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| Hours L a t e r |

She hadn't known it was happening when it happened.

'Are you ready for this?'

She hadn't felt anything.

He lined himself with her entrance, looking up at her one last time.

It wasn't regret that she was feeling,

'beautiful. so good for me.'

It was just confusion.

'god, Niall.'


Ana lay in Niall's bed, the blonde's head in her lower stomach as he snored quietly.

She replayed the events from an hour ago in her head, cringing at the image of Niall above her, sweat rolling down his forehead.

They walked into Niall's apartment, him holding the door for her. He turned to shut it and then faced her again, watching silently as her eyes scanned the room.

He took a deep breath, and then spoke, "I love you,"

He froze as she turned on her heel, walking to him. She looked at him, closing her eyes before smashing her lips to his own. She moved against them until she realised he wasn't responding,which is when she pulled back.

"Fucking kiss me back."

They kissed feverishly as Niall began to lead them to his room on the right side of the apartment. They didn't stop until Niall pulled away to toss her on the bed, taking off his shirt while at it and moving back to Ana.

She pulled away to slide off her shirt, guiding Niall's hands to the bottom to assist her.

He looked up at her,

"Are you sure?" She bit before nodding. He put his hands on her shirt, pulling it up and staring at her from above.

"Beautiful." he whispered,

Ana sat up in the bed, Niall's head moving down to her lap. She shrugged him off, making sure he was still asleep before letting her feet hit the cold wooden floor. She looked around the room before exiting out the door, Niall's white shirt dangling for her mid thighs.

She walked to the kitchen, grabbing a glass and getting water from the tap. She drunk it down quick, taking another and another before finally setting the glass down.

She returned to the bedroom, grabbing her jeans and sliding them on before looking to Niall one last time. She bent down and kissed his forehead, then grabbed her shoes and put them on.

Ana moved to his desk, where a laptop, a pad of paper, and tons of pens and pencils lay.

She scribbled something on one of the pieces of paper before turning and walking out of the flat and into the night.


that is it.

ana is over.

comment where you live? I'm from New York, I'd like to know how diverse this was!

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