Chapter 5: Deception

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Despite your greatest desires to visit Muffet, you felt it was best to wait a couple of days to get your mind straight. You thought everything over, and you finally decided on how you felt. You slept on your decision, ready to tell Muffet the following day.

You walked with a spring in your step all the way to the spider parlor. Nothing could bring you down today. The very thought of Muffet brought a smile to your face. She was your best friend, maybe even more.

You walked into the parlor, only to have your goofy grin fade away.

It was silent. Dead silent.

You looked around. There was absolutely no movement anywhere. A chill ran up your spine.

You called out nervously.

...But nobody came.

You called again, beginning to freak out. You walked through the parlor, calling for Muffet, Tuffet, anyone.

There was a faint noise from high above your head. You looked up, but couldn't see anything in the mess of webs and shadows.

You nervously called out for Muffet once more.

A form slowly began to lower itself. To your relief, it was Muffet.

You let out a huge sigh. You had begun to assume the worst with this unusual silence. But everything was okay now. You smiled as she came down.

Your smile disappeared, however, when you saw the look Muffet gave you. A look that sent daggers through your heart. 

She glared at you with such a powerful mixture of emotions you had to take a step back. Anger, fear, disbelief, sorrow, disgust...It was as if you were looking at a stranger.

You started to ask what was wrong, but she cut you off.

"Don't play innocent, dearie. It really is quite disgusting." She hissed. She tried to maintain her normally mischievous tone and calm composure, but her voice was riddled with anger and pain.

You stared at her, completely clueless. 

She jumped off her web line, standing just a pace or two in front of you. "Wipe that look off your face." She demanded. She was rapidly giving way to her emotions. "How dare you return here and mock me!"

You were quite concerned at this point. You couldn't find any words to say, staring at her with confusion and worry.

She stared at you for a moment, as if she expected a futile argument. When no protest arose out of your throat, she continued. "You must think I'm stupid. That I wouldn't find out about what you have done."

You continued to stare.

"I hate to admit that you had me fooled. Pretending to be nice to me, to all of us." She continued, gesturing with two arms to the area around her without looking away. "I should have known better. Had I stuck with my instinct, I could have saved them..." She looked away for a couple of moments. You thought she was about to cry. However, that thought flew away when she turned her attention back to you, giving you a look that could kill. "I will give you one chance to explain yourself. Why did you do it?"

You scrambled all over yourself. What in the Underground was she talking about? What had you done to make her turn on you so suddenly?

She quickly got tired of waiting. "Nothing to say? Well, at least you take being caught with a hint of self-respect." She took a step closer, glaring directly through your eyes into your SOUL. "If I ever catch you here again, you won't escape the battle in one piece." She threatened.

You could feel the coldness of the genuine threat down to your very core. Your head spun as you tried to comprehend the sudden storm raging between the two of you.

"Get out." She hissed, as if she wished nothing more than to pounce at your throat.

Left with no other choice, you turned and quickly made your way out of the parlor.

You ran until you lost it. You dropped to your knees, staring at the ground. What was going on? Why was she so furious with you? You wanted to cry. You wanted to scream. But you couldn't. An overwhelming sense of nothing swept over you. You felt lost within yourself.

You got up. Unable to think straight, your feet began to carry you as you swam through your own head. You didn't even realize you were moving until a chill swept through your body. You snapped awake, looking around. You had walked all the way to Snowdin.

Too numb to care, you made your way to Grillby's. At least that was a warm place where you could sit and think.

You entered the restaurant. Most of the usuals were there, chatting and eating like normal. They hadn't a care in the world, while you were carrying a mountain on your shoulders.

As you lost yourself to your mind, your ears instinctively picked up on a nearby conversation.

"Did you hear about what happened in Hotlands?"

"Hotlands? No, what?"

"Apparently someone attacked that place that sells those spider pastries."

You snapped back to reality, giving the conversation your full attention.

"Attacked it?"

"Yeah. They killed all the spiders runnin' the joint and took whatever pastries they had left!"

Your blood ran cold.

"Apparently the only one who was around to see was Vulkin, and all he saw of the one who did it was a figure about this tall."

You gulped. The monster speaking held up a limb, showing the culprit to be about your height.

"That's terrible..."

"It happened a few days ago. I haven't seen a single spider ever since."

You had heard enough. You ran out of Grillby's. You ran out of Snowdin. You ran until there were no other monsters around to see you. You fell to your knees in the snow, holding your face. How could something so awful happen? Why would someone do this? Worst of all, why did Muffet think it was you who did it? A mere height description wasn't enough to instantly assume that you were the one who did this. She wouldn't think it was you on her own, not when the two of you had grown so close.

There was only one explanation that made any sort of sense...Someone had framed for this spider massacre.

Your mind still spun like a tornado, but you knew one thing for certain.

You had to clear your name.

Despite everything...You hang on to your determination.

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