Chapter 3: Playdate

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After a week or so, you decided to once more visit Muffet. You hoped your frequent visits were fun for her as well, and not a burden or bother. She always seemed social enough when you entered her parlor, even if it was in her own..."special" way.

You stepped inside, surprised at the significantly less activity compared to your last visit. Of course, everyone was probably still settling in then. By now they were all at home. You called out for Muffet, awaiting a response.

You were suddenly enveloped in an all-too-familiar purple web. You struggled out of shock, but to no avail.

Muffet's girlish giggle rang out as she lowered herself on her spider web swing. "So good to see you again, dearie. It's been a little while."

You smiled, happy to see Muffet again despite being tangled in her web.

Muffet grinned, her eyes full of mischief. "My little pet missed you very much, (y/n)."

You tensed, glancing down at the web that entangled you. Your heart sank as you realized what was happening. This wasn't going to end well for you.

Muffet brought one hand to her mouth, whistling. There was a split second of dead silence before the ground began to tremble. It was very slight at first, but it soon evolved into a massive shaking. The large cupcake with spider legs came crawling up to its owner. It looked at both you and Muffet eagerly.

"Little Tuffet here has been practically begging to have another playdate with you, dearie! I hope you don't mind~"

The large pet, apparently dubbed "Tuffet", stared at you. It didn't seem aggressive like the last time the two of you met. Strangely, it was almost like a loveable dog...Of sorts.

Against your better judgement, you nodded slowly. It was clear Muffet cared very much for her pet, so you were afraid saying no would offend her.

"Excellent!" Muffet chimed happily. The web around you disappeared, allowing you to once again move on your own. "Go on and give Tuffet a little pat."

You slowly approached the large cake spider, offering your outstretched hand.

The two of you stared at each other for a few moments. Then, Tuffet closed its eyes and leaned forward, allowing your hand to touch its face.

The texture was surprising. It wasn't sticky or slimy, as you had half expected. Instead, it was rather fuzzy, like a normal spider. You gently rubbed Tuffet's face.

Tuffet opened its eyes, looking down at you intently. You swore it smiled at you. It opened its mouth, a large tongue suddenly rubbing against you once. Tuffet was nothing more than a big puppy. Its eyes glimmered as it panted and stared at you with admiration.

Muffet laughed. "You see? Tuffet dear absolutely adores you!"

You grinned. Then, you had an idea. You dug into your pocket for a moment, grabbing one of the spider donuts from before. You held it up, shaking it slightly to draw Tuffet's attention.

Tuffet eyed the treat, panting heavily with desire.

You moved the donut from one side to the other, Tuffet's eyes following the sweet. You tossed the donut toward the big pet.

Naturally, Tuffet opened its mouth and caught it with ease. The donut was gone in a single gulp. Once it consumed the treat, it extended its tongue once more, giving you another friendly lick.

Muffet giggled. "How did you know that spider donuts were Tuffet's favorite treat? You must love them almost as much as I do!"

You gave an awkward smile. Truth be told, Tuffet had terrified you up until this point. But you weren't about to tell either of them that now.

"Would you like to see a trick?" Muffet asked.

You nodded, curious about the meaning behind her words.

She waved her hands a few times, getting Tuffet's attention. When the pet looked her way, she spoke again. "Tuffet dearie, show (y/n) your spinning skills!"

Tuffet retracted its panting tongue, turning and quickly crawling away. It jumped onto the wall, climbing up with surprising speed. It then began to spin a web, though you weren't quite sure where the web was coming from exactly. You decided not to ask questions.

Tuffet worked incredibly fast. It dashed this way and that, spinning more and more web. After a few minutes of tireless work, Tuffet stopped, jumping down and landing in front of you and Muffet with a thud.

You looked up at the web, pleasantly surprised. Though it was a bit messy, a picture of a donut and three spiders could be made out in the middle of the web. You grinned, clapping your praise.

Tuffet seemed very excited to receive praise. If it had a tail, it probably would have shaken it off by now with all the excitement.

Muffet clapped as well, admiring her pet's work. "Very good, Tuffet! You're getting better each time!"

Tuffet licked its lips a moment before continuing to pant with joy. It turned its attention back to you, taking several quick steps toward you. It got closer and closer until it loomed over you. And, before you could react, Tuffet grabbed you with its front leg. It lifted you up, placing you on top of its head.

"Oh? It looks like Tuffet wants to take you for a ride, dearie." Muffet explained. "What do you say?"

You weren't quite sure how to respond. You looked down at Tuffet. Tuffet looked up at you eagerly, awaiting permission to do with you whatever it wished. You looked back at Muffet, who was also awaiting an answer. After some consideration, you decided you had been through much worse. You nodded, granting permission.

As soon as it sensed approval, Tuffet launched forward, quickly crawling up the webby wall.

You hung on for dear life. You immediately regretted your choice. 

Tuffet took you everywhere, all at a surprising speed. It crawled along walls, across ceilings, down single web lines. You knew every inch of the place by the time Tuffet was done.

Eventually, Tuffet grew tired. It jumped from the ceiling, landing with a thud once more. It lowered its body, folding its legs close to its sides. Within moments, a gentle snoring could be heard from the creature.

You carefully climbed off your wild steed, stumbling back to where Muffet was waiting. It took you a few moments to recover from the ride.

"Did you enjoy yourself?" Muffet asked. She didn't give time for you to answer, looking over at Tuffet. "That was the happiest I've seen Tuffet in a very long time." She looked back at you, giving another warm, genuine smile. "Tuffet loves you almost as much as I love them."

You smiled, assuming that was meant to be a compliment. You stumbled back, now feeling how exhausted you were.

"You seem worn out as well. You better get home." Muffet said. "You can come back for another playdate another time~"

You nodded. That sounded like a plan. You waved goodbye, turning and leaving the web-lined nest. Despite being completely exhausted, you felt the warmth that was becoming more and more familiar each time you left. Now you had two new friends, Muffet and Tuffet. You grinned stupidly at yourself. You really enjoyed getting to know Muffet.

The love of a pet fills you with determination.

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