Chapter 2: Reunion

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You waited a couple days before visiting Muffet again. You hoped the spiders were all reunited by now.

You peeked into the den, the place exploding with activity the moment you stepped inside. The number of spiders had increased quite a bit, way more than you had expected.

Some spiders spotted you, stopping what they were doing. Other spiders began to notice, following the eyes of their paused companions. Soon, every single spider was staring at you.

You tensed up. It was as if you could feel the weight of the literally thousands of eyes that were now glaring at you.

For several moments, nothing moved. All was still. You stood there as the heavy mass of gazes loomed over you.

"Uhuhuhu!" A familiar giggle broke the silence. Muffet suddenly landed behind you, eyes gleaming with mischief.

You slowly turned around, looking up at the spider woman, only to be immediately grabbed by four arms and hugged close.

"We can't thank you enough, (y/n)!" Muffet said. Her voice was full of genuine joy, something you had never heard from her until now. She released you, gesturing toward the collection of spiders above. "The spiders from the RUINS were able to make it here safely! Not a single one of them has been harmed. We are a single clan once more!"

You took a moment to recover from the sudden force of the quick and powerful hug. Holding your head, you managed to regain balance. You looked up at the large collection of gleaming eyes above you, smiling awkwardly.

The spiders all began to cheer, each little voice contributing to the chatter. Though their numbers were great, the sound was not all that loud. It was actually kinda cute, listening to all of them cheer happily with as much force as they could muster.

You smiled more genuinely now. They all looked so happy to be together again. You looked back at Muffet, who was still smiling up at her spiders.

Eventually the cheering died down, and Muffet looked down at you. "We will think of some way to thank you in time." She promised, winking the two eyes on the left side of her face. "But for now, please accept this dozen of spider donuts, free of charge~"

A small group of spiders came crawling up to you, carrying a box on their backs.

At a loss for words, all you could do was accept the box. The spiders smiled up at you. You smiled back. They soon disappeared among the webs.

You looked back at Muffet, thanking her for the donuts.

"Of course, dearie. I think you earned them." She giggled, holding her right middle hand to her mouth.

This was a side of Muffet you had never seen, and you doubted anyone else had seen it, either. She could be really sweet if she wanted to be. Of course, she was also overjoyed at the moment. You remembered that this was the same monster who had tied you up and threatened to feed you to her pet. You shuddered at the memory. But, even so, she did seem pretty grateful for your help.

A spider lowered itself to Muffet's face, whispering something in her ear. Her face lit up, the familiar, more mischievous smile returning to her face as she focused on you.

You tensed slightly, nervous about the unknown conversation.

"Mhm, yes, that is a lovely idea~" Muffet agreed with a nod. The spider shot a glance at you before retreating to its brethren.

You watched it go before returning your nervous gaze to Muffet.

"They think a spider dance would be a handsome reward." She explained. "I have to agree. So, (y/n), may I have this dance~?" She offered her upper right hand for you to take.

You gulped. You had never danced with someone before. Especially not someone with three times as many arms as you had. And, what exactly did a spider dance entail..?

You cautiously put your hand in hers, unsure what to expect.

The spiders above seemed to see that as their cue. They began to stir. At first, it just sounded like noise. But it slowly evolved into a tune. A familiar tune. The same tune they had been "singing" during your battle with Muffet. Only now it was on a large scale, with every spider pitching in.

Muffet pulled you forward, grabbing your other hand with her middle left hand. Her head moved perfectly to the beat. This dance was very one sided. She tossed you this way and that, while still remaining perfectly in sync with the beat of the song her spiders sang.

You tried to catch up, eventually being released when the song slowed. Muffet danced alone, much slower now. She looked at you expectantly, willing you to mirror her actions with her gaze alone.

You studied her movements for a few moments before attempting to mimic them. You began to get the hang of it, realizing how easy the beat was to follow once you tried. You were actually enjoying yourself. That is, until your dance partner grabbed your arm again, yanking you toward herself. These movements were all new, and she threw you about like a doll once more.

This routine repeated itself several times. Just when you began to get into the rhythm, the spider song began to fade.

Soon it came to a close, and Muffet stopped dancing. She smiled at you. "Uhuhu, not bad, dearie~" She complimented. "I would never have guessed that was your first time doing the spider dance."

You blushed a little at the praise. Was she just trying to be nice? Because, as far as you could tell, you sucked at that dance.

She giggled again. "We'll have to do this again sometime~"

You nodded, agreeing wholeheartedly. That sounded like fun...If you could master the dance and keep yourself on your own two feet the next time. 

You waved goodbye, Muffet returning the gesture with her upper two left hands. Several spiders waved to you as well.

As you left, you felt even warmer than you did he last time you departed from the spider's lair. You were making excellent progress with Muffet. You two would be great friends in no time at all at this rate!

The bright hope of a new friendship fills you with determination.

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