Chapter six

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chapter six

We tried our best to give Kevin's little sister a proper burial. We reburied her on the beach, just in front of a tall palm tree. Captain Gareth placed conch shells over her grave. The Masked Mysterioso helped me pick various wildflowers from the forest to place as well. We did the best we could to give the young girl a better place to be buried. I couldn't help but cry as I placed the flowers on the sand; no child, no person deserved to die like she had.

We decided to leave the island. We had arrived on the island with high hopes, believing we would come back rich. But high hopes only made our disappointment grow. For the rest of the day the Masquerade Messes ship sailed with an unusual silence. Ethan blamed himself for bringing us to that island. He was paranoid for the rest of the day until Captain Gareth talked to him, telling him he couldn't prevent anything from happening, which was true.

The next day was gloomy, in the sky and on the ship. The sun was no where to be seen, we once calm waves grew harsh. On the ship it seemed the men had lost their spark during the masquerade party. What surprises me even more was the Masked Mysterioso hadn't even appeared that night. Although I could understand. If anyone was wounded most by what had happened on that island, it was him. I recalled how lifeless and distant he looked, staring down at the grave.

The day after was a normal day, no masquerade party. I observed the crew members more. Jackson barely spoke at all. He didn't even smile a bit, not even the slightest of a smirk. Captain Gareth was trying to stay cheerful, but he would just give in to his emotions and become as gloomy as the sky itself, his sunny side stuck behind his clouds. Rubin was one of the few people who spoke, trying to comfort everyone else. Noah didn't come out of his cabin that day and I didn't want to disturb him. Ethan still felt guilty and stuck by Captain Gareth's side, steering the ship aimlessly. Everyone was distraught.

But by the third day, the sun began to shine. I woke up to Jackson yelling at Rubin, and that seemed normal enough. When I went up to deck, I found Captain Gareth laughing, he was even singing. Other recruits joined him, singing and laughing. He ship was finally regaining the life it once had. Ethan wasn't moping around as much and although Noah remained quiet, he was out of his cabin and each time we passed by each other he would give me a small smile. We had a party that night, but there was still no sign of the Masked Mysterioso.

Oh boy, the fourth day. The fourth day I was woken up by Rubin, telling me he had something for me. He stood by my bed and I sat up (don't worry, I was wearing a nightgown). He handed me a wrapped gift, as big as my head. I excitedly tore it open and at the bottom of the box was a lobster. A lobster. A fucking live lobster. I screamed and threw the box at Rubin. And that's the story of how Rubin got his right ear pierced! Never try to prank me, it always backfires. At least the crew seemed in high spirits that day. I was finally sure things were getting better.

* * *

chapter six, part II

"Hey, hey, Rubin. What do you call a fly that doesn't have wings? A walk!"

"Jackson, that sucked so bad. I got a better one: what do you call a - "

"What do you call two men who have the nerve to tell terrible puns to one another while a lady in trying to get some fucking sleep in the same room?" I beamed a glare right at the both of them, Jackson and Rubin, sitting on Rubin's bed.

"...two idiots?" Rubin's voice got high-pitched. He looked like he'd piss himself any second.

"Yes. Good job. Now please, get out!"

As much as I loved Rubin's friendliness and Jackson's attractiveness, I loved sleep. They dashed right out without another word. I tried falling back asleep but it seemed I couldn't. So, I gave up and just decided to get out of bed. I locked the door as I dressed myself, just to be cautious. I didn't want someone to see me half naked for the second time.

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