Chapter 12a: Toss

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You stared at cat man, occasionally glancing at the knife in your hand.

"Do it." Cat man dared you. "Do it, I dare you! You won't do it! You're a coward!"

You hesitated, at a loss. You didn't want to hurt him, you wanted to help. But how could you? Had he already crossed the line? Was he beyond help? You didn't want to give up on him, but hope seemed all but lost.

You snapped from your daze. You shook your head, giving the knife a hard toss. It landed a good distance away. If cat man went for it, you could get away. He would lose you.

Cat man stared at the rejected weapon for a moment before turning his attention back to you. His face changed for a moment, but only for a moment. For a split second, his nervous demeanor returned. There was still hope! He wasn't completely gone.

However, that look disappeared after that moment, his face twisting back into his maniacal grin. "You really are an idiot!" He said, his voice desperate and exhausted. He laughed, staring at you with a look that struck fear into your heart.

Without warning, he lunged at you.

You didn't have time to react. His weight was suddenly on top of you.

"You will not win!" He cried. He rose his hand, slashing your face with claws that suddenly appeared at his fingertips.

You cried out, the stinging pain taking second place to the initial shock of his weight crashing down on top of you. You felt liquid trickle down your face. He had drawn blood.

He rose his other hand, intending to slash again.

You stared at the hand, petrified with terror. You wanted to cry out, but your voice was not working.

You saw something near his hand, something shiny, but it was like the twinkle of an eye, there and gone before it could fully register as something that happened. Your mind was too overwhelmed for you to give it much thought beyond mere observation.

He went to slash again, but his hand remained in the air. He tried again, but to no avail.

"What the-?!" He growled, looking up at his hand.

Given a moment to process, you looked at his hand.

He struggled to move his own appendage, but he could not. Something was holding it in place, but what..?

Suddenly, his other hand flew into the air, remaining suspended.

He struggled against his invisible chains. "What is this?!" He roared.

All at once, it seemed that string-like projectiles shot from every direction, bounding his body. Soon he was covered in a cocoon of...spider web?!

A mass of black became obvious to you. You realized the area was crawling with spiders.

Cat man struggled wildly against his sticky prison, growling and hissing. He was becoming more like a feral animal caught in a net with every passing second..!

You managed to regain your senses, scrambling to your feet and backing away.

"(y/n)!" A voice called from behind.

You turned, the sight of voice's owner shoving all of the tense exhaustion out of your body and leaving behind an overwhelming sense of relief.

It was Muffet.

Cat man stopped struggling like a beast, staring at the spider woman with disbelief. The insanity was gone in an instant, leaving its exhausted host behind. He stared a few moments longer before passing out from the fatigue. He hung limply in the mess of web.

Muffet approached you quickly, studying your various injuries. To your shock, she hugged you close, so tight you almost winced with pain.

After a few moments of embrace, she released you, staring at the unconscious cat man. Without taking her eyes off of the monster, she offered you a spider donut with her middle right arm.

You all too eagerly accepted the donut, greedily shoving it into your mouth. Your wounds disappeared and energy came flooding back into your body.

Muffet walked up to the monster, cutting the lines that held him in the air with a single chop of her hand.

The cocoon fell to the ground with a thud, its prisoner still out cold.

She stared at him, the air around her suddenly becoming chilly.

You could not see her face, but you knew for a fact that you did not want to be on the receiving end of her current glare.

You tensed, looking around frantically. You spotted a figure on the ground in the distance. You cried out for Vulkin, running to him.

Muffet's glare disappeared and she snapped her attention to you. She followed you until she saw what you had your sights on. She stopped, staring.

You fell to your knees beside Vulkin, who was whimpering with pain and breathing heavily, as if this next gasp could be his last.

You told him to stay calm, that everything would be okay. He just needed to hang on a bit longer.

"I..." He managed to whisper. You had to lean in to listen.

"I-I'm sorry...This was all my fault..."

You quickly shook your head, denying his accusation. You desperately reassured him that this was not his fault and that you didn't blame him.

His breathing slowed, but he smiled.

Was this...The end?

Wow, not many people chose mercy ._.
Guess I made a good villain :P
Sorry the choices don't have a huge impact on the story's outcome. This is my first branching story so I am taking it easy.
But, I hope you enjoyed regardless!

((The following chapter is the FIGHT path. The story will advance in chapter 13)) 

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