Chapter 9: Escape

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You told Vulkin to help you get untied. One you were free, the two of you could book it up the stairs and far away from this male Yandere.

Vulkin gave a determined nod, quickly and quietly shuffling into the darkness. You heard some careful shifting here and there.

Eventually, Vulkin stepped into the light again, holding a dulled knife in his mouth.

You wanted to question why such an object was here, but for all you knew you were in a basement store room of some sort. You didn't want to waste precious time on wondering. You told Vulkin he would have to cut the rope.

Vulkin winced. He was clearly uncomfortable to even be holding the weapon, let alone wielding it.

You gave him a calm smile and told him everything would be fine.

He wasn't convinced.

You two were pushing it as it was. Cat man waking up could easily mean the death of one of if not both of you with his mindset and a weapon now present. You tried to stay calm and patient, remembering that Vulkin was about ten times more afraid than you were at the moment.

You suggested he cut near your hands. If your hands were free, you could get yourself out.

Vulkin seemed more confident with the option of cutting near a non-vital body area. He slowly walked behind you.

You soon heard the scraping of a dull blade on rope fibers. Despite trying to remain calm, a blade being used behind you made you a bit nervous. Especially in the mouth of someone who had most likely never even thought of using a knife. You tried to have confidence in the little monster, for both of your sakes.

There was a sudden loud snort, causing you to nearly jump out of your skin.

Vulkin cried out and you heard the knife hit the floor.

You tensed. Was this it?

Waiting for what seemed like forever in the tensest silence of your life, you heard cat man's snoring go back to normal. You exhaled slowly.

Soon, the scraping sound returned.

You began to feel the rope getting looser. Vulkin was doing it!

A sharp pain suddenly came from your hand.

"Ah! I'm s-so sorry!" Vulkin whimpered, his words muffled as he clutched the knife between his lips.

You felt liquid trickle down your hand. You tried to look back, letting Vulkin know you were fine. You told him that the ropes felt pretty loose, that you were almost free.

That seemed to give him his confidence back. He kept cutting away.


You pulled your arms forward and the rope fell limp in your lap. You wanted to cheer, but managed to contain yourself.

You quickly leaned down, untying each foot from the chair's legs. Soon you were on your feet, stretching your sore muscles.

Vulkin dropped the knife, grinning even wider than you.

But there was no time for celebrating. Your escape was only halfway completed.

Despite being cautious, you stumbled around in the darkness. You paused to try and let your eyes adjust. There wasn't much light to help, but you did realize how big this room actually was. And, though not super clear, you made out the outlines and shapes of shelves and old tools and supplies. Perhaps this was an abandoned workshop or something.

You shook your head. No time for that now. You didn't plan on staying here any longer, so why bother figuring anything about this place out.

Vulkin called you softly. You followed the sound of his voice, finding the stairs by nearly tripping over the first one. You bit your lip to avoid crying out with pain.

Vulkin quickly, clumsily, made his way up the stairs. You were right on his...Tail? Heels? ...You were right behind him.

You couldn't believe it. You were finally free! Though it probably hadn't been too long, you felt as though you couldn't remember anything beyond that dark, damp, musty prison.

Once the two of you got outside, you took a deep breath. Despite being hot and humid, the air felt like the most refreshing thing you had ever felt.

"We did it!" Vulkin cheered. "We really did it!"

You nodded, grinning. But, it was dangerous to loiter right outside the place. You had no idea what cat man was really capable of, and you really didn't want to find out. You told Vulkin that you should get moving.

He agreed, beginning to walk quickly away.

You started to follow, but stopped short. You turned on your foot, looking back at the building. It looked like little more than a shack in the middle of nowhere. Clearly the basement was much bigger than the above ground floor. You studied the area for a moment, for reference sake. You didn't know why, but you had a bad feeling in the back of your mind that you would have to come back here.

After taking in the sight, you turned back around and quickly followed after Vulkin.

You had managed to get away...But things were far from resolved.

The worst is over...Right? Stay determined.

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