Chapter 12b: Threaten (Alternate Endings)

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Just some quick alternate ideas that I ended up scrapping

Cat man slowly approached your outstretched arm until the knife's tip was just in front of his chest.

He smirked at you. "Well..?"

You didn't move.

His twisted grin softened. His face became one of the saddest displays you had ever seen. He looked completely and utterly defeated.

"She will never love me." He said simply. His voice was back to normal. Had he been released from insanity's grasp?

Tears formed at the edges of his eyes. "I'm...I'm so sorry..." He apologized, his voice shaky, exhausted and pathetic. "I've caused you so much pain...I've caused her so much pain..." He shook his head slowly. "All I've ever done is screw up."

You relaxed slightly, lowering the knife.

He began to cry a bit more, despite the smile still on his face. "I...I don't know what I am anymore. I'm not me...I'm not it...I'm lost." He looked down at the knife in your hand.

You shot a glance at the knife as well.

"I don't want to live like this, I cannot live like this." He said. "Please, end this! Save me!"

Your eyes widened. He was fighting for control over his own being. Insanity had not yet given up on him. You took a step back, shaking your head. You refused to kill him.

He chuckled weakly, tears still flowing. "I am worthless, I am nothing to anyone. I tried to kill you, and yet you stand here and refuse to kill me."

You felt your heart breaking for this monster. He was beyond broken, beyond hopeless. What could you do to help? There had to be something you could do!

He cried louder, laughing at the same time. After a minute, he stopped, smiling genuinely at you. "Please...Please take care of Muffet."

Before you could respond, he grabbed your wrist, thrusting the knife into his own chest.

He tensed at the pain, gritting his teeth for a moment. But, he still smiled.

You stared in disbelief as his body crumbled. Soon he was nothing but dust. Cat man...Was gone.


Cat man backs the reader to a cliff with lava down below. They try to reason with him, but he is beyond that point. They ask how she could love him after all he has done, what he has become. He decides if he can't have Muffet, then they can't either. He lunges at them, sending them both off the edge. A line of spider web catches the reader's arm and they manage to grab it. Cat man does not manage to hang onto the reader and is sent plummeting into the lava below.  

I won't do this for all of my stories, but I liked these ideas so much I wanted to at least give them an honorable mention.

The story will continue with chapter 13!

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