Chapter 7: Jealousy

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You cursed the elevator, punching the wall. After a few moments of anger, you sank to your knees, giving way to despair. Even if you managed to get out of here, how would you find your suspect again? You let out a long sigh of defeat.

You sat there in the darkness, unsure what else to do. You couldn't teleport, and you couldn't get the power back on.

Then, and idea struck you.

You couldn't get the power back, but maybe..!

You fumbled for your phone in your pocket, getting it out and dialing. You held it to your ear, desperately waiting for someone to pick up.

"H-Hello?" Alphys' voice came from the other end.

You quickly started to ramble off everything that had happened.

"S-Slow down!" Alphys said. "You t-totally lost me!"

You took a deep breath. You cut to the chase, deciding she only needed to be aware of your current predicament. As calmly as possible, you told her that the power in the elevator had been cut off and that you were stuck inside. You asked if she could help you out.

"Oh, y-yes, of course!" Alphys replied.

There were a few moments of silence. To your delight and relief, power was soon restored to the elevator.

"Th-There. You should be good to go!"

You thanked her, relieved beyond words to be in a moving elevator again.

"That's weird...Th-The elevator doesn't normally cut out like that...M-Must have been a surge or something."

You weren't exactly up for a chat. You agreed, thanking her again before saying goodbye and hanging up.

You dashed out of the doors before they could open all the way. You looked around wildly, searching for any signs of your suspect.

As you had figured, they were nowhere in sight.

You sighed again, the feeling of defeat returning. You began to walk aimlessly, left with absolutely nothing to follow.

Suddenly, before you had even walked ten feet from the elevator, something hit you on the back of your head. You fell, but were not knocked out. Something was being forcefully shoved over your head. You struggled, arms and legs flailing wildly. Whoever had you had a decent grip. You continued to struggle until they delivered another blow to your head. This time, you could not stay conscious. You slowly slipped into darkness.


You slowly opened your eyes, wincing slightly at the almost dizzying headache you now had. You tried to rub your head, only to find you could not move your arms. You struggled a bit, but it was pointless. You blinked, trying to see where you were. There was a light shining directly above you like a spotlight, but everything else was dark. You looked down, seeing that you were tied to a chair. You groaned, both at the pain in your head and at your current situation. What was happening?

You heard distant mumbling. You were not alone.

You called out, hoping to attract attention.

The mumbling stopped immediately. There was a long silence.

You called again, this time a little louder.

You could heard footsteps slowly getting closer. As they got closer, they slowed down.

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