks, her lower lip trembling.

Am I?

I didn't know if I wanted to break up with Marin or not. All I really wanted was to get away from her right now. But know all I'm thinking is, Do I want to break up with Marin?

I blink a couple of times, taken back. "No." I say, deciding right then that I don't want to. "I just think that I need to get out of here. I don't want to say anything else I don't mean."

She swallows, and then nods her head slowly.

I hold out my arms to her. With a cry she rushes toward me, her arms wrapping around my waist. I rest my head on the top of her head.

A calm settles over our tense situation. I don't feel angry anymore but the irritation is still there. I want to leave. Now that I know Marin's okay I need to go check on Suzette. I was a little cruel to her. I've known Suzette ever since I can remember and Marin has only been in Melrose since 3rd grade when she moved here.

I let myself take in another breath of her coconut shampoo and then pull away from her. I look into her eyes. "I'm going to go now."

"Okay." She whispers, her voice low from the tears.

I start to walk away with one last glance in her direction, I leave.


I'm getting in my car when I hear the sirens. Flashing red lights race into the driveway of Jake's house, men jump out of the ambulance and are running into the house. I do the same. I follow them until they are outside and far in the woods that are Jake's backyard. They push through a crowd of people until they are kneeling down inspecting a body.

I meet Porter's eyes across the the circle of people, his arm is tight around Kendall's waist as she sobs into his chest. Jake is holding Ava. Ava's face is blank, her eyes cold and narrowed. All my friends are there except for...

All the air is knocked out of my chest. I run a hand through my hair, breathing heavily.

This...isn't... happening...

It... can't.. be.. true...

Porter is giving me a look full of pity. And everyone around me is giving me the same look. They know that the brown haired girl laying on the ground is someone important to me. They know it's my girlfriend. Everyone knows Marin and I are together. If you didn't then most likely that person is living under a rock.

Marin's eyes are closed, her head tilted to the the side with hair covering her right cheek that is now pale. The bone in her wrist is protruding, and is obviously broken like someone grabbed her with force. And there is blood pouring from her side.

This is exactly what how it happened in my dream. My dream came true.


I watch them hoist Marin onto a gurney, and then she is taken away.

This is my fault. I did this. I don't know how but I did. I hurt my girlfriend. How was I ever going to be able to face her again?

I fall to my knees.

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