Chapter 19

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Porter has a awesome car. He didn't get us a limo but that was okay. Porter's car is a yellow stylish Camaro. When Porter links his arm with mine as we walk up to the place we're eating I just imagine that I'm with Lark. I'm actually really excited for prom and I'm actually happy about going with Porter.

He pulls out my chair for me and smiles. I sit down and we give the waiter our orders on what we want to drink and what we want to eat. Porter looks at me and says "So are you dissapointed in your prom date?"

I laugh and say "No. I just know that you've always been one of Lark's popular friends and I don't really know you."

"Popular friend huh." He says and then pauses for a second "Define popular."

I think for a second and try to think of a way to define Porter without being mean. But then there isn't a way to describe a person like him without not being being mean.

"Well everyone knows you and well your a jerk." I say with a little sarcasm in my voice so that he won't be mad.

He bursts into laughter and tries to say something but it comes out in raspy chokes. Finally after a few seconds of listening to his laughter he says "Lark told me you'd be brutally honest."

"Lark talks to you about me." I ask?

He immediately stops talking and his eyes meet mine.

"Well as Lark's friend I'm supposed to say no but then again I'm his friend and that dude needs to man up and just be with you. So yeah he talks about you." He says.

I smile inwardly and the waitress comes back with our food and drinks. I take a sip of my Coke and Porter starts eating the fish he ordered. I think it's kind of weird that a guy ordered some fish. I mean normally they would have a huge burger with ketchup dripping down their fingers. But Porter's different.

After we finish our dinner we still have another hour before prom starts so Porter takes me to a park and we sit on a bench. I shiver and he puts his jacket over my shoulders. I mutter a thank you and he nods. The sun starts to set in the distance. I stare out at it and the theme for prom this year is Out In The Distance.

"So what do you want to do with your life?" Porter asks?

"I want to be a doctor. I just love the feeling of helping someone and giving them their life back." I say.

"What if you can't save them." He asks?

I go silent for a second because I've never thought of that before. If I couldn't save someones life then I would be heartbroken and feel like I failed. And I hate failing. One time in 5th grade I failed some stupid test and I sulked in my room for weeks. I was stupid back then but now I'm better. If you consider better having only one friend who is in love with you and then being the least popular girl in school. But really none of that matters anymore to me.

"I will do everything I can until I can save them. I don't like giving up." I say.

"That's a good attitude to have." He says.

Porter stares off into the distance like I was doing a few seconds ago. His face looks tired and sad. I put my hand on his shoulder and his looks down at me. His lips curve up at the sides.

"Hey are you okay?" I ask?

"Yeah. Well no." He pauses for a second and then continues."I just want to know that Kendall is okay."

"Oh. I heard about that. I don't really know Kendall that well. She was always friends with Ava and Marin. And they treated me pretty bad so I kinda just assumed that she was the same. I actually assumed the same thing about you but you proved me wrong." I say.

He laughs shakily and says "Yeah well I'm not the same as them. I actually wanted to say I'm sorry. I should have never let Ava treat you like that. She's my stepsister and I should have reined her in. Well she was my stepsister."

"What was Ava like when she wasn't a bully."

"She was nice. We always used to swim in the pond by our house with Lark, Marin, and Kendall. She was always the risk taker. Her and Marin used to have the hugest crush on Lark. And they would watch him from behind the bushes. She used to love everything and if she hadn't become so full of herself then you and her would have probably been great friends."

"She sounds great but too bad Marin beat her to Lark first."

"Actually I think you beat Marin to Lark. Lark would always leave early and we always knew it was to go see you. Marin and Ava were really jealous of you so I guess that's why they didn't like you. But he loved you then like he loves you now. Except maybe he loves you a little bit more and differently instead of just a little kids crush "

"Oh well I love him too."

Porter laughs.

"Want to get going?" He asks.

I nod and he stands up. He holds out his arm for me and I loop mine with his. He takes me too his car and I get in. He starts to drive and my phone rings. I pull it out and of course just like I guessed it is the Unknown number.

"Is it Lark checking up on you?" Porter asks?

I laugh and say yes, even thought that's not true.

I open the text and it says:

Unknown: Better get ready for the night of your life. Your in for a treat.

I turn off my phone and say to Porter "He says to have the night of my life."

And I will...

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